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Everything posted by wingzero2309

  1. lol, how very....eh...useful?
  2. what the heck is 'microsoft calculator plus' ?
  3. wasnt that how the first comps were...no icons...just a bunch of shit on the screen fjksdjfklsadfjasdklfsjd;fkdjsafj kfldsjlfkdsfkl;jdslkjdlfksdlf;jdslk Error 2432:xfjiaojpfdjsflk;sd
  4. i remember getting some file like a year ago that uncapped that 10 source only deal, and i have sp2, and dsabled its crapwall, and i get fairly fast dl's
  5. it sounds like ur comp is like the ones at my school the admin dudes like disabled display properties, so wen u click on it, it 'pretends' to go to it...but never really does... i dunno how they disabled it, but if ur using a computre thats managed by someone else, maybe they did it intentionally?
  6. speaking of connection, what kind of connection is it? it never really mentions anything other than 'wireless'...nothing about if its cable or dsl or w/e (for everything above 'standard' package'
  7. for the very first time i got speeds in excess of 200 on Kazaa!!!! it was truly a moment of history yay!!!!
  8. wats the new service
  9. wen u install the thing, right click on the file and click the compatibility tab and set it so that its running the prog in compatibility mode for windows 95 and then try and see if it works
  10. whoa wait why are you making them come to ur house? wen i got roadrunner, i just went and got the kit from them and installed myself, and then i just had to call them and they sent some sort of signal to bring my modem to life took like 15 mins anyways, heres wat i get with tw: :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 3064 Kbps about 3.1 Mbps (tested with 1496 KB) Download Speed is:: 374 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line:: 55 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 2.74 second(s) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=9VU69BYUY :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Connection is: 363 Kbps about 0.4 Mbps (tested with 386 KB) Upload Speed is: 44 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line: 6 times faster than 56K you can upload 1MB in 23.27 second(s) Validation Link :: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=SVWAMGC89
  11. that was pretty coool, but man it was HUGE
  12. LOL haha how embarassing....caught by...*dun dun dun* The CA3LE Guy well...in the spirit of posting fake speeds, heres mine: :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 1981468 Kbps about 200 Gbps (tested with your bootay) Download Speed is:: 51224 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line:: 656 times faster than 56K you can download 1GB in 2.66 second(s) Validation Link:: http://www.google.com
  13. forbidden, forbidden, forbidden, and....forbidden apparently, only u have acess to them
  14. wait...its ~$250...still think its a good buy?
  15. that looks more like a windowblinds icon
  16. um...i dont think u can really do that but i do remember watching something on techtv a long time ag o they used some werid machine thing to like try to put 2 connections together to make one fast one but they were saying that theoretically, that would probably make it slower cause then ur comp would have to like get half info from one lan and other half from other lan, and then put the info together and then u will see it
  17. yea sigx is free, you just have to click a little tiny link at the bottom wen u sign up that says like 'take me to my control panel' or something
  18. but what exactly is the diff between photoshop and image ready? image ready just seems like a stripped down version of photoshop, and i dont ever really see a difference in what they can do; photoshop can do everything imageready can do plus more, right?
  19. jeez cobra how do u make all those spiffy signatures?!?!?!? with like teh animated backgrounds, but still picture!! newayz...clean ur desktop even more! and then show it to us again!
  20. deleted this cause it didnt make sense without hanh's post..wich he deleted
  21. actually, i must disagree with that, because i was bored one day so i downloaded netzero on my ethernetless crappy $10.00 laptop(yes, i really got it for 10 dollars...its a pII 300MHz ibm and i think either 32 or 64mb of ram...and its running windows xp...even though i shoulda just stuck with 98...but too late now, its ntfs now ). Well anyways, i came to testmy to see how fast netzero was, and surprisingly, it was faster than aoHell with results in teh 20's...but still, it was slow as hell since i've been on cable for so long
  22. does anyone know of any *free* web hosts that offer like around maybe...500MB and not really any filesize limits, and preferably no ads, or like small ads?
  23. i just found the COOLEST sig EVER!!! and its so true!!
  24. ok...i know people dont like it if u provide direct links to downloads, but i figure, since its a crack website, they cant really sue me cause then they would get sued for having a website distributing cracked software so to make it easier, and ad/spyware free for u guys, heres direct links (do save target as) http://www.tgtsoft.com/downloads/StyleXPInstallMale.zip <male version http://www.tgtsoft.com/downloads/StyleXPInstallFemale.zip <female version http://wland.srv.hu/stylexp216malefemale.rar <keygen oh, and you can also find a buttload of useful programs @ www.epirate.net epirate is...my 2nd best online friend (first one is torrents )
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