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Everything posted by Roco

  1. Hi T.G. I think you version is close to the mark, I have the same problem within my family I have a daughter with 2 children both boys , and I could see that happening, so I gave up my well deserved retirement and took over the missing father link., yes it has been hard work, but now I have 2 grandsons to be proud of, mind you some days I feel 110y, but when my oldest grandson got made pupil councilor at 11y , it made it all worthwhile,
  2. Thanks AsD, that is a very comprehensive view of the subject, one I will have to give further thought too, thanks for your input personally I don't buy a daily newspaper or have owned a television for the past 12 years , so the media input level is low for me, but I do work with young people, and have a daughter of 28y , and grand children , and worry for their future Hey lighten up Roco Wellcome to the forum AsD , I think your postings will be very valued, Regards Roco UK
  3. Hi T, G . yeah you are right, it isn't funny , I think we in the UK have a different view of things, crime in my area is low, but there are parts of London UK i would not venture into at night, why is crime so prevalent ? IMHO the kids have no future that they can see, in my day you worked hard , saved up some money , brought a car got a girl; brought a house, and raised your kids, today you need to find $540,000 to buy a house,in my location (average wage for semi-skilled is $18,000 p.a. in UK) these kids just give up and steal, guess I would have done the same in their shoes, is it our greed that is causing this prob. ?
  4. It ain't necessarily so ! I am 6ft 3in and my ex 5ft 10in our daughter is 5ft 3 in fully grown nature has a way of leveling things, including intelligence
  5. hey guys dont care, I will be long gone by then, but I may just come back and haunt you all, anyone read the book "the gost of 29 Mg cycles , by J.G.Fuller ) Im gona be buried with my laptop just in case :D
  6. Oh AsD you been there 2 man ! ,I try not to breathe I find the whiskey helps b4 hand ,
  7. On reflection of my last post, Have you seen hoodies girlfriends, known to us Romeo's as a double bag job, one for her and one for me, just in case hers falls off in the heat of the moment
  8. My personal view, IMHO if your doing nothing wrong why worry, agreed, "nothing wrong" is open to debate, but what is the alternative Hoodies , LOL have you noticed only ugly kids wear them
  9. Thanks T.G. Did any of our TMN serve in the UK ? I live just up the road from SHAEF H.Q. now alas gone, ( I fought as a Ecowarrior to try and save it ) but we did gett a road named SHAEF Way, on the new housing estate that was built, I got on the Gov. list as a subversive for my efforts, went for a slide on the end of a water cannon, LOL, and threatend by a Mil .and his dog, it liked choc drops and got a kicking for it . I reported it to the RSPCA (animal protection soc. ) oh LOL they were wild days,
  10. Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force (abbreviated as SHAEF, pronounced "shāf"), was the headquarters of the Commander of Allied forces in north west Europe, from late 1943 until the end of World War II. General Dwight Eisenhower was in command of SHAEF throughout its existence. Just to let you know us Brits haven't forgoten Pic. was taken today Chessnut Sunday parade here in The UK, loads of Harley's took part, Roco UK
  11. OOOOH you haven't seen my neighbour, It is being done to save the cost of monitoring the cameras, a local store was robbed between 10pm and 7am, the police wont view the tape unless he can narrow the time down to a 1 hour slot, Roco UK
  12. oh so very true EWO , my problem is between the ears, Have any of you Guys tried hypnosis ? , it didn't work for me, all I could concerntrate on was the
  13. I wonder if it's gonna mess with the other pill I take? <img src="http://imagehouze.com/uploader/files/126/fukitol.jpg" alt="fukitol.jpg" /> can you send me a large economy box please tests here in the UK, have proved that not breathing is a 100% efective cure for smoking,
  14. Glug Glug i,s that you captin Nemo >
  15. yeah, as my mum said, Bloody Yanks ." over here, and over paid ",1950 oh lol, nothing changes , Roco 2006 seriously just glad we still get on together, Bro's , F**k bloody Europe , for us Brits, our ties will always be with the States ,
  16. Wha , na even b4 that, you put it on a rack over the coal fire, till it got hot, then ironed the seprate collars for the shirts, , aw, F**k I can still remember those days, guess I should be deed , by now LOL you guys must have had the jump on us Brits , never seen one with the coals inside , nloody flash yanks lol
  17. Just wna say thanks guys for a realy great forum , best in the world. never had such fun since my gran, dropped the smoothing iron on her foot , HAAAAAAAAAAA ( maniac laughter) bless you all Roco UK
  18. Aw. thanks Reso, I do my best
  19. It don't work I tried using my hard drive standing up. but it is still the same capacity, but will try drilling a hole in it and ading water, I will post the results, or maybe not
  20. sorry guy's I have decided to use this Pic, <<<<<<<<<<<< for one month as a penance, a sackcloth and ashes thing Roco UK
  21. Roco

    Stop errors ?

    Thanks guys, will try that, its got 2x 512Mb of Crucial's finest , so can do some swapping etc.
  22. Roco

    Stop errors ?

    Iv been getting stop error.> Page_fault_in_nonpaged_area < every other day or so, and always when I go to make coffee/nature call. etc , come back and there it is , a reboot and all is well , my puter has been trouble free for the past 2 years , is this a sign of in something failing ,?
  23. oh, my secret of success has been discovered,
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