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Everything posted by CA3LE

  1. So you can't put Windows 8 into a classic Windows desktop style? I haven't had a chance to play with it yet. But I've been reading that it hasn't had the traction that Micosoft would have wanted. I haven't played with 'The Surface' either... but I don't think that they stand a chance in the tablet market. Software support will be a big factor. Apple and Andriod have that on lock down.
  2. Where are you at? There are a lot of routes on the east coast that are congested right now due to Hurricane / Superstorm Sandy. Routes that may be along the way to your routing to the west coast. Think of it this way, infrastructure gets destroyed... the remaining traffic gets rerouted to the remaining pipes... those pipes then become congested because of all the extra traffic. I've been getting a lot of emails from people since the storm and most of them already suspected the storm had something to do with it. You might fall into that category. This is a reason that TMN is a great way to test your Internet speed. Your being tested outside of your providers network, which puts important factors like your route into the equation. If you simply took Comcast's word for it you might think that it was just the websites you visited... Well, the datacenters I host at are running business as usual. And trust me, I host purposely in popular net hubs... So if your speed is effected here... other sites you visit will be effected as well, as you said, you can feel that your speed isn't right. They'll try to blame it on you... They'll try to blame it on me... They'll try to blame it on the sites you visit. But most likely, your hitting a bottleneck along the way that's probably caused by too many people having to be forced down a pipeline that can't handle that much traffic. Just know that according to all the consumer feedback flooding my inbox since the disaster... you're not alone. Comcast however is most likely still delivering on their promise... But the pipes along the route, some of them being peers of Comcast, aren't. But A LOT was destroyed. If that's the case, it's beyond their control until infrastructure is repaired.
  3. Thanks... That's my logo dude... It isn't going anywhere
  4. When I ordered my iPhone 5 there was a two week wait. This gave me time to think about the case I was going to buy. While I was searching for the coolest cases available I found this article. http://gizmodo.com/5...r-your-iphone-5 The guy was absolutely right, why the hell would I buy the thinest, lightest most beautiful handheld device ever devised... only to cover it up. So I want to tell you guys some reasons I feel that it's dumb to put a case your iPhone. Let me start off by saying, I just came from a DroidX. I NEVER put a case on it. I had ghost armor on it at first but took it off. Once I felt the phone the way the designers intended I loved it ten times more. It just felt better in my hand, the screen felt like silk compared to the urethane film. I ran it that way from then on. By the time I was done with it there wasn't a single scratch on the screen or backing and only a few minor nicks on the corners. It gave it character. Looked a hundred times better than an ugly scratched up case. I had the DroidX for about 2 1/2 years and finally broke it when I dropped it from about 4 feet (for the 100th time). Funny thing is... it wasn't really broken, it still functioned correctly, the screen wasn't cracked. It just had these lines on the display that after a couple of days merged into 5 pencil eraser sized orbs. The DroidX, like the iPhone 5, is an aluminum body but doesn't have the added benefit of Gorilla Glass. I was thinking of putting a case on the iPhone 5 because I heard that its aluminum finish scratched easily. Then I thought about it... who would stand to benefit from putting out bad press about the finish scratching... hummm... who might want to do that... the manufactures of the cases! That's who! Thinnest, lightest and most stunning designs in mobile device history. Do you really want to cover that beauty up? Aluminum body, Gorilla Glass 2 and obviously solid state... it's harder to damage than people think If you're going to cover the device up its whole life... why are you protecting it from scratches? Nobody's going to see it that way! Screen protectors, GROSS! I hate when I see someone's cloudy, scratched up screen