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Everything posted by netmasta

  1. Another thing to note. You can have each hard drive have it's own system restore size limit.
  2. The 4Mb/384Kb is the standard plan and the 6Mb/768Kb is the "Gold" plan.
  3. How old is it, and what is the model?
  4. It goes just as the previous two people said. Some of the sites are legit., but some are not. If you decide to go for one of those, read all of the fine (sometimes literaly) print first.
  5. If you look on the bottom of the strip, it should say if it's a surge protector or not. Some surge protectors look "plain".
  6. Umm... an advertisement in your sig?
  7. Comcast has 2 packages. The standard 4Mb/384Kb and the "Gold" 6Mb/768Kb for $10/mo more.
  8. It most likely has to do with a driver. You need at least 16 color 640X480 to even begin to use your computer. Windows comes with many "basic" driver files to get you started. One thing, could you possibly be booting to safe mode? Safe mode only lets you use the most basic drivers. If your desktop displays the version of Windows you're using in all four corners, you are in safe mode for some reason.
  9. I have a surge protector. I usually leave my computer on. If the power goes out then comes back on, then I will usually leave my computer off until the weather calms down. If you keep turning your computer on and off within a few minuter you could run into problems.
  10. You probably can't get any higher download speeds. You could probably tweak your upload speed though. Read the "New members click here" link in my sig below for more info.
  11. It could defiantly be a cordless phone. Some cordless phones and most newer routers both run on the 2.4Ghz range. Try moving the router or phone, and then check your speeds again.
  12. They figure, while someone's computer is idle, why not put it to good use. Either that, or their cheap (no offence).
  13. Oh I see. My syster does the same thing with her passwords. She saves it as auto-logon and forgets her password when she needs it. So you forgot the password to your e-mail address too, I'm guessing. If it's an ISP e-mail address, e.g.: AOL, I think you can call them, then they can reset your e-mail/user ID password. I'm not sure exactly how they do it though.
  14. Sounds like you need to update your video card drivers. Do you know what brand/model video card you have?
  15. XP Home SP2 here. I've only had about 15 or so BSOD moments for the three years I've been using it.
  16. Why can't you? Just wondering.
  17. You may also want to run a registry cleaner. When I ran one on one of my old computers (I forget the name of the program), there were literaly dozens of AOL entries in the registry.
  18. You can change the maximum size that restore points. Right click on My Computer>>Properties>>System Restore. Click on the drive you want to change settings on, then click Settings...
  19. Mabe it's just me, but doesn't AIM and MSN have forgotten password features? You just click a link and answer a secret question.
  20. Most of the people that aren't switching are older people that don't want go though the hassle of changing ISP's and E-mail addresses. As for everyone else I agree with FallowEarth, they're probably afraid to switch. Most other ISP's don't have their own software separate from a web browser. Oh, how I miss the days of Prodigy Classic.
  21. Since he now has 5 IP addresses, he doesn't really need a router. At least that's how I see it. Most people have a router so they can have a LAN that shares the same outside IP address. That way, they don't need to purchase additional IPs.
  22. Oops. Sorry, I didn't relise that.
  23. My question is, why would someone on broadband even need an accelerator? Besides they only work for text and images on pages, not large files. With Google Accelerator I'm also conserened about privacy, since they temporally cache cookies.
  24. <a href="http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;309531"> MS Support How to gain access to the System Volume Information folder</a>
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