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Everything posted by Shug7272

  1. When I was young I put poo-dooky on my fathers food for abusing me and my mother. Sad but true.
  2. :haha: "Same ol comcast bullshit" reminds me of what I say about sudden link.
  3. YOU PIECE OF MONKEY SHIT!!! Holy SHIT you got me good. Let me tell you the story. Its a good one so get some P Corn. So you nailed my ass and I had never got nailed that hard before with that one. So while Im trying to kill it Im laughing and cussing and my wife is laughing just from watching me. So this is the worst part, I kill it right, then I start Firefox again and I have a plug in that makes me be able to recover the last session, I FUCKING RECOVERED IT AND GOT HIT AGAIN!!!! You nailed me twice with one hit. I will give you this emote and I HAVE NEVER used it online before. EVER. I promise that. Here it is you deserve it. :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: Honest to god, first time I have used the notworthy emot online EVER. Anywhere. You are... the man.
  4. Bah.. you dont mean it. Thats what IM saying.
  5. Bullshit... They B cloning stuff for me to eat. Ahhh fuck it, Ill eat cat.
  6. Yea, I think with the way tech has moved in the past 10 years alone as a guage. Well, within 20 years I suspect there will be at least 2 HUGE breakthroughs that will rattle society and drastically change things. I mean technology as a whole, like knowledge of mankind. The possibilities are endless. :grin2: I love it.
  7. :haha: I love emots. You can say all you need with em.
  8. Asshole.. you stole my thunder. :haha: I never knew it was that easy, never needed to do it. :uglystupid2:
  9. Up yours.. buy ME one.
  10. You should be able to buy a wireless bridge for ALOT less. http://www.nextwarehouse.com/item/?190591 Something like this, you can find cheaper. As far as your laptop, I dunno..
  11. Frickin NICE!!! :icon_thumleft: Great find.
  12. We have the best members around. Im proud of all the responses on this page by our regulars. :smitten:
  13. :haha: :haha:
  14. Please do not post the same thread in multiple sections. If anyone can help you they will see it here. Thanks.
  15. Fuck me and thank you!!!! Im gonna snatch that up.
  16. I owe peepnklown an apology. Apparently my original post was too harsh and I did not mean it to be so. I apologize. Be polite, that was what I was wanting to get across. Sorry to drag this thread back up, I was glad it had died, but I try to be a man of my word and I received a pm from a member that made me second think my original post. This will be last post in this thread.
  17. You guys can go at it all you like in off topic as long as it remains civil. I appreciate your discretion in not resurecting the drama, but if you feel my post out of line please be sure to pm me and let me know your feelings. :haha: You and me both brother.
  18. I am sure plenty of people say that, but I have never heard anyone say it but me.
  19. Hmmm. have you tried completely reseting your router? Im guessing you have but if not, hit the reset button in the back. Reset your modem as well, may help, probably not though.
  20. :haha: Damn well better.
  21. :haha: First paragraph was great. I know what you mean and I love to jack around with you guys. I wouldnt call it kissing butt though. As for the rest of your statement there is alot of wisdom in there.
  22. There may be an easier way to do this, but if you want to check to see if anyone else is on your connection draining your speed you can go into your router and go to mac filtering. Turn it on and then view the clients currently connected to your router. I have had neighbors get on my connection (its secure at times, not at others) and drain my speeds. At times I dont care if others get on but at times I do. Anyway.. I hope you get it figured out.
  23. Ill hold you. Smell my finger...
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