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Everything posted by wingzero2309

  1. Dual Channel has no effect on the Inspiron 9300's because the processor and ram both run at 533 Mhz
  2. nice speeds, if only RR was that fast
  3. lol i never back up and i use winaso registry optimizer regularly. just make sure you look over the entries that you delete and you should be fine, thats what i've been doing, nothings happened since
  4. both roadrunner and earthlink use the time warner network, so earthlink is roadrunner and vice versa. all thats diff is the software i think. Also...what is this 'free aol' you say? I have RR but no 'free aol'? dont get me wrong, aol is cruddy, but i wanna log on and see waht it looks like now lol. last time i used aol...it was v6 or 7.0
  5. yea same here, i use opera mainly for stuff like....eh...yea....war ez...b/c they dont do the auto-execute and install thing like they do on IE and FF sometimes.
  6. Because it's opera's 10th aniversary, they are offering free registration codes to anyone and everyone...but the catch is that its only TODAY. I hardly use Opera, but its still a pretty good browser to have, and who knows...some of you may like it enough to use it as ur default browser. Heres the link: http://my.opera.com/community/party/
  7. thats the thing though, I have no idea where to get this driver EDIT Problems been fixed, he says its workin again, so i guess just delete this topic
  8. My friend has a USB Jump Drive and he says that when he inserts it into his computer, it's not being recognized.
  9. Hey i got the same laptop as you! Well, anyways, if you want to upgrade your drivers, you cant get them from nvidia.com b/c nvidia does not support drivers for their laptop gpus. Instead you can get drivers and modified inf files from www.laptopvideo2go.com, or if you dont want to go through the hassle of doing that you can always just get drivers from Dell Downloads(http://support.dell.com/support/downloads/download.aspx?c=us&cs=19&l=en&s=dhs&releaseid=R100022&SystemID=INSPIRON%209300&os=WW1&osl=en&deviceid=6477&devlib=0&typecnt=1&vercnt=2&formatcnt=1&fileid=133765) Im currently using 77.72 with modified inf files. Also, another good resource is http://www.notebookforums.com/forumdisplay.php?f=71 You can post questions about your i9300 there and you'll probably get better help for this kind of thing over there. That sites basically where i go for any problems or suggestions (Sorry testmy.net ppl's for linking to another forum, i just thought it would be more helpful over there.)
  10. first had AOL up till i think version 7.0...it was literally a 9kbps connection then netzero for like....a week...it was free and faster than aol, topping in at about 14kbps then finally got RoadRunner...which was 2000kbps, then became 3000kbps, then became 5000kbps
  11. Media Player Classic is quite nice also
  12. wait...how do u 'steal' screennames....i mean....arent they already like....public?
  13. i downloaded, installed it, and i LOVE it! But...theres one thing that really is irritating me... why does it require so many services to run: GoogleDesktopCrawl.exe
  14. only problem with that one is the harddrive...100GB hard drive (4200 rpm)...at the very very least, 5400 rpm is a must
  15. i think he means he's not using a pcmcia card...its just the centrino mini wireless card integrated in the laptop
  16. OR...if u want a Go6800 with a Pentium M....get a laptop like mine Dell Inspiron 9300 Cost: $1600 after 35% off coupon code, tax/shipping included, and the purchase of a 1gb stick of RAM from newegg. keep in mind that i live in TX, and i think that makes us have to pay most tax since dell is based in texas or something like that...not sure though ps. the specs are at the bottom of my sig
  17. um...i have an LG monitor on my laptop...i dunno how long they last, hopefully they last at least 3-4 years....and um....its about...3 months old (well...thats wen i got it at least)
  18. looks good, only thing that would keep me from buying it is the graphics card, but if u dont really play games, then its a great laptop. could be just a tad cheaper though
  19. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 4881 Kbps about 4.9 Mbps (tested with 12160 kB) Download Speed is:: 596 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server2) Test Time:: Wed Aug 17 2005 22:31:25 GMT-0500 (Central Standard Time) Bottom Line:: 87X faster than 56K 1MB download in 1.72 sec Diagnosis: Looks Great : 17.3 % faster than the average for host (rr.com) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-26VDEH4SM
  20. seems to be working fine for me
  21. was in 8th grade P.E. class and the coach came in and was like "The world trader center just collapsed" and i was just clueless...i dont think i knew what the WTC was at the time...idk...it was just weird
  22. mine...its supposed to say DELL in the box...but i reformated it as soon as i got it...and it got rid of the dell branding
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