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Mr. Hahn

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Everything posted by Mr. Hahn

  1. LMAO! 5000, 2000, it doesn't matter. You can't compare so few thousand years to a history that goes back billions and is for the most part undocumented. As I said, you've proven nothing. Even your hypothesis for it declining in that little timeline is very flawed. You've gone through 6th or 7th grade history, and you think you know the history of the world itself. You don't have enough background in anything you're trying to argue to remotely try and prove a point that is so abstract as yours.
  2. That's what I'm talking about. You could've easily put all those one-liners in a single post. It's wasteful. Anyway, no, I don't sleep. (do I really have to answer that one?)
  3. If anyone would like to back his comment that I'm in any way "struggling" here, please jump in at any time so I can get a good laugh. All of your examples have been from the past 2000 years. Comparing 2000 with billions of years is just nonsense. You've proven nothing.
  4. superflues? Anyway, no, I said creating four consecutive posts like that is pointless when there's an edit button. The statement has nothing to do with making threads.
  5. You're saying there has been a steady decline in violence since time began? I would have to disagree. The two atomic bombs dropped in WW2 would amount to major battles or even perhaps campaigns way back when with just the push of a button. Combine that with 3 constant fronts of fighting all over the world, and I would say that it has at least stayed steady, if not increased. I've explained all I can. If you don't see how flawed your hypotheses are, I'm afraid there's nothing more I can do.
  6. Why does that matter?
  7. Steering us back on track. Nicely done.
  8. First, I should point out that there is an edit button on each post. Making four consecutive posts is just pointless. As for why I'm in this thread, I'm here because our founding fathers made it so I could do such things. That, and the fact that Halo hasn't been the only thing discussed here by a long shot. If someone feels they have an opinion, regardless of the topic title, I don't see why you're so objective to them expressing it.
  9. Absolutely not. I'm saying violence and it's portals will never fade. It has been around since the beginning of time and will continue till the end.
  10. Violence will always be a part of society. There are no two ways about it. As long as there are conflicting ideals (which there always will be), it will be present. You're little poking people with sticks example has one flaw. At the same time they were prodding each other, they were also staging huge wars and taking over neighboring lands. Violence in no way has faded. It is just now taking place on a smaller scale. Violent feelings and inhibitions can't be expressed as freely as they use to.
  11. I copyrighted the phrase evil thoughts
  12. Do I think it's wrong to enjoy a friendly debate? No, of course not. This sadly isn't one of those though. You're trying to debate something that has no answer. I haven't played the game, so I can't give you an opinion. It's really quite simple. All of my opinions in this thread have been about topics discussed other than Halo.
  13. No, just spelling and using BBcode tags correctly.
  14. I'm 18 years and 1 day old! Whoo!
  15. I said to think evil thoughts. That pretty much covers anything plot you can muster. Pay up.
  16. Wow, I can't exlplain it. There's just something about ging's responses that are just interesting and funny to me at the same time. I'm not putting you down, and I have no hard feelings toward you. I just can't put my finger on a word for it. lol
  17. Hey, it was my idea! I get a cut if you win.
  18. Yeah, I've watched violent movies since I was a wee little one, but I'm not going to go out and take a chainsaw to anybody. I pretty much did everything at a young age (eg, walk, talk, ride a bike, swim, etc.). I was riding a bike without training wheels at 3 years of age. I'm in no way bragging, but I guess it's because of my relativley high IQ, as RTB noted. However, there are geniuses out there who's IQs are through the roof, yet still have problems discerning fact and fiction. I think it really depends on the person. IQ plays a role, but it is ultimately the person I believe.
  19. Seeing as how most infants can't talk, I would say no?
  20. Think evil thougts.
  21. I'm attracted to controversial situations, but I don't consider myself flamer. Controversy, along with other things (love, laughter, lava, all those L words), are what make the world go round. It makes things interesting. Do you guys consider me a flamer? (there's no use in you responding to this ging)
  22. Oh, your profile website.
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