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Everything posted by gourame

  1. try ipconfig /renew. hope that helps
  2. got lots of sheets and rivets here. lets keep tract and maybe he'll do a rundown on how to make us one.
  3. the point there is their techs and human resource doesn't even know how to relate. instead they give you blah blahs, no matter how many times the tech checks your site if he doesn't know it will just be the same.
  4. lets just hope jun101ph will give us the homemade specs he did. i wanna try it but i don't know how the measurements and tools to make one.
  5. need specs for that suit. hehe and how to fabricate the sheet and placement on the canopy.
  6. nice suit for the canopy . anyways ill give it a try tomorrow. my rssi goes only up to 400 max. i'l give this one a shot
  7. well we can atleast try. if your just near the site it doesnt matter if your canopy it mounted at your window. do the tweaks like the others have tried here. they got satisfied after few tweakings. you can dig up things that will optimize your broadband use.
  8. glad it helped you castoy. gratz. @jun101ph can i get some eyes on that stinger thingy? maybe that can do more to help out others.
  9. haha sorry for the typo noblescarlet. seems the two of your are affected, i wanna know how smart would respond to the spam.
  10. antenna placement and site congestion sometimes or usually limits your speed. but don't worry your doing great already than the previous days without the tweaks. that should be enough running at our host average.
  11. @noobscarlet. not sure bro maybe they do have some maintenance in your station, by the way i cant answer your query for reasons that maybe we don't belong at the same base station or beacon even though we live in the same city.
  12. cool speeds. glad you made it. . canopy lock ups are most likely the common problem that i heard of. just don't stray too much meddling with the other settings in your canopy page and you would be fine.
  13. i suggest you just stick with cablenut or tcp and not both at the same time. some problems are not tweaks but with other applications running in the background,firewall and anti virus apps that restricts your bandwidth. above all spywares and malwares. do some house cleaning first check for viruses, trojans, spywares. give that a try and it will improve your speeds. as a thought i only have avast for anti virus, xp firewall set to ON, ccleaner for cleanup and regcure. try that first for now. your speeds are optimal already. .
  14. you can go beyond that 384 caps they advertise. just follow the tweaks carefully and not mess whats not specially in the canopy settings. follow the rules and see that you applied whats told.
  15. @nhot maybe ur canopy thats aligned to a particular site is congested during those times you notice your speed gets low. theres a way to see how much subscribers are in your area where you noted your speeds drop. its in your canopy settings in the tool tab then AP evaluation. you might try this to check how many people are online just don't press rescan AP. hope that helps. just a thought maybe lots of people are online during those times. and in case its not and you still get the low speeds then i think its your site on maintenance. you can always query the smart office and ask. @kaiten01 welcome to the forum. you can dig a lot of things here under the smartbro tweak section. http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=18616.0
  16. is your area upgraded already? or if not it could be congestion or site maintennance. most users under smartbro gets low connection for days prior to the site upgrade.
  17. leyasu any news on your speed? post em up so we can see if we can juice it up a bit.
  18. use the meridiantelekoms recommended dns servers. most people ignores this feature and they set it to auto instead. you can check you dns servers by doin START> RUN> command then type ipconfig /all and see the add for the DNS. take 2 adds and add it on your LAN properties TCIP properties tab, under use dns server input that add and reboot. give it a try.
  19. use avast for anti virus. i havent got a single virus since last year since i installed it on my pc. its smaller and more friendlier than avg.
  20. your speeds seems to be pretty decent than mine compared to my old speed when i haven't found this forum. i suggest you try a different setting that might suit you best. at the moment im using van burens cablenut setting that ca3ble used, didn't have problem after that. you can see the settings here. http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-1013 and by the way im not upgraded yet. im still on smartbros 384kps caps. hope it will help you.
  21. try not to apply all settings via apps like tweakmaster, use one program or a setting one at a time. i suggest you use van burens cable nut settings. you can find it here or else use the settings ca3le used. im using his setting at the moment. i have no other tweaking stuffs just cablenut. you can find the settings here. http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-1013 and with zonealarm firewall i think it has issues. tried that on my xp and it ruined my speed. im just using the basic xp firewall. hope this helps.
  22. jolykahn i tried using cfospeed. it helps though bursting up speed. i tried it for a month and have no problems with it. till i realized that its still best to maximize your speed without running and application to optimize your mtu for speed. i reverted back using cablenuts instead. anyways just giving you a thought bout it.
  23. guess its with the tech guys sometimes that they forgot that it doesn't mean when they put up that canopy's for subscriber that its all plug and play. they forgot to re orient the how to's to maximize the connection. 384kps and you actually don't get what you pay for. smartbroken needs a fix.
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