I lived in Nome Alaska for a while and had cable modem, it was nice and quick but since it is in the bush with no roads in or out the broadband was sent directly out on satelite, so I had a slight lag (Socom PS2) and alot of outages especially with the blizzards. Maybe you are getting some of the same,.
Well at first I thought maybe it just kept track of when they posted, but some have no posts and says they havent logged in since jan 2003. Anyway I was just wondering.
Jeeez, we have like 1050 members, and I think its kinda cheating to count the ones that have not logged in for over SIX HUNDRED days. Oh yea and I realize I am a mod, I want ALL of the mods opinion on the mod only area of the forum.
Hey Marty and welcome to the forums, my first thought was you might want to reset your modem (bridge), I dont know if this is a problem with the bridge but I had some similar problems when I changed to G but I use cable modem. I am sure someone here will be able to help you fix it, we have alot of smart people here. :D
Hey I was just looking through the member list and there are some registered members who have not been on in almost two years. Should we clean some of these out, I dont see a need in taking up CA3LES storage space with 2 year old accounts. Also I think we should have a Mods only forum for discussion of things like this. Let me know what you guys think, I would have just IM CA3LE with this question but wanted Mods feedback on the forum.
I take it by "runs" you mean DON or Admin. Anyway thats cool, tell her you know a good nurse who will come to work for her for ALOT of money, hook me up ill give you a finders fee.
:haha: No need to appologize :haha: I kinda have my own site, but I like CA3LE's better. I contribute to a few in my spare time, it actually helped that old grumpy ass troll guy believe it or not.... YAH Im usefull. :haha:
From what I understand it is almost done. Thats the purpose of this post, I am trying to do what I can to contribute writing FAQs and guides and what not so I am trying to get ideas of other things to contribute. :D
Welcome Bam, you can use this link to compare your results with that of other users of certain ISPs.
Try it out, its interesting. I like how bad RR compares to Cox when RR is always talking all that gangster smack. :haha:
Ok downloadable ringtones, games, wallpapers (downloadable several ways, usb, IM, DDL).... User submited ringers and wallpapers, forum, helpful polite staff. Monthly ringer and wallpaper competition (best user submited wins a prize). These are my ideas of how to build a great Cell Phone site. What else????
OOPS, Sorry I should have posted the linkl. Anyway let us know how it worked, If you are already doing that well it may not help, but let Van know what your settings are and I bet he can squeez a little more out of it. He's a fricking genius<---- Bad Dr Evil impression.
You CAN, I have seen a friend do it, but considering the price of power supplies I would say no considering one miscue and you could ruin lots of expensive equipment.
I take it you mean the 128 mb of on board video card ram, if so I would go for the next step up 256, not that big of a diffrence and if you go with too old of a card you will regret it. When I put money in my PC it is almost always ram and VC. The AGP slot is dedicated to Graphics VC the PCI is the older way that most all internal components of the PC comunicate with the motherboard. If money is a real issue I would say get a high level 64mb ram card instead of a midrange 128, it will perform good and the diffrence in the 64 and 128 will probably not be noticed, anything the 128 will play the 64 will do ok on, but if you are looking for Doom 3 the 128 will not pull it top shelf anyhow. You may have a hard time even finding a 128mb VC that is 4x instead of 8x.