protector. How do you use your phone like that? You're killing your experience! Like I said, my DroidX had no scratches with over 2.5 years of use. I wasn't particularly careful with it either. Anyone who knows me will tell you... I'm hard on stuff. If that device can handle my abuse, the iPhone with it's advantage of newer technology will definitely get the job done. It's anodized aluminum... it can scratch. After two weeks of use I see a few really small scuffs on the edges. But who cares! It gives it character. And it's not at all noticeable unless you are nearsighted and right up on it. If you were going to put a case on there you'll have a beautiful phone that nobody will ever see. I'll take my chances and use the phone the way the people who designed it intended. Now for the alternative If you want a case simply to give your iPhone a personal touch, it will do that. But I'll do you one better. I live in Phoenix, AZ. I decided that I wanted to engrave a design on my iPhone so I sent out about 10 emails to various local engravers. All but two told me, "We don't want to be responsible for something like that. It's too expensive if we mess it up." Another told me, "I'll give it a try but I've never done that before so I can't guarantee you anything." ... but the first person to respond ended up being the best to go with. Kyle from Phoenix Custom Lasering was quick to respond (I got a response in less time than if I had ordered a pizza, some others didn't email me back for 3-4 days) and even helped me by building my graphics into vector (vector graphics turn out sharper and less pixelated). A couple of days after my phone arrived I took it to their shop in North Phoenix and was pleased to see that it was a very nice family operation. They made me feel welcome and already had my design laid out ready to print when I stepped through the door... even though I only gave them 10 minutes notice of my arrival. Minutes later my iPhone 5 could never be mistaken for someone else's ever again. The results are stunning. People that see it think I have a sticker on it, "No dude, that's engraved on the aluminum!" --- "Whhhhhhaaaaat!" Want to watch it being engraved? They posted a youtube video... Want yours done? This isn't limited to iPhone's, they can engrave just about anything. For instance, they showed me these cool paintball gun barels they did, so even if the object is rounded their equipment can handle the task. Go to Engrave My iPhone or Phoenix Custom Lasering for more information. Prices are very reasonable, iphone $50, ipad mini $65, ipad $70, laptops $75. If you get more than one item done, they might cut you a deal. If you don't live in Phoenix you can mail them your device. Or you can take a risk with someone local. But I can tell you from my personal experience, these guys know what they're doing. They showed me the design on a test piece of anodized aluminum before they put it on my phone so I could see how it would look. Off to the side I noticed about 4 other pieces of scrap that they had tested my design on... it was obvious that they were being sure that they had the intensity and alignment just right so that the end result was as good as it could be. As you can see, the care and preparation they took before hand shows itself in the end result. Set your device apart... tattoo it. Don't cover it. If you treat it the way a $650-$850 device should be treated... you'll be fine. If you plan on treating it like crap... well then you should probably get an otter box and turn your beautiful device into a ugly brick. You're call. If I break my iPhone 5... I'll update this topic.
  5. CA3LE


    Thanks Mike, kind words. I appreciate your support. Sounds like your interested in some of the same things I am... And others on TMN. You must be cool haha. Thanks for your patronage, please spread the word. -D
  6. Thanks! I'm working on more servers in the future. No flatter button... If you'd like to support the site, support my advertisers. If you see an ad for something your interested in, click it and buy it. I took the Paypal donations years ago because the ads I have are more than enough. Keep visiting, I have a lot more in store.
  7. So you want it to only show the results from that batch of tests? I'll be redoing the graphing system soon. Not graphically but how the data generation is done. I've got a few ideas I want to implement ... One will be to graph time on the chart.
