To get a quick, rough look at the speed just pic a demo or game to download and time it down to the second. Then you can compare it to the size of the file you downloaded and you will be pretty close to clocking it. You will want a larger file. Smaller files give bad readings on fast connections.
I like Acer and I like the set up. If I am close in my translation of the cash thats not a bad deal. I like it.
Its no top notch gaming rig but neither is mine... I can still clunk the Sims 2 on it.
I am certified to teach CPR and they have actually changed the rules. It is now 30 compressions to 2 breaths in that situation. They found that while compressing you are moving oxygen in and out of the lungs as well. They say that it is more detramental to the body to stop the blood flow to give rescue breaths and that some day they may be done away with all together. Dont get me wrong, they were doing CPR wrong but most of the time it is done wrong due to the circumstances and because most people have never had to use it in a real situation. Sad indeed.
Huh... well I am fixing to go eat supper then I will see if I can find anything else for you. Give us your PC specs, windows version and all that good stuff if you will please.
Not sure. Just figured the amount of cards sent would be larger if the internet guys didnt have to leave the house to do it. Besides, its no secret what I think their gift should be(should have been year after year for at least 3 years now) they should be home opening presents and loving their families instead of being shot killed and maimed.
Nice. Ill add an option myself. You just pick a card, customize it and send it. Free of charge. Xenox is paying for it.
Whats sad is the people who actually stepped on him untill his death probably had no choice. Not to say they werent at fault, Im sure plenty of them didnt give a shit if they ran over him but if you have a mob behind you pushing you either go down or forward.
Thats my TV with Onkyo 7.1 surround. God I love Onkyo. Anyway the tv is already getting "dated" and is only about 3 years old. :tickedoff:
I was coming in to move this to online gaming until I realized it was ol Fat but Sexys thread. :haha:
I like the Avatars and the HDD installs.. most all of it except the GUI. Freaking hate IT! Especially in game.
Welcome, while I cant help with this problem (or any problem really, unless its a problem with being fat, then I can help) I had to say I love your name. :haha:
Fatty you sum bitch, after all this time your sig STILL messes with me every time :evil6: man.
Have you tried a fresh install of a browser such as firefox? If not I would recommend a program like Revo Uninstaller for the removal, a reboot and then fresh install. Then update flash and java.