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Everything posted by starship_troopers

  1. Welcome to the forum, midnightsailor. Glad you stopped by. come back and post up with us. great fun yeah, just post up a topic with anything you need help with and we will try our best to get you back on track
  2. true. i love reading mac vs pc arguments because both have good points most of the time...but IMO Mac is one of the best systems out there...i mean, i like my windows 7 toshiba notebook, but yeah if i could afford it, i'd also get a mac pro and use it for most everything.
  3. sorry for late reply. i caught your PM first about this topic. so i answered in there. but i will post up here for anyone else. I think that since it maxes out modern warfare 2, left 4 dead, plays crysis on second highest overall settings, WoW should be fine. in the windows index it rates the graphics at 6.4 and everything else at 5.7. so thats not too shabby at all for the price. nah, the bloatware and beep is easy to overlook, and like i said im PM, every oncein a blue moon you'll have to restart it if wireless craps out, but that hasnt happened since last update. lol hope this helps.
  4. but you havent beat the spec ops mode have you?...thats a ton of fun and IMO better than the campaign in terms of a challenge
  5. i agree about not liking chrome...i just dont like the layout of it. so i didnt use it much.
  6. lol thanks coknuck, i will do that when i have time. lol tommie i have IE8 on windows 7. but still i dont like it. maybe i will just start using my Opera browser.
  7. Hi, i use firefox 3.5.6 and typing apostrophes (') will sometimes work while posting a reply, but most of the time it will pop up with a "quick link search" down at the bottom of the page and im not sure why. i cant seem to find any options on my end, maybe i overlooked something but cant seem to figure it out. (i got that apostrophe by copying it from a different window and pasting it). thanks in advance
  8. sorry bro, i think he sent it to the wrong house...you are welcome to come pick it up from my house though :2funny:
  9. we just did a "family" christmas where we opened some other presents....got the usual....arguing and fighting...I LOVE CHRISTMAS
  10. few funny shirts, left 4 dead, dvd+rs, few other games, then little things just for fun. like stocking stuffer kind of things.
  11. damn, there goes my lawsuit....you win again shug
  12. ohh. ok i think i know what you mean about what was wrong, well glad you fixed it man.
  13. im sorry, could you explain what you mean by the specific file is not a registry?
  14. i didnt use a disk. actually i opened notepad and put this in it then saved it as registry.reg (make sure you save it as a .reg file so it can be merged with the registry. then go to where you saved the notepad file to then right click on it and click merge. then reboot.
  15. https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/201 there is a firefox addon called download them all...i just installed it and tried it...i get around the same speeds as i do without it (maybe 5kbps slower for me) when using it...but im hitting my cap when i tested it either way so....and to be fair i was downloading something else with a different program, but its worth a shot.
  16. its true bro....if its below say...10 bucks, you are a cheap lazy idiot...if its about say 50 then according to them you wasted money and therefore are an idiot for not buying a real gift even though ever 5 seconds you receive a hint on a new gift she wants...so...its a hope and pray situation.
  17. i applaud Shug, mainly because he cant give a fat shit if i do or if i smite him...but he's badass....so..i'll be nice today.
  18. well since its mainly text (those games can be great), im thinking it has to stick with an RPG type, so something like action, where you have things such as strength, speed, etc. edit. sorry my post got cut short...but anyway, how about either like an exploration game with enemies or something you have to "vanquish" or maybe just a game where everyone here can play and gift items to each other (us that will play) and make it like we are the TMN mob or something, if that isnt too close to stealing an idea from any other games. (i dont play many games on facebook besides poker so im not quite sure)
  19. did you disable automatic updates?
  20. yeah but you dont get as many invites as google mail. i remember getting 150 invites i could send out...i just sent another invite to myself then got 150 more lol.
  21. there was an hour and a half long presentation i skipped through and yeah they were focusing more on business/friend planning stuff..but then again they also showed how it can update to blogs and stuff. but IMO i think its alot cooler than facebook and instant messenger...since its all in one place.
  22. i like it. i think that its more of a mix between instant messaging, facebook, with the addition that you can edit things in realtime with your friends editing the same post, and its alot faster...for me at least...i've been using google wave more than anything else...plus its awesome for me because when a client wants a guide, i can instantly have photos uploaded without waiting...so its easier to do screenshots and a guide and everything....this and skype have taken over my favorites....facebook is only good for playing poker now
  23. i have a few invites as well if they run out . one thing to note is that you can upload files or wahtever you want to do in the whole thing without downloading anything...but http://gears.google.com/# is a useful tool because if you install that, you can create a "wave" post and then just get photos/files from your desktop and drag them into the post and it uploads them, which is easier than uploading one file at a time. and its quicker.
  24. i feel as though im missing it as well. thats why i went as drastic as changing the registry. i'd still love to know if there is an easier way
  25. i might add a note....besides getting the crap scared out of me for a few seconds before i remembered i have another computer to look up an answer on...i had my backup hard drive in my hand and was looking for the cable to plug it into my e-sata port and do a boot from that drive LOL. so i hope this help fixes anyone who has the same problem
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