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Everything posted by wingzero2309

  1. omg cholla your my hero! i never knew the government would actually be the ones to help end the calls But yea...i did the distance finder thing... Covad 20060 feet AUSTTXJO so...seems like i'll be gettin the slow end of dsl i hope its so slow, that its slower than aol, and then maybe we can go back to RR
  2. idk how far we live from the telephone company but yea...i know not all of them are bad...but im pissed...on an average day...the telemarketer calls to actual people ratio is probably....3:1, if not more home phones are like hotmail accounts...a big junk collector cell phone only is the way to go
  3. You're fired!
  4. Well...this kind of sucks...my parents are basically switchin us internet service providers to SBC Yahoo (from RR) because fukin timewarner keeps raising their fukin prices. I'm gettin 5 Mbps w/RR (we're paying 49.99/month....SBC is going to be 29.99/month but i have no idea what their speeds are...)...and i have a feelin that I wont even get half this speed with SBC Well, what can I expect from sbc--or dsl in general? Also, will my wireless-g router work w/dsl? p.s. i think all telemarkets should die and burn and then have their guts eaten by hungry dogs!!!! its all their fault!!!!
  5. cream soda and anime and technology and cars
  6. by your screen going crappy gray, i think he means that the start bar and everything will be on windows classic theme (hence the crappy grey colour). the setting should say something like 'use windows themes' or somethihng of the sort.
  7. u sure cable wont mind u hosting an mp3 that u most likely got off of a p2p network, illegally ? but yea...there might be RIAA faggots snooping around here...damn RIAA...
  8. well, i dont play any of the super brand new games (cause i dont have them
  9. Got mine ~3 weeks ago: Its a laptop by the way... Dell Inspiron 9300 CPU:
  10. well, i dont use a desktop anymore, got a laptop as a desktop replacement. pics are attached...but they r bad quality b/c i dont have a digital cam, so i had to use my moto v551
  11. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16820145528 Theres a fairly cheap stick (30 bucks), and its made by Corsair, one of the leading brands, so it probably wont be crappy. And it will work with ur Dimension 4700, i checked what kind of ram it uses, and for everyone else that might find something cheaper, the Dimension 4700 uses 240-pin PC2-4200 DDR2 RAM
  12. didnt work The page cannot be displayed The page you are looking for is currently unavailable. The Web site might be experiencing technical difficulties, or you may need to adjust your browser settings. yea, im sure i didnt change the internal ip
  13. Windows IP Configuration
  14. i have yet to come across these 'ads'
  15. well see, thats the thing. The ip is supposed to be the same, but its not working. And also, about that whole static ip junk and whatnot, i dont even know what that really is, so i never messed with those settings; it was just set on the default thing. I called Linksys again and they said "there is a possibility that your flash has been erased" and he said its non-recoverable, but i think he was lying about it being nonrecoverable. How do i get this 'flash' back on there? I rememeber having to do something like this in networking class (a long time ago...dropped that class), where u go into hyperterminal and type up a bunch of stuff. Anyone know how to put this 'flash' back on there? Or am I just better off getting a new one?
  16. already have tried with the tftp utility. i cant access at all. i think the routers memory or something might have gotten cleared looks like im gonna have to buy a new one
  17. registry mechanic its not free...well...not *supposed* to be free
  18. yea, i tried the whole reset thing, but it doesnt work. and when i was doing the firmware upgrade, i was connected with wires. :confused:
  19. Alright, i called linksys tech support, they were no help, so i figured that the good ppl at testmy were probably more linksys-educated than the linksys customer service ppl themselves. Alright heres what happend:
  20. i got 55 processes
  21. guess theres nobody to compare scores with
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