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Everything posted by organ_shifter

  1. Happy New Year to everyone. Hopefully we'll all get off to a great start this year.
  2. Turned 29 back in Oct.
  3. I got on in 1997. My first provider was a local company named BigNet.
  4. I have 6 of 10 that I would like to share also.
  5. Reno, how did you get your SigX to remain the same size?
  6. Damn, this shit looks tight as hell...good lookin' out dawg! My Avatar is too big now (should only be 100x100), and my SigX is too small...lol...go figure
  7. Indeed. Same to you CA3LE. Everyone have a safe and happy holiday season. Happy Holidays!!
  8. Here is a link with more info: Suprnova Shutdown Info More stuff
  9. I don't know how many people here visited suprnova.org, but it is no more. I hate to see them go, but at least they went out on top. RIP Suprnova...
  10. I hope this helps you...good luck! Read under "Manual Repair" below to remove. [The variants] Worm.Win32.Korgo.10240 Worm.Win32.Korgo.10240.B Worm.Win32.Korgo.10240.C Worm.Win32.Korgo.10752 Worm.Win32.Korgo.10752.B Worm.Win32.Korgo.10879 Worm.Win32.Korgo.10879.B Worm.Win32.Korgo.9728 [summary] Worm.Win32.Korgo.10752.C is the variant of Worm.Win32.Korgo.10240. It was found on June 15, 2004. This worm spreads via Window LSASS (Local Security Authority Subsystem Service) security vulnerability, and it is executed by integrating itself in "explorer.exe". Upon execution, a copy of the worm is created in the Windows system folder. TCP port 113, 3067 and another random port is opened. In additional, remote port 6667 is opened for connection to IRC channel. [How it spreads] It copies itself to system that has LSASS security vulnerability, using TCP port 445, as "ftpupd.exe" and executes. Your PC may not be infected if the spreading path used by worm is radically intercepted after downloading Windows security patch. It exploits the following Windows security vulnerability. - LSASS (Local security Authority Subsystem Service) Vulnerability (MS04-011) : Vulnerability information [infection symptoms] 1. The file "ftpupd.exe" is copied to the system. After executing "ftpupd.exe", the worm tries to delete the file but fails. 2. It copies itself to the Windows system folder with the following name. Every time it executes, it copies itself with a new random file name and the existing file is deleted. - (Random file name).exe (File size : 10,752 bytes) 3. Mutexs are created with the following names to prevent duplicated execution. - "u8", "u9", "u10", "uterm11" 4. The event named "u11x" is created. 5. It is registered in the registry to be auto-executed whenever the system reboots. - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Software Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Run - Name : Windows Update - Data: (Windows system folder)(random file name).exe 6. The following key value is registered in the registry. - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Software Microsoft Wireless - Name : Client - Data : 1 7. It opens TCP port 113, 3067 and another random port. It also opens remote port 6667 to connect to IRC channel. - irc.kar.net - gaspode.zanet.org.za - lia.zanet.net - irc.tsk.ru - london.uk.eu.undernet.org - washington.dc.us.undernet.org - los-angeles.ca.us.undernet.org - brussels.be.eu.undernet.org - caen.fr.eu.undernet.org - flanders.be.eu.undernet.org - graz.at.eu.undernet.org - moscow-advokat.ru 8. The worm deletes the values that are registered by another worm. - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Software Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Run - Windows Security Manager - Disk Defragmenter - System Restore Service - Bot Loader - SysTray - WinUpdate - Windows Update Service - avserve.exe - avserve2.exeUpdate Service - Windows Update [Additional information] The worm is produced with Visual C++ and compressed with UPX. [Other information] - Windows system folder is generally C:WindowsSystem (Windows 95/98/Me), C:WinntSystem32 (Windows NT/2000), or C:WindowsSystem32 (Windows XP). [Manual Repair] 1. First of all, reboot to safe mode. ( You can reboot to safemode by pressing F8 ). 2. Using Windows Explorer, release "Hide file extensions for known file types". - [Tools] -> [Folder Options] -> [View] -> Release "Hide file extensions for known file types" 3. Go to [start], [Run] and type "regedit" to execute Registry Editor. Search for the value that exist in the following path and delete it. - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Software Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Run - Name : Windows Update - Data : (Windows system folder)(random file name).exe - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Software Microsoft Wireless 4. Close the Registry Editor. 5. Search for "(Random file name).exe" (File size : 10,752 bytes) in the Windows system folder and delete it. 6. Press "Ctrl+Alt+Delete" key and reboot system. *Using Kaspersky (IMO) to repair is recommended to prevent any error that may occur during manual repair. [Windows security vulnerability patch] Go to [start] -> [Windows Update], or Internet Explorer -> 'Tools' -> 'Windows Update' to link to 'http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com' and download the patch. Note: "shutdown -a" should be executed in the command window to prevent rebooting phenomenon. [security vulnerability detection] System vulnerability can be detected via Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (MBSA).
