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Everything posted by Roco

  1. Sygate Free,5.5, AVG antivirus, Ad-aware, Spybot s&d , spyware blaster, and CCleaner to tidy up, +cw shreader, aswcleaner, stinger, links to Trend, just incase best bit of free kit is auto system recovery built in xp pro, never fails,
  2. Hi all A friend has a P.B. puter with win Xp home pre installed, the hard drive has failed, I have replaced this and changed the MB. , and all is ok, except , no operating system naturaly,(Loaded win 98 just to check it out ) I have Xp home disk, Hopefully she has her lic. key,( havent checked this out yet ) as she brought this puter from pc world several years back, so can I install my xp home using her lic. key , without any problems , Sorry if this is a bit of a dumb question, but I am a bit of a newbie,, I just what this to work out ok, as she is upset over loosing the use of her puter, I am ok on the install part, but she is woried about being all legal etc. yeah, she is a nice lady, so I am doing it for free,
  3. had the same problem with a P.B. puter,found that the original recovery partion was not being formated or recognised on a clean install, had to install it as a second H.D. b4 I found that out,
  4. here in the UK, a bright spark has sugested broadband through the gas pipes,trials are going ahead,
  5. no more teenage years for me either , well not for the past 41 actualy, my how time fly's , enjoy them yo young bucks, I still am, even as a 60+ old stag oh my wish I had known then, what I know now, right enough shug 7272 on that one
  6. I go along with dlewis23,mainly because that is my set up, I am bit of a AMD fan, but my intel -laptop has inpressed me, I think it all comes down too what you started with (750 Duron , 64Mb ram , 16Mb vid, & win M.E.) now 2.8 Athlon, 1Gb ram , 128Mb vid, Xp, still like M.E. think I was the only one that did
  7. Roco


    thanks CA3LE for the fix, Just shows how much we apreciate the forum I had just put my newly aquired laptop up on line, booted up old faithfull, got the same result, finaly got totaly confused and started using the wrong keyboard, LOL Yeah it was a bad hair day,
  8. Oh Sh*t, I just bought a microsoft licence for my box,
  9. LOL T.G. give me a inch and I can fill it
  10. Jeez guys, I must have struck lucky, just got a cheapo BenQ lcd no pixel problem, still miss the old crt though(died ) but love the desk space that I can cluter up,
  11. right enough Alan , did yo get formating you hard drive show up ?, you dont need a floppy for xp. right enough, I think you must have done a upgrade install . But I am not the expert on this, just hang on the mob will come to the rescue, Duh I told you so
  12. Hi T.G thanks for the encouragement, seriously, great forum, great people, just wished I had joined sooner than I did, I signed up a couple of month's back , after lurking for a while, I wasn't sure the English humour would fit in, maybe it doesn't, but what the hell, I am having fun, and learning a lot in the process, so much so that I can thank Testmy.net for getting a good job, started a month back as part time handyman, now P/T assistant to the IT manager, yeah still a gofer but, wow it pays much better,
  13. DUH sorry you all type to fast for me wellcome solidsnake , yah beat me to the post
  14. my vote is for the graphic card , possible driver, or even loose card in slot, settings, etc Hi solidsnake try the link in post #1
  15. Resopalrabtnick , No way , any resemblance to a post count booster is entirely coincidental I resemble that remark
  16. sorry for the errors, testing a lappy, its going all over the place, touch pad and keys have a mind of there own , realy wierd, but it is ok useing a mouse, yeah it's a Dell :evil3:
  17. construction ??? , weve more chance of finnishingour olympic stadium than IE7 getting built, ( in joke for UK members, yeah IE7 is in Beta, the great MS tabbed browser, but we cant find the bloody tabs setting , com'on
  18. Thats all the proof I need, thanks Coknuck, but why is Maxthon not more widly used,? I personaly find it the best,
  19. very interesting poll ,almost straight line down to 70, from this I deduce that I will be off line by 70, but i will make a comeback at 90 :D
  20. LOL, Com'mon Semout06 "" Quality"" Ya, dont count :
  21. Hi Articwolf, I had the same problem, finaly gave up and went back to maxthon , So that makes 2 of us , which makes me feel better, so can anyone explain, ???? Regards Roco uk
  22. you are right Cholla, Quality not quantity is what really mater's
  23. I agree with Coknuck, Maxthon for me , tried the rest, inc IE 7, but staying with maxthon, still its good to have a choice of browsers , and each to their own,
  24. I go along with Fallow earth on ccleaner, It sure shifts the junk, and makes a reg back up just in case, never needed to use the backup tho' I carry a copy on my usb pen, it's a good party trick, speed up your hosts puter and amaze them, and be guaranteed another free meal
  25. Roco

    Oh No ! Help

    Jeez, you can get cans of air in the states, if we had them here our goverment would tax them , (petrol 7.6 USD here, tax 80% ) Seriiously, thanks for the sugestion Fallow Earth, I belive our puter store stocks them. distilled water and blow dry is the route I will try on a old disk , and see how it goes, recon I have about a week b4 I will have to confess,
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