  8. I know people with 2,4,6,8 years of college and they can't get jobs right now. I feel really sad for them... it's rough out there. The point that I'm trying to get across is that college is in many cases a dying system. Everyone will always tell you, "College graduates earn ___% more than people with a high school diploma..." What they don't tell you is in some cases they're paying that extra money to school. And have to work a low wage job until they actually find work that's willing to pay them what they think they're worth. So really, if you do the math... you can end up earning less. In my opinion, your better off saving the money and... A: starting your own business. B: starting at the bottom and paying your dues on the job. --- Starting your own business for instance... if you spend the amount of money that you would spend on school on starting something, yes, it's a risk. But how is going to college, putting aside 2,4,6 or 8+ years of your life and coming out to find a saturated job market any different? I personally would rather be making money than spending money.... ESPECIALLY since everything you would EVER want to know is at your finger tips these days. I guess some people need the structure of someone telling them what to do. So if you can't think for yourself, maybe college is the path for you. By the way, I'm not at all talking bad on people who have gone to college. Times were different in the past and it served its purpose. For some jobs it's totally necessary. But for many jobs... it's a total waste of your personal resources. You can pay your dues with Benjamins... or pay them with your time and earn money while you do it. I would way rather hire someone that's paid with blood, sweat and tears than dollar bills. I'm not alone, I've been on jobs in the past where the people that had been there for 20-30 years LAUGHED when someone got hired out of technical college. "Oh look, another guy fresh out of school that doesn't know anything but thinks he knows everything... let's start a betting pool for how long he'll last." -- NO JOKE! ... and they were right, they usually didn't last and always had misinformation as to the correct way to do things. .... I started the same job, in a bitch boy position and learned from the masters in 1/20th of the time, made money while I did it and earned the respect of the old guys. Before I knew it, I was promoted. If I had gone to school it would have delayed my future. ... this information isn't coming from an unsuccessful person. I'm not going to be a douche and tell you how much I money I make... but I will tell you this. I bought my first house before I could legally buy my first beer. ... and I haven't had a boss or 'job' in over 8 years. School is over rated and over priced. But what do I know... I'm just a drop out.
  9. first.... this is going to be a long post, read it... don't read it... whatever, I type more than I realize sometimes. Take it as you will. (this was typed after the post) Oh it's crazy... I'm on my iPhone 5 right now. I have more power at my fingertips right now that I could have ever imagined even a few years ago. 10-20 years ago it would have made my brain melt. It doesn't surprise me that your son knew the limitations before you did... My son is the same way. Kids these days are totally in tune with technology. I tend to think I'm pretty in tune but really.... .... Man, if you compare his rate of development with mine. I'm so old school. Not that old school is bad... But seriously... In a few years he'll be passing me up if he keeps up his pace. And I've been programming pretty much my entire life. The rate of progression between generations is insane. Kids are not only smarter than we were... are... They have the tools online to teach them faster. We're on the dawn of a knowledge revolution. Kids are going to realize soon that in many cases the collegiate way of learning only drains personal resources. When you have the entire human knowledge at your fingertips the old methods of learning are a really a limitation. When you learn traditionally you learn at the schools pace and learn what they want you to learn. Gaining knowledge outside of the system is something I've practiced for... Well... Since I was five or six. First with the "World Book" my Mom got for our family. I really owe my quest for information to that. It was kinda outdated for some information, like the info on the Soviet Union before the Cold War but a lot of information was still relevant. I looked things up for fun, outside of school just because I wanted to know... the predecessor to the the Internet IMO. Once I was introduced to the Internet knowledge expanded upon that beyond my wildest dreams and it continues to amaze me the vastness of what I can know online. Although online I might be presented with outdated information... or outright MISinformation, with printed text I had no choice what I read, unless I picked up a different book. Online a different 'book' is always an easy option, on any subject. The reader is still subject to opinion on what they want to choose to believe, but the choices are RIGHT THERE and you can easily decide or understand if something it wrong or outdated. It's just better. Once you truly thirst for information then are blessed with ALL information... the limits, they don't exist unless you set them. That's why I got into the Internet and this is where I reside today. I knew instantly when I saw pre-internet bulletin board systems, in the WAY early days. (you had to dial in... and somehow get the phone numbers to dial into these systems... people that know what I'm talking