  11. I watch reality shows more than sitcoms or dramas, especially if it's not fixed. I guess it's due to the fact of reality tv being unpredictable. You never know what to expect on the good ones. I do agree that there are far too many of them broadcasting on several different networks, but certain ones are undeniable. In no particular order, I enjoy these shows: Punk'd * * * * * (No new season scheduled) American Idol * * * * * (New season in January) Fear Factor * * * * * (Keeps it coming) Making the Band * * * * * (Puffy had MTV on lock! If the all girl version has hot chicks and cat-fights in skimpy outfits, it will go to number 1 again) Joe Schmo 1&2 * * * (Haven't heard anything about a third attempt - Pretty entertaining nevertheless) Pimp My Ride * * * (If you're into cars and a little comedy, you'll enjoy this car make-over show) These are just a few that I find/found hilarious (Punk'd) or just pretty damn good (Joe Schmo) But yes, there are alot of them...see here
  12. Once again, another interesting PCI Express article. Here is the link: PCI Express 2.0 to double bandwidth
  13. excerpt from "The End of TV as We Know It" But the cable industry is as intent on keeping Redmond out of IPTV as it was on fighting the company's earlier efforts to get inside the set-top. That's no surprise. Cable networks pass 95 percent of US households and - once the conversion to digital is complete - could feed each of them more than 5 Gbits per second. That's like having 100 T3 lines. The Bells won't be able to match that without taking on a mountain of debt, and satellite operators can't do it no matter what they try. Which means that Comcast and its ilk could be as dominant in this century as the Bell system was in the last. What do you guys think of this? I think that it's a great thing for cable subscribers to look forward to. The bandwidth will be crazy. EDIT (9:00p.m.): Here is the link to the full article. I forgot to post it earlier. Sorry. IPTV Article I'm interested in opinions of others...
  14. Comcast is cool, but I'm getting tired of them. They need to offer a 5000/500 package. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 4117 Kbps about 4.1 Mbps (tested with 2992 KB) Download Speed is:: 503 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line:: 74 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 2.04 second(s) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=RXTO4UTOJ No tweaks applied. 4MB line.
  15. Try this thread: Networking and Hardware. It may be of great use. If not...disregard. I have a few apps listed within my post that can accomplish what you're looking for. Hopefully. Good luck
  16. Thxz. I used "The Logo Creator v3.6.1" to create the pic, and "Paint Shop Pro 9" for the animation. I'm going to take it down for now though . I know most users here connect with highspeed, but I don't want to cause timely page loads for those that don't. I'm gonna try what you suggested and see if I can get it way smaller.
  17. OK, I took out some of the animation which, in turn, lowered the size to 1.57MB (SIZE ON DISK). That's still alittle large for a sig...but better.
  18. Yeah, that is pretty big for a sig. I'm trying to figure out how to compress it without degrading the color. I tried one optimization method, but the red turned into a purplish blue-like color.
  19. I took a shot at making a sig with a porgram called "The Logo Creator v3.6.1". Then I opened the image with "Paint Shop Pro 9" and added a little animation. It's plain, but I like it.
  20. Hell, might as well post... -Shifter- Specs: CPU: AMD Athlon 64 3200+ ClawHammer @ 2.13GHz FSB 213x10.0Multiplier (overclocked on cool days only) | Motherboard: MSI K8T Neo-FIS2R (MS-6702) Cool'N'Quiet | RAM: Kingston KHX3200A/512DDR x2 400MHZ (Hyper X PC3200) | Hard Drive: IBM 40G HDD 7200RPM | DVD-Rom: JLMS XJ-HD166S 16x | Burner: Liteon LTR-52x32x52 CD-RW | Video Card: ATI Radeon 9700Pro 128MB DDR - 340 Core/310 Memory | Cooling Fan: Zalman CNPS7000A-Cu Heatsink/Fan 92mm 2400rpm Fan Mate 1 | Power Supply: Antec Performance 480W
  21. Very interesting article on PCI Express & AGP. Check it out here: Recent Article
  22. Just turned 29 on Oct. 5th
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