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Everything posted by wingzero2309

  1. american car instead of a japanese car?? never.
  2. performance-wise...the cars awesome (for its price) buuuut....i think that steering wheel looks hideous and imo, the front looks too Saturn-ish they shoulda taken the 2000 si...updated it but still keep basic body style, made it look sharper and less old...drop in a similar engine to the new si's engine...and kept the price under 20k now that woulda been nice
  3. hmm...can yall imagine this thread 30 years from now. ppl who were once kids will be like "my first comp was a Athlon 64 Dual Core 4800+ with a NVIDIA 7800GTX SLI and a 16x DVD burner dual layer and 250gb hd blablabla" and we'll all be like...pshh...lamee b/c we'll have Athlon 512 Quintuple Core 9900+ with NVIDIA 220500 GTX OC TYPE-R TWIN TURBO SLI v.9 and a 600x Bluray/HD DVD quadruple layer and 600 TB HD
  4. either that, or someone who didnt get to go out w/friends b/c their parents decided to say no and ruin the fun b/c they are worried b/c of drunk drivers. so all you drinkers out there who drive drunk...i hope u all die!!! lol jk but stop driving drunk u a$$holes
  5. http://www.createblog.com/skins/index.php?type_id=3 You can get pre-made themes from that site, they're not too bad either
  6. mine was...an IBM Aptiva...with a Pentium (1) @ 133Mhz...and...i think 32mb of RAM...and...a cd drive...and...Windows 95...and some ATI graphics card... =)
  7. keep kaspersky, you dont need the rest
  8. woww...what a waste of 13 mins (ok..more like 2 mins b/c i x'ed it due to boringness)
  9. It depends on your laptop and what you're doing. If you're gaming while on battery, then it'll of course run out fast. I get 3-3.5 hours on mine (with brightness at level 2 out of 7 and wifi on). mine is a 17in w/a GeForce 6800go, which are both pretty taxing on the battery. Oh, and its a 9 cell battery. The Pentium M is probably what is allowing me to get decent battery life though. But yeah, most laptops generally have anywhere from 2 to 7 or 8 hours of battery life (this is under the assumption that it's not being used for gaming or CAD rendering or something of the sort) Some manufacturers have like 12 cell and 16 cell batteries too, so if you want more batt life, you might wanna find out if your manufacturer has higher capacity batteries
  10. my school has bess too i use https://www.wujie.net to bypass it. but it sometimes doesnt work, but for stuff i need (google images, forums, etc) it lets me get in.
  11. Didn't WinMX die like 1 year ago? That might be why it won't connect.
  12. You got 3 out of 10 correct, or 30 %
  13. longest i've stayed awake is probably like 21 hours longest i've slept? probalby around 12-15 hours, no more least i've slept is around 3 hours
  14. lol but it looks soooo sleek. plus, we dont have any dark themes, they're all super bright=sucks at night
  15. why are you paying for 3 of them when you could just buy the cheapest one (optimum) and get the lowest price/month and the fastest speeds?
  16. Date Registered: July 28, 2004, 12:27:12 PM Total time logged in: 5 days, 15 hours and 44 minutes.
  17. that shows up because that site in the frame isnt availible. it will bring that up for any site not availible, or something similar. its justs firefox's way of telling you that the site cant be contacted
  18. Kaspersky! better detection rate than norton AND mcafee, and it doesnt use up as much resources either (i switched from the corporate version of norton)
  19. lol, i still prefer firefox to IE...i already got a taste of IE7...it was pretty baddd, lol.
  20. a lot of people overclock just to get the most bang for their buck. 1.
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