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Everything posted by coolbuster2007

  1. hi. checking on the screenshot, i found out that your computer is infected by the ravmon virus follow steps given below and you will be free from Ravmon.exe virus.
  2. here's how to change the color code fr0stbound posted this but i can't find the main post
  3. there's only one way to find out and that is to try them both side by side
  4. no reply to my proposal. so i see you are not interested for an EB during the holidays?
  5. hello i am not from your country so im not familiar how your dsl system works. but i'm sure there is someone in the forum who can help you with connectivity problems. welcome to testmy.net
  6. first of all to testmy.net measure the actual distance, including the curves/contours between your computer and the canopy antenna and buy a cable. before you leave the store, ask the shop tech to connect the RJ 45 to it. just a reminder thumbsup!, please post in english only the next time so other nationalities can understand you.
  7. wow! keep it up boi!
  8. the override plug will help
  9. you both are in davao, why don't we think of an EB sometime before the end of the year? maybe we can visit your homes and troubleshoot your connections. whatchathink?
  10. 4x is fine. you can already play good games that require high graphics display
  11. none. your canopy sm is locked and not on a "roaming" status. unfortunately, it is only the smartbro "higher" tech team can change the status to "roaming", which if activated, will allow you to roam or change access points (color codes).
  12. kindly post a HijackThis Log. if you got no information about HJT read <a href="http://www.trendsecure.com/portal/en-US/tools/security_tools/hijackthis">this</a> but go back to testmy.net and post your log so we can evaluate the same.
  13. you are homed at color code 82, w/c has RSSI of 873, SectorUserCount of 33. color code 81 is better; RSSI of 1082 and SectorUserCount of 12. i suggest you set this as your AP.
  14. i found this http://www.testmy.net/t-20597.msg235912#msg235912
  15. There seems to be a problem with the links: Okay here they are: 1. Windows 7 Boot Screen - http://fc01.deviantart.com/fs33/f/2008/310/2/a/Windows7_Boot_Screen_for_Vista_by_Vishal_Gupta.zip 2. Logon Screen: file - http://www.deviantart.com/download/102320932/Windows_7_Login_Screen_by_pugalenthi.rar Logon Vista - http://www.download.com/LogonStudio-Vista/3000-2347_4-10696252.html?tag=Stardock&cdlPid=10696253 3. Windows 7 Vista Style Theme - http://www.deviantart.com/download/102269037/Windows_7_For_Vista_FINAL_by_giannisgx89.rar 4. Taskbar Iconizer - http://fc81.deviantart.com/fs34/f/2008/312/9/0/Windows_7_Taskbar_Iconizer_by_Solo_Dev.exe 5. Windows 7 Desktop Context Menu Add Display Settings and Gadgets Options - http://www.askvg.com/get-windows-7-desktop-context-menu-in-vista-add-display-settings-and-gadgets-options/ 6. AeroSnap - http://www.aerosnap.de.vu/ 7. Aero Shake - http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/lifehacker/2008/11/Aero_Shake.exe 8. Windows 7 Calculator - http://www.box.net/shared/y7tdnm9y2a#Windows7-calculator 9. Notepad 2008 - http://fc02.deviantart.com/fs37/f/2008/262/1/c/Notepad_2008_by_Solo_Dev.zip 10. Application - http://cid-7a9d87fa129538ef.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/Public/own.zip ~ fixed.
  16. Just googled this post from <a href="http://www.beingmanan.com/wp/2008/11/make-vista-look-behave-like-windows-7/" target="_blank">I'm Just Being Manan</a> which might draw your interest. It is actually a step-by-step procedure on how to transform Windows Vista into Windows 7. Try this at your own risk. You should have a software tweaking experience or at least technically versed on computer softwares before applying this guide. "1. Windows 7 Boot Screen 1. Download the <a href="http://www.deviantart.com/download/102728909/Windows7_Boot_Screen_for_Vista_by_Vishal_Gupta.zip" target="_blank">Windows 7 boot screen for Vista</a> by <a href="http://www.askvg.com/download-windows-7-boot-screen-for-windows-vista" target="_blank">Vishal Gupta</a>. 2. Open the folder
  17. sit back and relax, pick up the phone and call your ISP
  18. first of all to testmy.net. you've come to the right place. worry no more with your slow internet speed. here's <a href="http://www.testmy.net/t-24357" target="_blank">Coolbuster's FOURmula</a>.
  19. it is. just avail a corporate package which offers (dedicated) static IP address(es) and more bandwidth. http://smart.com.ph/Corporate/Brands/SmartBro/BroEnterpriseApplication.htm
  20. hrdnox. to testmy.net your first post could be well understood by Filipinos but other nationalities couldn't. in your next post, kindly use english as the language. just simple english. so other users and experts can assist you with connection problems. btw, what area are you from?
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