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Everything posted by Roco

  1. Hi Sean5900xt Yeah I get a pause, for about 2 seconds, I have been told it could be loading my video card adapter (nvidia ) or a bad driver, way back on win ME, i got a pause of around 15 seconds, I updated my vid adapter, and that cured it I think bootvis only lays out existing drivers etc. in a more logical sequence , but will not cure a problem, Can anyone explain the boot sequence in words of simple English for a newbie, Just the basics coz I have simple mind !!! anyone running Bootskin ?
  2. Hi guys, Thanks for the head up on bootvis, brock01, I have been using ver, 1.0.01 for a few years, no longer available from MS, It shaves off about 5 seconds on my start up of 35 seconds, but I have a lot of progs, in my startup folder, I just updated bootvis to the latest ver. I clear out my prefetch folder from time to time (monthly ) and use super prefetch in the registry, so around 30 sec. is OK by me, as I used to run win 3.1 back in 97, I could make a coffee and cook lunch while it booted up ,LOL
  3. Christopher Maxwell, hope he gets the Max =10y +250,000usd
  4. How did you [glow=red,2,300]stumble over testmy??[/glow]Madam , I'm British I never stumble, maybe stagger a little on a Saturday night, Jeez I cant remember how I found Testmy.net, but I am glad I did, I used it to ruffle the feathers of my ISP, and finaly got the speed I was paying for, Regards Roco [glow=red,2,300]JN[/glow]. UK
  5. Hey guys he did say back in 1998, we were all innocents back in those days, I was running win 3.1 with no internet connection then Regards Roco UK ( [glow=red,2,300]Jn[/glow]. )
  6. Hi Ca3le &RTB no probs. guys, its just I had told some friends that I was ranked as Cool guy on testmy.net, so when they check it out, I will be listed as Jn. I'm in for some stick over that, my web cred is blown, anyway I am just happy to be a Jn.member of testmy. forum I think Jn. has now a slightly different meaning in the UK as opposed to the USA, more used as a derogatory term over here, Hey RTB thanks for the encouragement , if I should live that long, as time is not on my side regards Roco UK
  7. My user name > Roco, Roco is the first 2 letters of my first and last name , Ro* Co***** if any one can fill in the 6* and guess correctly , they will win the chance of a valuable prize, a Airline ticket in my name from London to the USA or I could accept a cash alternative, :: Roco UK
  8. Hi waterRTBH Guess you had rich parents , I only had a hoop and stick, it helped take my mind off the Highway robbers, My age ? put it this way, I now have a free public transport pass to use in london, and if you know the cost of fares here, it makes me a [glow=red,2,300]COOL GUY [/glow] around town, Regards from Jr Roco UK :
  9. HAA- HAA just noticed I am now a JR MEMBER I was around in ww2 ,so what happened to [glow=red,2,300]COOL GUY,[/glow]that sounded great down the senior citizens club now there will be more wet knickers than usual JR indeed !!!!!! Humph
  10. Hi fallow earth Thanks for doing your civic duty, just put the cuffs on me, I am ready to fly to Calif. how many adjournments could I stretch it out 2
  11. HAA- HAA just noticed I am now a JR MEMBER I was around in ww2 ,so what happened to COOL GUY, that sounded great down the senior citizens club now there will be more wet knickers than usual JR indeed !!!!!! Humph
  12. Hi Guys anyone seen this http://www.gizmag.co.uk/go/4039/ Broadband-in-Gas (BiG) technology offers massive bandwidth for little infrastructure investment sorry if this is old news
  13. I move all the cr*ap ? to partion "D" then when that gets full ,I write it to DVD , then I don't label the DVDs , so I might as well have binned it anyway how often do you clean up your workshop , daily, sometimes, never, "I might need it " is my motto but then I can never find it , Regards roco. UK
  14. Hi thanks for taking me on board your forum, I am a refugee from Numion ( a new internet forum in Europe,Holland ), check out this thread http://www.numion.com/phpBB2/viewforum.php?f=3&sid=e5b6eca4f83b75ece2bf170d0e032c55, I am just glad to be back in the land of the sane, thanks from Roco
  15. Roco

    AV combo?

