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Everything posted by netmasta

  1. Justa reminder, those of us posting from attbi.com are Comcast users.
  2. Here's how it all goes. First I had Mediaone Road Runner, then in 1999 they were changed to AT&T Broadband and then Comcast bought out ATTBI in 2003, so everyone who has a attbi.com address has been Comcast since 2003. They just haven't changed everything yet for some reason.
  3. Now I'm confused. Am I 217 or 220?
  4. So it's the number in the link to your profile? https://testmy.net/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=217
  5. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 4183 Kbps about 4.2 Mbps (tested with 5983 kB) Download Speed is:: 511 kB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Test Time:: Mon Mar 21 2005 17:29:22 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) Bottom Line:: 75X faster than 56K 1MB download in 2 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 28.75 % faster than the average for host (attbi.com) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-I3EN1K468
  6. I was just going to post that. March 8th to be exact.
  7. Only 21 more to go. If.. no when that happens we will also beat the amount of members who joined last month.
  8. Well before you get a second hard drive, you should know that an external one would be a little slower and a little more expensive than in internal drive. I think an external drive needs a external power source too. Also if you get an external drive, it can be very easy to move from one comp to another. Other than that, I can guess that most everything else is the same.
  9. For those of you who don't read Maximum PC mag, you should see some of these "Rig of The month" http://www.geocities.com/netmaster5k/mbpics/maxpcrigsofthemonth001.jpg http://www.geocities.com/netmaster5k/mbpics/maxpcrigsofthemonth002.jpg http://www.geocities.com/netmaster5k/mbpics/maxpcrigsofthemonth003.jpg http://www.geocities.com/netmaster5k/mbpics/maxpcrigsofthemonth004.jpg http://www.geocities.com/netmaster5k/mbpics/maxpcrigsofthemonth005.jpg http://www.geocities.com/netmaster5k/mbpics/maxpcrigsofthemonth006.jpg http://www.geocities.com/netmaster5k/mbpics/maxpcrigsofthemonth007.jpg http://www.geocities.com/netmaster5k/mbpics/maxpcrigsofthemonth008.jpg http://www.geocities.com/netmaster5k/mbpics/maxpcrigsofthemonth009.jpg http://www.geocities.com/netmaster5k/mbpics/maxpcrigsofthemonth010.jpg http://www.geocities.com/netmaster5k/mbpics/maxpcrigsofthemonth011.jpg Warning: the pics are a little big.
  10. I think we at least partly do have to blame the U.S. government. During the last 2 decades (at least) or so, the government has virtually ignored terrorist "chatter" until 9/11. They thought that something like that would never happen here. For whatever reason the U.S. seems to think (we are invincible) to terrorism. Sometimes I feel ashamed that we in the U.S. act like we rule the world. Us Americans need to wake up and realize that the rest of the world matters. Some of us also need to realize how lucky we are compaired to third world countries.
  11. 1.2Ghz Celeron 256MB ram 2x 40Gb hdds XP home Soundblaster Audigy Gamer with 5.1 speakers Hauppage Wintv Go 16/8?/48x CD-RW Intel 810 chipset I'm saving so I can build a new comp, hopefully soon.
  12. Just remember, we are suppose to be a DEMOCRATic society. BTW, am I doing a good in starting the flaming?
  13. You should be able to get advertised speeds. According to the 4100's data sheet http://broadband.motorola.com/modem/SB4100.pdf <-pdf file the 4100 can go up to 38Mb
  14. I get them to: Active Connections Proto Local Address Foreign Address State TCP peter-s-place:4805 localhost:4806 ESTABLISHED TCP peter-s-place:4806 localhost:4805 ESTABLISHED localhost is the same as It's probably just testing itself.
  15. I predict about... 4 hours. (sits back to watch)
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