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Everything posted by VanBuren
"Don't get your hopes up... it's a dude!" good info abit off topic but i have to tell you guys what a friend of mine did he meet a "girl" when he was at a disco abroads i think it was greece, anyway she was the bomb he said, they was making out and when things got really hot and they was starting to have sex he busted "her", it was a dude lol VanBuren
I have no modem to uncap VanBuren
Sometimes MTU sets lower in router, try unplugging router and connect modem to pc, and run a new tweaktest. Also i heard that you can set MTU in some routers, look in manual. MTU is also depending on ISP, to be sure connect direct to modem and no router, then you should see what MTU your ISP has, cos windows has MTU detection on by defult. good luck VanBuren
atleast thats what i heard VanBuren
Attachments Below http://www.luwigie.com/tweaks/FAQ98ME.pdf good luck btw, do not use the advanced guide, scroll down and you see the Non advanced way to tweak. VanBuren
nice hehe, and what tweaks are you using? uncapping can be expensive stuff VanBuren
I think it looks like problems with flowcontrol, or big packetloss what tweaks are you using? also make a tracert to that server. VanBuren
looks alot better now, what speed do you get now? you can try this file 98 & ME Cable_DSL 768-1000 the reason i suggest this is your high ping, you need a large RWIN to get speed here. you fin this file in C:ProgramCablenutVanBurens cablenut settingsWin98_MEMSS1460 VanBuren
Dern never thought that far, find hes computer id by validation link and serarch for stats. *Maby the old dog learn to sit some day* hehe Dern i wish i was closer to testmy.net so i could showoff my upload VanBuren
Never tested that but i heard a guy that limited hes upload speed to 90% of advertised, that gave him alot faster download rate TCP need to send acknowledge packets and if your upload bandwith is full and cant send that, will relsult in that sender thinks the packet is loss and your download will decrease. a good program to use is Net Limiter v 1.30 VanBuren
your settings is still wrong 1. open cablenut adjuster 2. click delete cablenut tweaks 3. click save to registry 4. reboot your pc 5. run this test http://www.dslreports.com/tweaks 6. copy result adress (URL) 7. Paste is here so i can see it VanBuren
hey Angel_j_d and welcome to the forum Very nice score, what is your upload? and what ISP? VanBuren
I had that problem once, couldnt fix it, i tried everything, restore cachememory and swapfile as windowsdefult, scandisk u name it... nothing helped but a reformat Now i got several partitions and 2 hardrives so i try to keep important things on other partitions then c: also i got Norton ghost, so much faster then reinstalling windows I learned that after around 100 reformats VanBuren
This is some TNT fun with Lawdogs hehe VanBuren
that must be a record 8 times faster then your cap......... Did you do another tweaktest? VanBuren
Alot of settings is way wrong here Do like this, open cablenut adjuster, click delete cablenut tweaks and click save to registry. Now reboot and make a new tweak test, post result again 1. Your Tweakable Settings: Receive Window (RWIN): 34848 Window Scaling: off Path MTU Discovery: ON RFC1323 Window Scaling: OFF RFC1323 Time Stamping: OFF Selective Acks: ON MSS requested: 536 TTL: (less any hops behind firewall) 49 TTL remaining: 31 2. Test 146000 byte download Actual data bytes sent: 146000 Actual data packets: 273 Max packet sent (MTU): 576 Max packet recd (MTU): 576 Retransmitted data packets: 0 sacks you sent: 3 pushed data pkts: 9 data transmit time: 4.322 secs our max idletime: 384.6 ms transfer rate: 23246 bytes/sec transfer rate: 185 kbits/sec This is not a speed test! transfer efficiency: 100% 3. ICMP (ping) check Minimum ping: 339 ms Maximum ping: 352 ms Ping stability: 348 340 345 341 346 352 347 339 344 340 Notes and recommendations: Enable TCP timestamping (FAQ #706) for 'long fat' (high ping) pipes Change MTU to 1500 (FAQ #652, #695) Choose RWIN between 3752 and 9648 (FAQ #586) download/use DRTCP .. (FAQ #578) Read the tweak FAQ Notes and recommendations: Good data stream (no/few rexmits) Notes and recommendations: USA based? - ping is high Check tweak FAQ Btw where are you located? VanBuren
TCP Optimizer is good for alot of ppl, the problem is that their settings is the same nomatter if you got a cap at 512 Kbps or 10000 kbps The settings they recommend will work for cable above 3 Mbps. but their settings dosent help upload at all Also if you got a bad route and/or reach your cap it will result with the big RWIN in larger packetloss and slower speed. VanBuren
cool Here is some more info about Outlaws http://theexpresidents.proboards33.com/index.cgi?board=info&action=display&num=1086956385 if you need a link where to dl the game, just PM me Here is some more info about Lawdogs http://www.planetunreal.com/lawdogs/ VanBuren
Its Outlaws, a old Western FPS shooter from Lucasart, I think its one of the first multiplayer games, was released in -95 if i remember it right. The fps is kickass, runs best on voodoo cards, a v5500 agp give you fps between 800-1200 depends on the other part of hardware too. I get between 600-1000 in d3d on my FX 5900 Ultra, but i used to have a gf3 Ti-200 and had same fps then, i think d3d is locked to 1000 fps cos i cant get above that. The high fps comes from that its not really a 3d game, its a 2d engine, but it looks like 3d. I use to play at www.zone.com, classic cdrom gamerooms. Its kinda amazing ppl still playing it, there is around 25 active players now. I also play a more modern westernshooter, Lawdogs mod for unreal 2004, too bad there is not many players yet, but its alot of fun and me and some old outlawfriends use to play Lawdogs. The mod needs more advertising and a chatroom like them on zone to make the community grow. We have a forum and over 400 ppl has signed up and i can only see top 10 ppl playing it..... VanBuren
Hey K_Takuya and welcome to the forum run this test and when you get result, copy the adress (URL) and paste it here so i can see it, (disable firewall during test so it can ping you) http://www.dslreports.com/tweaks VanBuren
4000/512 comcast need a real tweak setting!!!
VanBuren replied to cereal's topic in Make it Faster...