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Everything posted by netmasta

  1. You are currently using 10 MB (1%) of your 2053 MB. lol I gained 2Mb overnight
  2. 69 to go. I give it 2 days.
  3. Neat pic. I'm not scared of heights either. How much was it rocking back and forth?
  4. For those wondering, I have a 3 way splitter which was installed by Comcast (then ATTBI) and I've had no speed problems since.
  5. The "Sorry. " part is meant for you .s1 ok?
  6. Yahoo! did announce last week that they were increasing free space to 1gig. I wouldn't be supprised if they secretly up it to 2 gigs.
  7. Sorry. Group hug, eh? Giggaty Giggaty Gig-aty! :haha: :haha:
  8. You could change the donation pic to one of the pics with the credit cards on it. Some people probably have no idea how Paypal works.
  9. .s1, Do you try to start trouble? Cause it seems to work most of the time.
  10. I know It's off topic,but I like your sig.
  11. I just checked mine: You are currently using 10 MB (1%) of your 2051 MB.
  12. until 6000 members! Over 2000 people joined last month. Now we just need some of those people to post messages. Post anytime.
  13. I like the idea of a "donating rank member" too. It should of cource be optional, so if someone wants to keep there donation private they can.
  14. Hi wowitsjashon, welcome to the forums. Read through this thread first: https://testmy.net/topic-2097
  15. I've tried it. It loads text files, unless you specify your own files. It doesn't seem very accurate.
  16. :haha: I rememeber it from Ebaums wold too. They also showed it on "A Current Affair".
  17. I had to set my nic to 10MB Full Duplex because my D-Link router wouldn't keep a constant connection. D-link burried that info in their KB.
  18. That's what I do. I like to save certain things to certain folders. Go to Tools>Options>>Downloads. There are 2 checkboxes in the second section there. "Show Download Manager window when download begins" and "Close the Download Manager when all downloads are complete"
  19. I thought I'd post a few tips for FF users since I've been using it for a while now. 1.To open a new tap press Ctrl+t 2.You can have keywords for your bookmarks. Example: When I want to go to Testmy.net I just type "speed" in the address bar and it automatically goes to this site. Here is how you do it: First bookmark the page you want to create a keyword for. Then right-click on that bookmark, select properties. Then put any word in the "Keyword field". Then whenever you want to go to that site type that word in your address bar and hit enter and you will be taken to that site. Pretty neat, huh? 3. Import your IE Favorites/bookmarks, cookies and passwords. When you first install Firefox this option should come up. If not, open FF, click on File>Import. 4.Yahoo! toolbar. The official Y! toolbar is now available for FF. 5. Block flash ads, banner ads, Iframes(used by google) and any other image or flash object. Go to the Firefox addons page and search for "Adblock". I'll post more as I find them. BTW, 1,2 & 5 are NOT available in IE.
  20. For your Firefox problem. Do you have a default section where files get saved (e.g.: a:)? You can check by going to Tools>Options>>Downloads. Then check the "Download Folder" section.
  21. Yes, calm down. You can change your notification preferences by going to your profile. Under "Modify Profile" click the link that says "Notifications and Email" and you will see what you're subscribed to.
  22. That's the perfect solution. I switched to Firefox in December and haven't looked back.
  23. They're talking about Terri Sciavo.
  24. I haven't heard anything either. I keep looking out though
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