Okay, some people have been fighting over the past... 36 hours or so.
1st things first, I have discussed with the mods that topics aren't to be moved to the 'posts not counted' section unless there are over 150 replies AND it is something like those word games. The reason for this is because some people who want their post count raised will participate in these and have their count raised with simple one word comments, this doesn't accurately show someones participation in the forum. But I don't think that too many threads belong in that section either. Also, anyone that is seen Trying to raise their post count will have all their posts under... say... 10 words, erased. Simply mySQL query I run and it's done automatically.
2nd, if your going to argue with someone... don't make it a personal argument. If your going to argue, argue to prove a point... if it becomes personal and ends up in name calling and such...... you need to take a hike. Don't even talk crap in my PM system, we don't need trash here.
The point is that, this is a forum where HOPEFULLY someone can find the answers they need to fix the problem they have. And HOPEFULLY we can issue some good advice. And hey, the word games.. GREAT, participate in them! They're fun... we need to have more than just computer discussion here, I encourage off topic conversation... hell, we're not robots.
As for the closing of some threads, mods were doing what they are supposed to. If a thread starts to get out of hand they are supposed to close the thread, and those were getting out of hand. Don't blame them for doing what they are here for.
So STOP FIGHTING and start discussing!
I want to also welcome all the new people I see lately that are joining our discussions, good to see.
Please don't create ANYmore threads about this... DROP IT, but feel free to (without fighting) talk about it in this thread...