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Everything posted by wingzero2309

  1. lol already have photoshop and imageready, just dont know how to fully use it
  2. Yep, skylines are awesome and heres a website with some of those virus removal tools i was talking about http://securityresponse.symantec.com/avcenter/tools.list.html
  3. what worm do you have? many antivirus companies make little tools that get rid of just 1 or a few specific viruses if you know what worm you have, you might want to try one of those also, you might wanna look into the free virus web-only scanners like Housecall by Trend Micro
  4. i used to always think ppl make their animated sigs with photoshop, but then i remember reading somewhere (i think on this site) that the difference between photoshop and imageready is that photoshop cannot make animate gifs
  5. well theres your problem, when you install eXeem, you have a choice of whether or not you want the eXeem toolbar... i didnt install the toolbar, and i got no ads/spyware/nada-nothing-zip
  6. ***This is a PETITION*** Everyone who thinks Dagger should make a guide on how to make those insanely awesome looking signatures sign this petition. Maybe once we get enough signatures, he will make one i've always wanted to know how to really use ImageReady
  7. nope, no ads whatsoever, although theres some random black box at the top but theres no spyware or ads as for speeds, idk how fast cause it still hasnt actually connected...
  8. downloaded it...seems to be already having some problems...their network is down or something
  9. yep http://www.my-etrust.com/microsoft/
  10. I use eTrust Antivirus i got my license key thingy for free from Microsoft they're like giving it away or something, and so far this antivirus is very good, much less memroy hogging then norton was
  11. no fair, texas ppl havent gotten theirs yet ahhh texas shoulda been first!!!
  12. mine sux even more :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 3106 Kbps about 3.1 Mbps (tested with 2992 KB) Download Speed is:: 379 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line:: 55 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 2.7 second(s) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=BSG2UOE3C
  13. i forgot to mention that i have RR and i dont know if it will work well with other connections
  14. JUSTINOHIORR SHOULD BE A MOD!!!! he made my speed go up with his custom cable nuts setting!!! yaya
  15. wow thats a nice upload, download could be a little better, but mann with that upload, im not complainin...i only get ~360 up
  16. jesus i thought u guys were like...20 u argue more then us teenagers for the smallest things!!!! newayz...S1 u should STAY and just ignore the flaming homos calm ur asses!!! by watching this http://rack1.nethosters.com/~charles/russell/russell.ram
  17. wtf cable is already expensive enough 49.99/month doesnt need to get more expensive dangit stupid american governmental shit! aaargh whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
  18. i got some more of this guy...but i had to get it from limewire cant think of any place to upload big filss for free
  19. lol haha i cant wait till more of this guys shows come out
  20. lol yea hehe cant wait till his next one comes out XOBILE! Please do not yell in the casino Somebodys gonna get a hurt real bad heh gotta love indian accents funny as hell and im part indian!(nah...i dont got the accent...parents kinda do tho lol )
  21. do you have real player? also, try right click and save target as and see if that works if that doesnt work, heres a torrent u can download it with
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