about or did it, you know what I mean... it wasn't easy. It was work to just get in there... let alone get anything useful.) "This speaks to me. This is the future... not in this form... but this is the future." --- Right now... today... In my opinion, we haven't yet even see the tip of the arrow of what is to become. ... not even the microscopic tip. I feel traditional school limits the expansion of knowledge and I think this will soon be realized on a broad scale. I dropped out of high school only a few credits short of finishing, I could have easily finished but I saw an opportunity at the time time and I didn't see a reason to finish. The truth is, they stopped teaching me years earlier. I was learning more in my own time than what traditional school taught me....... and I went to a progressive alternative school that didn't limit learning or teaching to a set curriculum. You could finish high school by 16 if you wanted to. But I wasn't ambitious, I did half time... I hated school but loved to learn. At the time, that situation was the best fit for me. I really have my Mom to thank for letting me leave traditional school for an alternative. I went to school half the time and learned 6+ times a much.... haha, seriously. Maybe I'm an exception... but I tend to think that if most people were given the same opportunity, they would WAY rather learn at their own pace and learn what they want to learn rather than the 'state' curriculum. That was cool but it still pales in comparison to what kids have today. They can know ANYTHING with a simple question. You can teach yourself ANYTHING. Now, if you want to be a surgeon or in the medical field the people that your operating on want you to have proven yourself first. School makes sense for people that want to do that. But there are MANY professions that the people who are doing the hiring, especially in this economy right now, would WAY rather hire someone who has real world experience rather than someone out of college. You get real world experience from being in the real world... not a classroom. You pay your dues by doing...not looking at a blackboard. (maybe just IMO, I don't know...) I just think about about how lucky our kids are. The rate of progressions between generations is insane. Kids are not only smarter than we were... are... They have the tools online to teach them faster. And it's only going to grow... at an exponential rate. Trust me, if you don't realized this now... it will be realized in your lifetime. We're on the dawn of a knowledge revolution. Kids are going to comprehend soon that the collegiate way of learning (in many cases) only drains personal resources. When you have the entire human knowledge at your fingertips the old methods of learning are a really limitation. This is Something I've practiced for... Well... Since I was six. First with the "World Book" my Mom got for our family. I really owe my quest for information to that. The Internet expanded upon that beyond my wildest dreams. Once you thirst for information then are blessed with ALL information... Man. That's why I got into the Internet and this is where I reside today. I know that this has expanded WAY off topic but sometimes I like to just share my thoughts. Okay, check it out.... just imagine growing up in a world where all knowledge is known... At your fingertips. All you have to do is ask. In my opinion that's a true Zen state of reality. Our kids get that! We truly can't understand how that feels. Just like they can't truly understand how it feels to not have that. I'm telling you, we are on the boundary of a new mindset in the world and the only thing that could stop it is lack of electricity. I'm telling you, the dawn of knowledge is upon us. Take heed. Sorry if I got too deep but seriously......... our children are so fortunate to be afforded such an opportunity. I KNOW that they won't waste it. Mark my word! Let me be clear, I'm not at all telling people to drop out of school. If my son reads this, I hope that he stays in school. I hope that anyone that reads this stays in school... as long as you're learning. If you stop learning... then it's time to move on because you're being held back from what I consider Zen... ...which is gaining as much knowledge as you can while you can. Why waste your time if they aren't teaching you?!? ...it's just a personal experience that I can only imagine is more relevant today than ever.
  10. Yep, 31 today. Thanks! I love you Son
  11. That can definitely do it. Some AV's have TMN whitelisted by default. I'll get ahold of Kaspersky and see if they'll whitelist me. But yeah, some Internet security suites that process browser data in a certain way can definitely effect the results here.
  12. Glad to hear that we're getting to the bottom of this... thanks for the great support mudmanc4
  13. If it hits 100% then regardless of the pause the timer has already been stopped. Once 100% is hit the time is stopped so any delay in transaction beyond that shouldn't effect the test outcome... unless there was a delay in your connection or browser at that EXACT moment. You may have a delay between the pages but the test has already finished before you're sent to the results... if you use the mirrors there is a little more delay in the transaction because the results are served from the central server. ... delays in the middle of the test are a whole different story. Those will obviously effect the outcome and should be addressed. I don't think this is a Chrome issue however, I test perfectly fine in Chrome on many different machines. If it was an issue with the browser it would effect everyone.
