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Everything posted by wingzero2309

  1. Yall might have already heard about this, but my friend sent me a ringtone that apparently only younger people can hear, so its PERFECT to use in class. I tried it out on my parents and they couldn't hear it, but I could, and it was pretty audible. Anyway, enjoy, annoy your neighbors, use it to summon dogs, lol.
  2. that'll work, thanks
  3. I just started using Google Calendar, and I was wonder if there's any program available for it. I want something that I can use on my PC just as a standalone program, but also I want it to 'synchronize' with Google Calendar automatically...is there such a thing? (preferably free)
  4. lol...is this a joke? most of those rules are going to be broken, lol. i guess this explains y the radio station i listen to keeps saying something about not being allowed to say "Super Bowl"...thats lame, lol.
  5. now if only they could get 92mpg, without sacrificing performance, in more conventional cars nice car though...but i have my doubts about the 92mpg rating....how about after vtec kicks in, im almost 100% certain gas mileage will drop substantially, but who knows...maybe the mpg rating does take vtec into consideration the rear needs some work though, lol...looks ugly
  6. while this topic is still alive...here's another site like peekvid (though not as cool looking) http://www.yourtvlinks.com/
  7. wow, i thought AVG would use a lot more resources but i think it uses even less than NOD32 did (every website i went to said nod32 was like the god of low-resource-usage antivirus programs) i got the anti-spyware as well, seems pretty cool. i wish the avg antivirus gui was as spiffy as the anti-spyware gui
  8. i knew it was too good to be true...i got no email with an activation key, tried multiple email addresses as well i think i'll go ahead and give AVG a try...i tried NOD32 as well, but it was too weird...and slowed down my bittorrent like crazy, and made my cpu usage go to 100% for about the first 5 minutes after turning on my pc hopefully...they'll send the activation code though...i really liked Kaspersky
  9. I found this antivirus called Active Virus Shield...and as far as I can tell from the pics//info on the page, it's Kaspersky Anti-Virus with a skin. http://www.activevirusshield.com/antivirus/freeav/index.adp? I used to have the official Kaspersky...but my key got blacklisted (yes...guilty, lol). Now i'm stuck w/symantec antivirus corp edition (which i don't like very much). I'm gonna give this AOL thing a try...hopefully it really IS kaspersky w/a skin.
  10. oh, wow, so 30mm technically is better than a digital camera. i always thought digital cameras were supposed to be like faaaaaaaaar more advanced than ones that use film. alright, thanks for the responses guys, this clears up alot of what i thought about digicams, lol
  11. well, i'm getting a new phone and it has a 2mp camera, and I was just wondering if thats going to be "enough" to take at least disposable-camera-quality pictures and if not, what would be 'enough'. i'm basically looking for the cheapest digicam i can get that wont be a downgrade from disposable cameras
  12. Digital cameras are all rated by how many megapixels, 2mp, 3.2mp, 8mp, etc. So say I were to finally make the switch, from regular cameras (35mm film) to a digital camera How many mp's would I need to get at least the same quality as a camera that uses 35mm film? Also, if the quality of a picture taken with a 35mm camera was 'converted' to megapixels, about how many megapixels would a photo taken by a disposable camera be?
  13. I don't own the phone, but after owning a Motorola, i'm not really pleased with their products...if I were in your position, I would try to get a non-Motorola phone. http://www.phonescoop.com/phones/user_reviews.php?phone=969 the ratings are about average, it'll probably be about the same in terms of quality as the v557. my contract just ended too, but i'm going with a Sony Ericsson W810i, for free too, and Ericsson's are supposedly one of best phones. www.letstalk.com ^^that website has a bunch of great deals, my family just got two Ericsson w810i's, and an LG CU500 for free (with 2yr contract extension), neway, hope tht helped somewhat
  14. yeah you can definitely get that price down, bargain w/the guy, and make sure you get a CarFax of it as well (it's a small thing, but it goes a long way).
  15. IE7 seemed to be great...until yesterday. There's this program I have to use for one of my classes, and it would give me script errors ever since I installed IE7...so basically, i couldn't access the course material anymore. So, I'm back to IE6. Stupid Microsoft..
  16. sweeet, i got one but my score sucks compared to yalls =(
  17. how do you guys get those testmy.net sigs? or do you manually have to make them?
  18. i figured it out! i changed the forum skin to the default one (before, it was on the testmy.net NEW theme) I don't why the theme would cause 404's...but...doesn't seem to happen with the default theme, so alls good.
  19. http://www.testmy.net/forum/b-5 from that link, do you guys get 404 errors when you click the topics? argh whats wrong w/my comp?!
  20. Whenever I click a topic, it gives me this: 404 - File not found! http://www.testmy.net/t-16820 can not be found. Keep in mind, TestMy.net file names on are CaSe SeNsItIvE back to testmy.net BUT, when i click the little blue icon that says "New" next to the topic name, then i can see the topic. Is it just something wrong on my end? edit: it has been like this for the past few days for me
  21. that fixed it, thanks!
  22. they are unlocked, i guess the top one just isn't movable. yeah thats what it seems like
  23. Anyone know how to move the menu bar to the very top (like it is in every other program)? I tried dragging it up, it wouldn't let me though =/
  24. if only they cost half that price =/
  25. lol this is so old
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