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Everything posted by wingzero2309

  1. i got firefox, netscape 8.0, IE, and opera all on my system, and i like firefox the best opera doesnt show many of the pages correctly, IE is just...well...u know..., and netscape 8.0 is still beta so its kinda unstable
  2. You have a Dell...but your BIOS is phoenix How did you do that????
  3. does ip banning work?... doesnt ur ip change often these days?
  4. Who is 'Terri'? i've never heard of her boy do i feel uninformed
  5. What's the point of T1 anyways? Its slower than most cable (and dsl) these days, but it costs who knows how many times more. I've always wondered why businesses have T1's when they can just get Cable for cheaper and get faster than a measly 1.544 Mbps Anyone know y T1 is so preferred in businesses and stuff?
  6. lmao thats hilarious haha she threw a blanket on her comp lol thats great :haha:
  7. lol, he just ignored the requests for more pics of his sister :haha:
  8. But what about the games that do run from cd. Idk, the game is jsut a lot more enjoyable when you dont have to wait for crap to load from a cd and have to listen to the sound of it spinning in ur cd drive
  9. is ur last name lindin? u look EXACTLY like someone i know...
  10. Earthlink uses Time Warners connection where I live, so basically, Earthlink and RoadRunner are one in the same (dunno if thats true for everywhere though)
  11. It doesnt load the stuff in sensor for me either. I think you have to have a motherboard with a temperature sensor built in for it to work. we probably just dont have those
  12. When he said 'combined', i dont think he actually put the two together. His connection was probably just Comcast and he was using the AOL 9.0 software WITH his comcast connection. It's kinda like using MSN with verizion service; essentially, ur connection is from verizon and your just using the MSN software.
  13. same here virtual drives own, ur games run at i think it was 200x basically, its makes load times miniscule
  14. lol u know testmy is really the best wen even the ISP ppl think their own sucks
  15. omg...fios...shoulda...came....to...Austin TX first.... not...fair.... :(
  16. OHHHH NOO CLOUDSSSSSSS IN HAWAIII lmao thats hilarious
  17. i guess its not that hard...its just the thought of 'wat if i mess up'
  18. like 1995 or 1996 or something...not sure about the date...i was only like 8 or something
  19. mann....i wish i knew how to make a comp *if only there was a 'build a computer' guide/walkthrough here (hint hint)* anyways...here is my comp...a Dell Dimension 8200 P4 2.0 GHz 512 MB RDRAM Maxtor 7200 80 GB Harddrive GeForce 4 MX 420 64mb (sob ) and heres some pics of wat it looks like...
  20. i remember when the 'premium' gas was like 97 cents, and regular was like 82 cents. those were the days.
  21. whoa, now we got a "Cobra" and a "KingCobra" :shock:
  22. try using the recovery cd's in place of the xp cd
  23. hmm thats weird, i have mcafee virusscan enterprise 8.0i and i dont seem to be having that problem try upgrading to 8.0 if u can
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