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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by netmasta

  1. I bet that's his problem. I forgot most routers come with defauld user id's.
  2. Mabey unplugging the router then pressing the reset button for 30 secs will work?
  3. Looks pretty good.
  4. Why are they idiots. Some of us are just having fun with it, like me. EDIT: When I post cached results I never claim they're real. I post them 'cause the're fun to think about.
  5. Well, I have no idea why you were getting 700Kb down since the max is suppose to be 384Kb for the regular plan. If you are getting around 384Kb as your first post indicates, you should be happy.
  6. Try rebooting your modem and router if you have one. You're on the 4Mb 384Kb plan right?
  7. Click on the white arrow next to the Home link. Edit: <a href="http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y82/netmasta/header.jpg"> with header</a> and <a href="http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y82/netmasta/noheader.jpg">without header.</a> Did anyone else know about that?
  8. Your upload is pretty close to the cap (384Kb). What were you getting before?
  9. I don't really drink much, but I've had hard lemonaid an mudslides( pre made).
  10. My mom has an HP and it does the same thing. I'm guessing it's almost like a grinding type of noise? It seems like HP/Compaq drives always do that. I've also had that problem on my computer a couple of times. I just defrag the drive and it seems to go away.
  11. I heard about that. Oh boy, lol. I hope to live to at least 118 so I can see what happens when we go from '99 to '00 again :haha:. Cause if they mess up....
  12. When a mirror is down, which that one probably is, it will give erroneous results.
  13. The reason most of us think it's cached is because we don't know of any speeds like that offered by RR. What are your advertised speeds?
  14. And to think Comcast was robbing me( Vs. Fios that is).
  15. I've seen that too. Wtf do people do in there, pee and s*it while dancing all around?
  16. Well here is what I get using the <a href="https://testmy.net/convert">Testmy.net Conversion calculator</a>: 4823450 Kbps is 588800.05 KB/sec Or 4823.45 Mbps ::: 575 MB/sec 463051 Kbps is 56524.78 KB/sec Or 463.05 Mbps ::: 55.2 MB/sec Can't be right. Can someone do a bps to Kb conversion, Im not 100% sure how. What brand/model modem do you have?
  17. Read the thread in my sig. for more info.
  18. I guess that answers my question. Mine has only changed 3 times since February.
  19. It's at 53 percent because a lot of people that have Verizon have higher speeds (especially with FIOS) which drives up the "hosts avarage speed". You do have very good speeds for the 1.5Mb plan though.
  20. [tt]I just noticed that my comp. ID for the tests changed a few weeks ago. It seems to have changed at the same time my IP address changed. Is it supposed to change then? I havent changed my router or nic. Just wondering.[/tt]
  21. Well I know it's not this: 60000 KB/sec is 491520 Kbps Or 491.52 Mbps ::: 58.59 MB/sec Edit: right?
  22. From the conversion calculator: 60000 Kbps is 7324.22 KB/sec Or 60 Mbps ::: 7.15 MB/sec
  23. I thought kbps and kb/s were the same thing. Same with KBps and KB/s
  24. 60,000Kb? Where do you get those speeds?
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