    I I agree running both may be a problem, but has anyone tried it, and what was the reult ? like tommie gorman I am just curious,
  16. thanks to testmy Yeah OK , I am from across the pond, UK, and I have almost sub- broad connection 256k/128k but with this forum help , this is my result > :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 265 Kbps about 0.3 Mbps (tested with 386 kB) Download Speed is:: 32 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net (server1) Test Time:: Thu Feb 23 03:58:20 UTC 2006 Bottom Line:: 5X faster than 56K 1MB download in 32 sec Diagnosis: May need help : running at only 26.79 % of your hosts average (pipex.com) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-1UP7W9L0Y --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Connection is:: 157 Kbps about 0.2 Mbps (tested with 97 kB) Upload Speed is:: 19 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net (server1) Test Time:: Thu Feb 23 04:02:00 UTC 2006 Bottom Line:: 3X faster than 56K 1MB upload in 53.89 sec Diagnosis: 90% + Okay : running at 90.75 % of your hosts average (pipex.com) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-58Q3WNL6F --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- seems on the button , any comments ? apart from getting a faster connection LOL I wish Whats Mbps, I am still working in Kbps , don't confuse a noobie
  17. Hi asubaseball727 Thanks fir the head up on the VanBuren sticky, "I connect with a usb modem", I missed the significance of that, Oh dang, I have still more to learn, LOL i
  18. Hi thanks asubaseball727 Yeah I have a lot to learn, I just wanted to see if my on-line security was OK , My speed is low due to my phone line , ( distance from my tel co = Pipex.com ) but I can cope with the poor speed , I am just happy to have broadband My isp speed is 256k/128 k , and I get within 10% of that across the pond ? (bloody big lake ) to me thanks for the reply Roco. UK
  19. hi pepotobloatb 4.6-5 Kbps sounds about right for dial up 56k. try downloading sp1 from microsoft site, and I can recommend "TICK" from really affective.com , for on screen down load speed , any many other uses, Costs Etc. been on 56k. dial up fir 4 years, Finlay got 256k. broad band thanks for "TICKS" cost analysis
  20. try this link it is AVG free , a great antivirus Prog ,= http://free.grisoft.com/doc/2/lng/us/tpl/v5, I have been using the free version for a long time, great prog.
  21. Lol if that is BT. uk , wad ya expect , BT= Bloody Tossers from a fellow suffer, note, not surfer nice one swimmer
  22. Hi guys I am probably in the wrong thread, please move if you wish, I am a puter newbie, self taught, also new to forums, running Xp. with ASR back up made monthly, maybe I am just one step up from a average home puter user, for online security I use , AVG antivirus, sygate firewall, Adaware, spyware blaster, and I do monthly scans with A2 online, Trend, and check with GRC. I connect with a usb modem, I joined Testmy.net , because I wish to learn more, I have only had to use ASR backup once , due to a floating banner , I am running sp2 with updates since then, so is there any more I can do, and is my set up OK Roco. UK
  23. Hi Karthic Did you do a full scan on GRC ? this is my scan result --Results from scan of ports: 0-1055 0 Ports Open 0 Ports Closed 1056 Ports Stealth --------------------- 1056 Ports Tested ALL PORTS tested were found to be: STEALTH. TruStealth: PASSED - ALL tested ports were STEALTH, - NO unsolicited packets were received, - NO Ping reply (ICMP Echo) was received. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am using Sygate free ver. 5.5.2525 , have you tried Sygate free scan @ http://scan.sygatetech.com/ Norton came off easy ? that is the first case I have come across.!!! the easiest way to be free of Norton is to reformat as rayray909 said check your reg. norton fragments all over the place, beware of just deleting the bits, Oops reformat time again Hi Cholla re. you probs with Sygate firewall update failure, I had the same prob going up from ver.5.5 to 5.6 , there was a lot on the forums at the time , Sygate just appeared to ignore this , ver. 5.5 became in great demand, but not from Sygate site,
  24. HI your19th birthday is something special , I wont happen again,unlike most sh*t in life, Happy /happy_bday.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':bday:' />:' /> from across the pond
  25. Hi cholla What o/s was you using at the time of using sygate , I have used it on 98/MeXp without any probs. on many puters. . 5.6 is know en for slowing puters, it bought mine to a crawl I use 5.5 ver.2525 it comes up stealthed on GRC also at sygates stealth test site, logs and back trace are really good , grab it while you can @ http://www.oldversion.com/program.php?n=sygate
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