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Everything posted by netmasta

  1. Try here http://www.broadbandreports.com/forum/remark,13154925 for some DNS workarounds.
  2. That would be good Idea. You could have a page showing only the forums you visit.
  3. Same here. I'll admit that I only went into it les than 10 times though. I'm not really much of a fan of live chat rooms.
  4. Mabey you have to change it by logging into the account actually named administrator. You can only access that account through safe mode. The user name is administrator and there is no password by default.
  5. Sounds like Verizon's getting ready to offer video service. Finally some competition besides the dish. So as I see it, in a few years we will have: Comcast - TV, phone & broadband Verizon - TV, phone & broadband Yet, some will be called cable companies and others will be called phone companies even though they will both be offering the same things. What should we call them then? Also, since some cable co's. now offer phone service, shouldn't they have the same FCC rules as telcos?
  6. Gmail storage ticking up, up and away, http://news.com.com/2061-10811-5669700.html?tag=tb BTW, I'm now at ou are currently using 10 MB (1%) of your 2089 MB.
  7. You shouldnt have to. I just changed the DNS on my router and it's working fine. As far as I know you don't have to use Comcast's DNS servers. http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y82/netmasta/dnschange2.jpg http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y82/netmasta/dnschange1.jpg
  8. Yea, they have been having DNS problems for the past couple of weeks. Read here for a few work arounds http://www.broadbandreports.com/forum/remark,13154925#13155426
  9. To me speed does matter. I like the fast speeds to download movie trailers and other online video. Also I download a lot of freeware. I can't wait till FIOS is in my town. They're only 1 town away..
  10. Yeesh, this page is getting long. It's taking me twice as long to load because of some of the pics.
  11. 8 more MA towns now have FIOS available. http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/050411/nym019.html?.v=6
  12. I bet they'll be back in a few years. They probably didn't have enough subscribers because HDTV's are still to expensive for most people (including me).
  13. I agree with REH. I'd like to have a computer with me wherever I go. If I had to choose though, I'd say desktop since they're usually more powerful and more expandable. Not to mention that they're easier to fix.
  14. CompTIA (http://www.comptia.org) has certifications that are used for computer related companies hiring tech support IT, IS, etc. There certifications are industry recognized. They have many certification tests including A+, Network+, MCSE, etc.
  15. Kbps, Mbps, etc. are internet speed measurements. KB, MB, GB, etc. are file sizes. BTW the ps stands for per second.You can go here for a conversion chart. https://testmy.net/tools.php
  16. Yea it will. If you refuse to download and install SP2 you will not be able to get any updates released after then.
  17. Maybe Ca3le could create a few files for the Firefox add-on "Bandwith Tester"? You just need to create a few files of certain sizes. See pic below:
  18. I'm guessing you have Comcast Gold. Your upload is perfect. Over 100% of your cap is always good. Your upload seems just a little slow though.
  19. netmasta


    What is the problem you are having? Can you only start your computer with the cd in the drive? If so what version of Windows are you using and what error messages do you get if you try to start your computer in the normal way?
  20. So that would be 19.83 Mbps. Who do you have, and what are your caps?
  21. netmasta


    It sounds illegal to me. There some web sites where you can view short movies and music online for free (e.g.:Ifilm.com or Atomfilms) though. They aren't TV stations though.
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