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Everything posted by netmasta

  1. You should check all of the connections in your computer, something could be loose. Did you recently install or upgrade any hardware?
  2. Go the download test section and click on the red text that says <<Test Mirrors As for the new servers, it's not testmy'net's fault. It seems like one of the hops(servers) on Ca3les provider is a little slow.
  3. I looks like it could possibly be a problem on the server end. Try a test from one of the mirrors (editors choice is recommended) to see if you get better results.
  4. I'm not sure about pr0duc3r, but for me it only happens when looking up host stats. It doesn't happen on the speed tests.
  5. To me it sounds like the BIOS is having trouble monitoring the hardware setup for some reason. Just guessing. I'm guessing it doesnt happen often, seeing as I only found 3 and 5 matches for "Hardware monitor failure" on Yahoo! and Google.
  6. I have to admit, it looks pretty cool. I like the drag and drop. Hopefully they'll add more features soon. If they want to compete head to head with Yahoo!, in terms of services offered though, they have a way to go.
  7. Leave AOL, lol Seriosly though, read through this topic first: https://testmy.net/forum/t-2097 Also welcome to the forums I hope you enjoy it here.
  8. I'm guessing you mean what is in the pic below. I am also using Firefox 1.0.4, and the same thing happens to me too
  9. It means the file should be around 20KB. It could be a little smaller or larger.
  10. netmasta

    AOL does a 360

    AOL Raises Prices Only a month after lowering them Posted on 2005-05-19 19:20:56 source: broadband reports It's hard to take the world's largest Internet powerhouse and make it completely irrelevant, but thanks to a long series of bad decisions, AOL management is slowly doing just that. In an apparent moment of clarity, AOL recently lowered prices, dropping dial-up prices from $24 to $20, and the price of BYOA (bring your own access) from $15 to $10. Well, guess what: despite mounting subscriber losses, they've quietly changed them back. Guess what, AOL as changed their prices back again. According to the story, it was do a series of bad decisions. AOL user = ,IMHO edit: text for url
  11. If your just checking e-mail and browsing sites that aren't graphic and sound intensive, than that speed is good
  12. You can also get a cached or "fake" result if the server you're testing against is currently down. That happens on some of the mirrors once in a while, although it rarely happens on the main server.
  13. Download this Tracert and Ping program (made by PHP ) https://testmy.net/forum/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=3341.0;id=1352 and click on autocheck.exe, when its done, just right click and paste all the result in your post.
  14. 768 Kbps is 93.75 KB/sec Or 0.77 Mbps ::: 0.09 MB/sec There is a conversion calculator on this site. Just click on "Misc Tools" on the top bar of any page on this site. Also welcome to the site. I hope you have a nice time here. There are a lot of people here that can help with various problems you may have.
  15. I doubt you can share just any music, since there are international copyright laws. Do you have a link to the law?
  16. Well let's see, 972 members to go, divided by 55.16 (Avarage registrations per day), Would give 6/5/05 as the day we get 1000 members. But, as Ca3le said the number of registrations has been lagging a bit so I'll take a wild and random guess of 6/7/05 10:38AM EDT. I put the exact time just for fun.n
  17. netmasta

    AOL Sucks

    12Kb Is this friend really you? Because at the beginning of the messsage you say it's a friend. But at the end of the message you say they told you your speed is great.
  18. I've looked up many sites using the Web Archive. It's a very cool site.
  19. I still get good test results: :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 4022 Kbps about 4 Mbps (tested with 5983 kB) Download Speed is:: 491 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (prem) Test Time:: Thu May 19 2005 08:05:34 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) Bottom Line:: 72X faster than 56K 1MB download in 2.09 sec Diagnosis: Looks Great : 11.44 % faster than the average for host (comcast.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-KQ6YBEOIZ Checking host stats are a little and loading some images are just a little slower though. 14.762350 seconds to to query the database Tracert is a little better today:
  20. It's legal to share copyrighted stuff in Canada?
  21. There is alread a forum for Road Runner <a href="https://testmy.net/forum/b-28">RoadRunner (Time Warner Cable)</a>
  22. The site hasn't seemed slow to me, but one of the hops is slow. Looks like it's something on the servers end.
  23. I'd rather have Xbox 360 or Nintendo Revolution.
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