  14. What's the test size when this happens? I test in Chrome ... or any browser ... and it runs smooth for me every time.
  15. Hi k2000day, This has to be something specific to your Chrome installation. I don't know why this would happen, usually Chrome tests better on TMN than IE. You might want to try uninstalling and reinstalling Chrome, it may clear up the problem. Have you installed any extensions onto the browser?
  16. I'm glad that we could help and that your connection is now improved. I hope that you tell your friends about TMN.
  17. I get crappy results... :::.. Internet Speed Test Results ..::: Download Connection Speed:: 2459 Kbps or 2.5 Mbps Download Speed Test Size:: 1.7 MB or 1728 kB or 1769472 bytes Download Binary File Transfer Speed:: 307 kB/s Upload Connection Speed:: 1924 Kbps or 1.9 Mbps Upload Speed Test Size:: 1 MB or 1024 kB or 1048576 bytes Upload Binary File Transfer Speed:: 240 kB/s Tested At:: http://TestMy.net Version 13 Test Time:: 2012-11-13 14:44:52 Local Time Validation:: https://testmy.net/db/WdPmyIO.a1BVHxE More Stats:: https://testmy.net/quickstats/CA3LE https://testmy.net/compID/6436733977554 User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_7_5) AppleWebKit/537.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/22.0.1229.94 Safari/537.4 [!] In contrast, result to the central, west and east servers
  18. I tried it a few times... it probably works better now than when I tried it. Last time I tried it I concluded that I type far faster than speech recognition. I was spending more time going back and correcting things. Are you using the speech recognition in Windows 8 or some other software?
  19. Hi WAG, First, I assume by your username that you're a Marine, thank you for your service. You're paying $761 USD per month for that connection?! Holy cow! It's entirely possible that you have perfect signal and still have slow speeds. You might be losing speed in International routing. You're only averaging 1/2 of your download and less than 1/6 of your upload. But your maximum download speed of 846 Kbps is acceptable for your 1000 Kbps (1Mbps) line. Generally 80% or higher of the advertised speed is a good number. I see that your connection improved quite a bit early yesterday. That upload however is still horrible. You should get no less than 200Kbps. A really popular Arabic DSL forum is adslgate.com -- if you use Google Chrome to navigate that site it makes it easier to translate to english if you can't read Arabic. A lot of people that use that site also use TestMy.net to test their speeds. Getting help from people in the region might prove more useful. I hope this helps. If you find a solution or reason for the problem could you please update this thread, it may help someone else in the future.
  20. I have a 12 year-old son too, turns 13 in March. They're truly the first digital generation. I'm 31 (in a few days), half of my childhood was non-electronic. We hardly even watched TV in my house growing up and even when we got a Nintendo in 1988 my Mom limited its use. I enjoyed playing outside, riding my bike in the Arizona desert and stuff. I think I had a much more enjoyable childhood as a result. I had friends who played video games all the time... the sad thing is... they still playing and don't have much to show for it. Your son may be healthier with limited connection. -- He can still play the offline aspect of the games, which is far less addictive than the online gaming. Yeah, the old games still hold up today. Some of the older 8bit games are more challenging than many of the games today if you ask me. Especially if you're playing them on the original consoles without a 'save' feature. I used to leave my Nintendo on for weeks on end with Mario Bros., Zelda, Battle Toads, Contra, Operation P.O.W., River City Ransom... etc. because you couldn't save the game. It was always an ultimate bummer when someone would shut it off or the power got tripped in a lightning storm and lost all my progress, "NOOOOOO!" --- the repetition of having to do it all over again makes you get very good at the game. The games today give you unlimited lives... there really isn't a "GAME OVER" ... back in the day when it said "GAME OVER" you usually had to start from the beginning, it really was GAME OVER. (unless you cheated to get more lives)... Then you've got Pacman, try to beat that... I dare you! Oh and you're welcome, I hate to be the bearer of bad news. I hope you like my site and pass it along to your friends.
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