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Everything posted by wingzero2309

  1. yea its working...i started downloading the file...but then i hit cancel seeing that it was 160sumthin mb's
  2. well, most likely my parents will spend 25000 tops for my first car and i dont really want automatic cause they slow you down a lot, but i am kinda weary on manual cause i dont wanna blow engine and have to pay MONEY to fix it and i definately do not want VW cuz i dislike it with PASSION and mercedes are completely out of question lol the only other thing that i've found that seems pretty good is tiptronic/steptronic/etc. transmissions how exactly are tiptronics when driving if anyones come in contact with them? do they let you get performance close to that of the same car with manual transmission? the car i've been thinking of for a while is the RSX because its got tiptronic, but i need to know more about it first
  3. Ok so im gettin my license soon, and possibly a car about a year or almost a year after i get my license. I really like manual transmission, but my parents dont exactly want me to get it cause they say i will crash (even though i would be LESS likely t ocrash cuz with manual u actually gotta pay attention!) Well, since i cant get a manual tranny, i was looking into others...automatic being one of the others obviously, but thats not wat got my attention wat got my attention is a different type of tranny thats essentially a manual transmission, but u dont have to manually do the whole clutch thing, and a lot of cars got paddle shifters for them so i just wanted to know if you guys know any cars that have SMG transmissions, cause i REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY want one So far, i've only heard of SMG in BMW's--i think it was in the Z4 M3 and 6 series, maybe more too So, if anyone in the forum knows alot about SMG, or just cars in general, i would love some input of more cars that have SMG
  4. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 3100 Kbps about 3.1 Mbps (tested with 1496 KB) Download Speed is:: 378 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line:: 55 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 2.71 second(s) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=VIP6K4LKT
  5. it looks like Giant AntiSpyware with different brandings lol
  6. well..most of the good teachers that teach, teach because they like it not for the money i mean, they wouldnt have become a teacher if they planned on getting 100k/yr
  7. man...thats horrible, so many bodies. at first it didnt look real and then i remembed that the death toll was really high. man...i've never seen so many people just gone...all at once.... i knew the death toll was high...but man...once u actually see it on picture (or in real life...)...it just all seems 10000x worse
  8. if ur saying texas ppl are all dumb just cuz of bush...then ur wrong and r u new? u seem to like being a jackass to peeps, dont u?
  9. so i was in history class today, and i was looking at a map of australia and had the book turned around to show sum1 where a city was located, and so as its turned around, i notice that australia looks kidna like an upside down U.S. has anyone else noticed that??? thats so weird
  10. SnagIt still doesnt seem to let me capture video heres what i get when i try
  11. so far, i've gotten them in groups of 6 at a time
  12. i remember reading somwhere that google just randomly selects a pool of people to give you invites, so it could be anything from tommorow to like a month or somethin i remember i got new invites like 2 days after i sent out my old ones, but then after that it took about 2 or 3 weeks till i got more so, im not really sure how they do it, but according to some site i was at a while back, they said it was all just completely random
  13. aww man i just realized this will let me capture PICTURES....i was thinking of snagit to record me playing games and then it hit me...this is only for pictures well...at least i can capture pics from music videos...i always wanted to get music video pics...and replace ppl's faces in them to make it look like im there yay but yea i've tried fraps and it doesnt let you record sound at least not back in the day wen i tried it (Fraps 99 i belive it was called)
  14. well....u can always buy new tires, or better yet, screw up ur car so much that its too horrible to fix, and then call MTV and say the following: "Im constipated and im broke, Please MTV...PIMP MY RIDE!" Your car will be so shitty(if u screwed it up correctly), that they wont wanna fix up ur car, and they will buy u a new one and rice it just a thought but yea...maybe u should not go so fast if ur using stock tires, or just extremly worn out tires
  15. ehehehehe, already started obtaining it thru this 'different' way EDIT: I got SnagIt!!! i, uh....bought it....yes.... but is sooooo cool i wonder if i can just make it so wen i press print screen snagit pops up
  16. no no no im talking about the router like i have a linksys wireless right now that i use to share my connection with other comps on the site it says you have to use their provided router by router do they mean modem? cause i dont wanna have to use the router they give cause then theres no point of me having bought the linksys wireless one
  17. i was reading the fios faq, and they say you have to use the verizon provided routers, thats crap!
  18. i noticed u guys use programs to capture your screen is there any advantage in using them over just pressing printscreen and pasting it in photoshop? oh, and do the programs let you capture video?(if u use printscreen to capture video, it just leaves like a black area where the video would be(at least with windows media player it does)
  19. oh...lol i havent heard of bhn much at all, quite odd, u sure its not tw owning bhn ?
  20. im on exactly 50% of the game, and im in like a big courtyard looking thing theres little things i have to like walk on that are very thin pieces of land, maybe those r the beams? idk what happened to farah, she just like...disappeared
  21. Bright House Networks ??? is that the same as timewarner? cause rite now i have roadrunner but its the timewarner one, not bright house
  22. http://www.kazaaliterevolution.prv.pl/ thats the version of k-lite i use, i think theres a couple of diff kinds of kazaa lites now
  23. DONT GET KAZAA!!!! UNLESS U WANNA BE RAPED BY TONS OF SPYWARE get kazaa lite revolution
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