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Everything posted by Le_Murphant

  1. Did you install any new programs lately? Or gone on some not-so-recommendable websites? You might have gotten new items that load at startup. You can check what runs at startup by typing "msconfig" in run and going to the startup tab. If you find an entry that you don't recognise, that might be the problem, post the name of the entry here so we can check if it should be there. If that doesn't help, you can use bootvis to see exactly what part of the startup routine is taking so long.
  2. I like the illustration Its a shame en.wikipedia.org is blocked tho, although I admit that I expected it. Damn totalitarian governments.
  3. I got 3.0 cause of my 7300 GS video card, but the other benchmarks are around 5. And VanBurren, I want your comp
  4. Wait a minute... I think Ive heard of that Roco before, on some limewire movie. Well, probably wasent him, just wanted to use his name on a very catholic video clip. I'd be watching you Roco, but I banned TV a little more than a year ago, didn't regret it one moment since. I guess this will be a first
  5. What's AWOL?
  6. Hmm, is there a way for it not to do anything? My firefox 2.0 crashes every time I click on a mailto client (I use hotmail)
  7. I wasent a big fan of AVG, didn't like the huge pop-up every time it updated. Avast was sweet imo except for the huge beep that came up when he found a virus. About McAfee, it came trial on my laptop, I liked it but not quite enuff to pay for it. Right now I use nod32, which I love. Although it is not free, there is a readily available patch out there that actually makes it free. Then again, I like it so much I'm considering buying it anyways, just like I can download any cd on the net or just buy it.
  8. Alright, so I guess for a responsibility acknowledgment of a few million dollars, paper is still the best. Then again, we got some forged signatures already, so I'm not exactly sure.
  9. Thx a lot, I think that should give me the info I need. I'm in a bit of a hurry right now, but I'l give it a read tomorrow.
  10. Your case makes me drool. I think i'l got for a similar one on the next box I build (which might be in a while). For dual vs quad core, my E6400 eats pretty much anything vista throws at it within seconds, but I'm not a huge multitasker. But I'm glad that you're happy with your system.
  11. Although I don't support the war, I wish you luck and hope that you can help end the conflict. And yeah, be careful, you don't respawn in RL.
  12. Hi tmn crew I've heard recently that it was possible to have a signature that you could attach to e-mails that had the same legal value as a handwritten signature, which could be used for online banking/stockbroking and such. My mom said she received a signature over e-mail, but its just a .bmp image and I could just paste it into any e-mail, so its legal value seems compromised to me. Does anyone know more on the subject of what has legal value and what doesn't? Thx
  13. Not my type. Or rather not my age A few years back, near my cottage, there was a plan to create a parking for a touristic center on a terrain with old houses (not historic or anything) and trees. The owners were expropriated, but on the demolition date, they climbed in the trees and refused to come down. I can't remember how that day ended, but what I can say is that right now we have a parking lot that's virtually always empty. Quite a waste.
  14. Haha, great job. I don't have either of them and I barely play my Wii, but it was an enjoyment to watch.
  15. My dad has an old laptop that runs windows 3.1 Officially, it has color, but the lcd is so bad that i'd consider it black and white myself. I think its around 20 Mhz too. I'l try to install vista on it just for fun. Oh wait, I have to check if it has a cd drive first
  16. Nice motto. I still havent gotten my mom to understand the difference between right click and left click.
  17. yeah, that happens when you download and execute stuff from the net sometimes. Another thing that bugs me is that to install some programs, I always have to right-click and select "run as administrator". There's a bit too much security sometimes.
  18. Agreed. Besides, I'm the one who bough my mommy a box for xmas Yeah, I do (or rather did) have too much money. For the box quality, my 2.5 y/o high-end dell laptop doesn't have the video card to run aero, and I can't upgrade it. And since people usually keep their computers more than 2 years, well yeah, many people would indeed need a new box to run it.
  19. Hmm, good point, thought the math was wrong at first but I had forgotten that 1 windows GB is (1024)^3 and not ^2 bytes. Who uses bytes anyways Well, in case you're interested, I'l leave you guys the calculations I made. (60-55.8 )/60 = 0,07 = 7% Manufacturer's GB = 1 000 0000 000 bytes Windows GB = 1 073 741 824 bytes 73 741 824/1 000 000 000 = 0,074 = 7,4% The incertitude is probably due the the presence of only one kept decimal in the windows approximation.
  20. I was wondering why the hard drive space avaliable on windows platforms always is lower (sometimes significantly) than the manifacturer's specs. For example, I have a 60 GB HD and windows only sees 55, even before OS installation. For my 250 GB HD, its even worse, I see 235 GB with absolutely nothing on the disk. I thought it could be the Master Table File, but that is only a few MB large I believe. So do you guys know why the entire space isn't recognised?
  21. Hmm, I couln't say if it uses pf, but what you could do is export them to a file, delete the ones you don't use often and then load them whenever you need them. Then again, you might just be losing time doing that And on a side note, I like your avatar as well as the album.
  22. Indeed, I'm throwing my vista away and getting windows 386. Then I can draw graphs and stuff, and even have access to two applications at once. I can even copy files!
  23. Got a new box and I'm quite glad I got Vista on it. One argument I have for it vs xp home is the UAC combined with administrator is quite error-proof. I havent had my parents/sister screw anything up yet, because of that I assume. I like the indexing too, but I've heard there are a few good ones out there for xp too. But for my mom that doesn't know how to find her e-mail, indexing does the job. Then again, I agree that the price is steep.
  24. That's a sweet guide Shug. Specially liked the part about that .avi file's name. Personally, a resource that I found useful when configuring my ports was www.portforward.com The site has detailed instructions for pretty much any router on the planet with standard firmware. You might want to put the link in your guide for those who don't have the wrt54g
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