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Everything posted by organ_shifter

  1. Have you guys heard of Microsoft Live? No? Yes? Windows and Office Live are the keystone
  2. SP2 isn't as necessary as some may think. The same fixes that are required for SP2 are also released for SP1 if needed. I have SP1 only and there are no security holes left over that can only be fixed by installing SP2, and I get all updates every time they are released. A good antivirus/firewall combination will keep you protected just as well as having SP2 with the same combination. SP2 adds other features, but it still seems to be aimed towards novice users who can't protect themselves properly. Like clicking on every popup they come across in hopes of winning the prize at the other end while, in reality, their getting infected. More advanced users recognize the features in SP2 as being anything but urgent/needed. Personally, I don't think I'll ever have SP2 or it's feature until Vista gets released. That's only because that OS will have SP2 features built in. SP2 does affect you connection experience being that it limits the amount of connections that you can have open at one time. BitTorrent sucks with it being installed.
  3. Reboot, go into your bios and be "On Board Sound" or "AC 97 Audio" is enabled, if it is, let me search for your chipset drivers. EDIT: Follow this link [url=http://www.intel.com/support/chipsets/sb/CS-011594.htm]Intel
  4. OK. You don't seem to have chipset drivers installed or it's not enabled in your bios. Try this for me. Go into device manager and expand "Sound, video and game controllers". Take a screenshot of that and post it so I can see what problem devices you have showing. I was just posting that same thing.
  5. Did you reboot afterwards? Is all of your audio properties adjusted correctly, and your volume is not muted? What does it list in the bottom left hand corner of you volume control window? Does it say Realtek AC97 Audio?
  6. No problem man. You can use the latest driver version from Realtek that was just released on 10-21-2005 here: Realtek HD Sound Driver Use the screenshot to see what servers you download from. or You can get the latest version from Intel which is an older release of the same driver from above: [url=http://downloadfinder.intel.com/scripts-df-external/Detail_Desc.aspx?agr=N&ProductID=2111&DwnldID=7525&strOSs=44&OSF]Audio: Intel
  7. Wow, what a coincidence. I just did a system with damn near those exact same specs. Give me one second, I'll have your drivers.
  8. What motherboard is it and what is the name of the chipset? Northbridge & Southbridge is applicable.
  9. Wow, what type of power supply do you have on that thing?
  10. Very welcome. It would be best if you visited the motherboard manufacturer's site. That way you'll get the latest version of the chipset drivers which will contain the latest versions of the ide, miniport, agp, etc. If the date of the drivers from the main site seems old (as they don't always update accordingly), check the developer's site of the devices. (SIS) Here is the best link for your chipset: SiS DOWNLOAD CENTER
  11. Go here and download Everest : EVEREST Home Edition v2.20 Scroll down to accept the agreement. Open the program and click on computer then summary. It will give you all info you need. You can go straight to the download site through the program (see screenshot). If not, at least you'll have the name of the device. Hope this helped.
  12. Ok guys, I removed the reg/serial numbers that were there so the thread is cool now. It's for good reason that Aggr3 removed it before as someone could have possibly used you info, and that wouldn't be good.
  13. You're talking about the other posters right as I don't have any registration numbers showing? I'll edit the other users pics and put it back up...gotta leave for about 20 minutes...brb.
  14. I use this program for it's many editing features. It makes things alot easier. TweakNow PowerPack 2006 Professional
  15. Damn just-, looks like you've got everything you need right there.
  16. If that's the 6000/384 package, you gotte love it!
  17. Very nice specs Indestructable. Although, you did forget to mention the processor.
  18. OK. You are falling a little short of your cap, but you should be able to squeeze more out of the connection. What's your upload? 128Kbps? If so, that can use a little boost as well. After following the links within resopalrabotnick's sig and reading the steps carefully, pick the appropriate cablenut settings for your connection.
  19. Welcome to the boards marufbd. Enjoy your stay and tell your friends about this wonderful site! If ntl is your isp, which package do you have?
  20. I'm not taking anything from Logitech because I'm using the Z-5500 Digital setup myself, but there are quite a few more brands with 5.1 surround that offers more bang for your buck, and fits what you're looking for. I would go with one of these: PHILIPS MMS460 5.1 Speaker - Retail or YOMMO SP-DHT918C 5.1 Speaker - Retail Both are still well under $100 and offer more wattage with nice reviews. Only one person with the PHILIPS setup complained, but it was over something minute. He should have known better about the sound card. The YOMMO setup has a 5 star user rating, which says alot more than just random voters not posting what their issues are. As far as getting the speakers setup how you described, it all depends on the connections that you'll have available. If you buy a setup that has the standard speaker wire which is already spliced and connects to the back of the speakers/sub through the red/black audio jacks, you could just as easily purchase better, longer wire without hassle. On the other hand, buying a setup that uses an RCA standard will require an extra item or two. This is because the wire connected to the satellites will be internal. The other end would connect to the sub via RCA input/output. If the wires at the back of the satellites are not internal, then they would have the red/white RCA jacks. Either way, you would need to purchase Audio Cable Couplers (female-to-female) and additional RCA Audio Cables. Audio Cable Couplers provide a durable and secure connection to your RCA audio cables without soldering or crimping. Advantages
  21. Also, your system restore folders are a great hiding spot for trojans. Turn it off and scan as well. Scan you system with Kaspersky Antivirus afterwards.
  22. Yeah. It does what it's supposed to do. I can't complain. To get back on topic though, Vista seems to be allocating ram somewhere (unless that's how it reports it).
  23. Have you turned off the messenger service?
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