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Everything posted by wingzero2309

  1. i've alwyas wanted an AMD processor...my old comp had a p4 and my new one has a P-m. Pentium M is probably one of the best processors i've ever used, and its very light on power consumption. Although, if i made a desktop, im 99.9999% sure i would use an Athlon 64...I've heard that intel processors are good for some things, but in most things AMD smokes intel. Plus, amd is cheaper anyways...yea...pc mark isnt workign for me either. says i need windows media 9 encoding or later, yet I have windows media player 10. i dont really feel like downgrading just to get my score
  2. yea, i downloaded it also, i must say its wayyy better than keyhole was, and its FREE The only thing that would make it better is worldwide stuff instead of just the USA http://desktop.google.com/download/earth/GoogleEarth.exe Theres the download link for ppl who needed it edit: organ shifter beat me to it
  3. lol hasnt RTB erased enough of your posts saying "no advertising"
  4. well, going by that logic, one could also say that once PS3 comes out, people will forget all about XBOX 360 because PS3 will be just so much superior
  5. dont remember everything, but heres what i do remember. i think it was bought in like 96 97 or 98. IBM Aptiva Intel Pentium 166 Mhz 32 mb ATI Radeon (no idea which model) either 32 or 64mb of RAM a CD Drive Windows 95 (lol i turned it on a couple weeks ago, windows 95 feels so weird to use, but damn, its so...smoooth...all the menus and stuff seem to open so much more faster and smoother than in windows xp and stuff) oh, and the office software it has is LOTUS..anyone remember that??? that stuff was the shit way back when
  6. yea none of them are free when u use google to find one. they all take u to like spain websites or something where u click the tone and then u click ur flag and u have to do all this crap to get one for "free" and then they slap a 2.99 fee on ur face
  7. yea my dell didnt come with a disc either, just that 'restore partition' so i called them up like right after gettin my laptop and bitched a bit about how i payed extra for xp pro and i want an actual cd for something i paid for he finally agreed that i should get a xp cd, so dell had one shipped to me, along with a $50 concession coupon because of the 'difficulties'. maybe compaq will do the same?
  8. lol, honestly i have no idea what your saying in that post...its just one loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong sentence
  9. i would just uninstall it by going into safemode, and then run a registry cleaner afterwards.
  10. lol i just overclocked it a bit, people using the same card as me have gotten to like 4800+, but i dont wanna go taht far. actually, im gonna clock it back down to like 320, b/c i just got this laptop and i dont wanna shorten its life already
  11. im gettin 384 too maybe its some upgrade thats still making its way across the country?
  12. LOL microsoft needs to stop copying ppl and come up with some of their own stuff...or just stick to making windows better. windows is about the only thing good from microsoft, everything else is ripped off from somethin else plus...no one uses bittorrent to LEGALLY get stuff...if microsoft makes this, no ones gonna use it b/c everything you dl using it would be some legal crap
  13. WHOA this skin looks so cool theres image ads on testmy.net? i dont think i've ever seen one
  14. http://service.futuremark.com/compare?3dm05=956706 theres my link humorman, nope u didnt beat me lol.
  15. yay, im beating desktop ppl
  16. im in the 4k range now!!! clocked @ 360//750
  17. ah hah, it works i learned somethin new ! Yea, just widescreen b/c my notebook is widescreen
  18. no, its just the wallpaper that gets saved when u right click a pic and do 'set as wallpaper'
  19. lol how did u find it????? i tried searching my comp for 'internet explorer wallpaper' and i got nothing. regardless of how, thanks!!! my badass wallpaper is attached for those who want it
  20. Does anyone know where the file for Internet Explorer Wallpaper is stored? I am currently using a really cool wallpaper, and i wanna save a copy to my usb drive, but i cant access the website from where i got it (it went down or something). Anyone know where its stored?
  21. sygate for me i find zone alarm too annoying now, but b4 i thought it to be the best
  22. O1 - Hosts: astalavista.com O1 - Hosts: www.astalavista.com O1 - Hosts: astalavista.box.sk O1 - Hosts: www.astalavista.box.sk O1 - Hosts: cracks.com O1 - Hosts: www.cracks.com O1 - Hosts: go.com O1 - Hosts: www.go.com delete all those for sure. if there are any others, im sure somebody will respond soon.
  23. tried it before, it was good b4 firefox, but now, firefox pwns it
  24. yea i support killing for food too...but what the wet seal ppl r doing...its just wrong
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