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Everything posted by netmasta

  1. They are vulnerable, they're just not as easy to attack. There have been some virus' in the past few years that have been spread to thousands of computers. They lay dormant until a certain set time, then on the programmed time all of them ping a certain site all at the same time, trying to DoS it. I remember one even brought down part of an ATM banking system. Just one person pinging a site most likely wont have any effect at all.
  2. Right click on a shortcut on your desktop, select properties. You can create a shortcut key there. See image below:
  3. Most ISP's don't allow you to run a server unless you have the buisness plan. Some don't seem to bother you unless you're using a lot of bandwith.
  4. Welcome to the forums, serwan Read this thread and post your results: https://testmy.net/forum/t-2097
  5. It sounds like to me that they think pinging is only used for malicious purposes. Either that or they're being over protective of their network. I don't see how 1 person pinging a site could bring it down.
  6. Pretty good speeds. If I didn't say it already, welcome to the forums, Mr Natural
  7. That first test isn't valid. It's not in the database. There must have been a problem on your computer of the server during that test.
  8. That's right. No advertising on this site please. BTW, Welcome to the froums, -krazy-
  9. From searching on http://support.microsoft.com, ity sounds like it could be related to the Sasser worm. More info here: http://www.microsoft.com/security/incident/sasser.mspx
  10. This topic has been moved to HELP! With Tests. [iurl]https://testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=5811.0[/iurl]
  11. This topic has been moved to Make it Faster.... [iurl]https://testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=5793.0[/iurl]
  12. From mountaindew.com "Yellow Dye #5 is an additve that has been used since 1916 in a many popular products like skim milk, yogurt, and macaroni and cheese. It's fullyapproved by the Food and Drug Administration for use in food and soft drinks and, as such, is completely safe for consumers. If you want more information on the FDA's website at http://www.cfsan.fda.gov/~lrd/colorfac.html. As for any other rumors you may hear regarding Yellow Dye #5, you can rest assured that they are completely false. From time to time these misleadig rumors circulate throughout the country and it is difficult to say why or how they began. I can assure you that we would never allow harmful ingredients to be included in our soft drinks."
  13. Welcome to the forums, poofer2612 There a number of reasons on why you can only download at 40Kb. Not all sites will give you the same download speeds. It could be your route to that server or the number of people downloading from the site at a certain time. You should read the topics below to get started. https://testmy.net/forum/t-2097 https://testmy.net/forum/t-3924
  14. testmy.net is an internet connection benchmark. We offer Download and Upload connection speed tests. We offer connection history logging as well as host stats. This is a 100% free site and you can test as much as you need to. testmy.net is able to bring you some of the most accurate results due to our centrally located US server on the UUnet / Global Crossing backbone. Unlike some speed testing sites, testmy.net uses only highly compressed data for testing to ensure that you are testing from data that your provider has no way of compressing (therefore this site will show you what your real line speed is, not what your provider wants you to think... (common among satellite providers). Also, with 'SmarTest' Testmy.net will automatically adjust for your line speed and use the most optimal test size for your connection type. testmy.net is a 100% word-of-mouth advertised site, so the growth and success of the site relies on it's users, so please keep visiting, and please pass this site on to friends. You will notice that there is constant development and growth with this site, this also relies on our users input... if you encounter any bug please post in the forum under this section and if you like the site and would like to add your input to a great growing online community please join for free.
  15. I haven't gotten any PM's, but I have seen him post on the site. He created the XP SP2 thread.
  16. That police chase/standoff you guys had a few days ago was something. I was watching it unfold on Fox News. How often do you guys (in CA) get chases "that big".
  17. So even though he doens't have it (antivirus) , he wants us to get it or he'll feel sorry for us?
  18. Welcome to the forums, Tboltness A good thread for new members to read is: https://testmy.net/forum/t-2097
  19. I think, Ca3le is doing some maintenance. I noticed the quick reply box changed back and the buddy list is gone. Not that I really used it.
  20. You're welcome. It's much easier then editing an image, especially if your not good at it.
  21. You can't paste an image/screenshot into a message like you can with text. Open Cablenut press Alt+print screen, open Paint and paste it there. Then save the file and attach it to your message by using the "Additional Options" section.
  22. Tip: If you press Alt + Printscreen, you capture just the current window.
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