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Everything posted by KingCobra

  1. Never say never.
  2. They run the fiber right to a point on the exterior of the house.
  3. This is a gross exaggeration and untrue.
  4. Yes.
  5. If you want to run multiple operating systems, look into http://www.microsoft.com/virtualpc or http://www.vmware.com/products/desktop/ws_features.html Software emulation is MUCH easier than dual boot, and it's a hell of a lot more flexible.
  6. Welcome to light speed!
  7. Buffalo Technology makes a great set of bridges, routers and wireless cards. See http://www.buffalotech.com/products/wireless.php Most people don't know much about them because they don't have the shelf space you see for Linksys or D-link.
  8. The speed is still 15/2. See http://biz.verizon.net/pands/fios/features.asp
  9. They are definitely blocking 80.
  10. If you read through the details at bungie.net, you'll see they are locking down the exploits, cheats, etc. As far as the map pack is concerned, I hear ya. I wish the goods were free, too.
  11. Halo
  12. We just dislike PPPoE because it's hard to say.
  13. Thanks for ruining my day... Where's that rumor?
  14. What hard drive do you have? Does it already have an OS on it?
  15. Most likely, whatever you have with Comcast will be just fine with Verizon FIOS. However there are a few things to consider, especially if you want to plan for the future: 1.
  16. I never get accurate results from that site. They are usually lower than what I have.
  17. No, I don't have any more specifics and I haven't seen any announcements other than the tip by the Verizon engineers in the dslreports.com forum.
  18. Verizon FIOS is moving to kill off PPPoE.
  19. I'd go right under that :haha:
  20. I'm still using the same settings from the 30/5 tests.
  21. I wish I could take photos this nice of it.
  22. I just wanted to see if what .s1 said was actually true. It isn't but that wasn't the point. Most of the games will not install on WS 2003. Doom 3 would not. The setup programs detect OS and block. You can get around those with the various compatibility modes or the Microsoft App Compatibility Toolkit. I didn't use either on Half Life 2. I don't however recommend you do this. You'll find more hurdles than it's worth especially if you are using a server without an AGP slot. I'm using a beefy -1 gen laptop so I was pretty confident it would work for one of my games. Stick with Windows XP. You'll be glad you did.
  23. Well, we went from a 3meg/256k cable modem to 15/2 then a few days later to 30/5.
  24. Yes, please send beer... lots of beer... I know, acting like a spoiled brat.
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