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Everything posted by fr0stbound

  1. and you see that person who told you the prices everytime you look in the mirror,right? :2funny: just kidding. anyway, i'm not really into porn. once a month is enough for me.
  2. welcome to TMN Maxicode. hope you enjoy your stay.
  3. i noticed something different. it used to say TMN Expert,now it only says Expert.
  4. about your firewall, it depends on you. if you want to be secure, leave it on. if you want to sacrifice security for speed, turn it off. anti-virus, you will get a lot of mixed opinions here. i prefer AVG, since avast! did things that i didn't like in the past, like scanning something as malware when it really isn't. but other people here will recommend avast!. easiest way is to try them all, and pick one according to your preference. about those DNS caching, faster page loading stuff, i'm not sure, since i don't use those tweaks myself, but still satisfied with my speed. again, best way is to try things out, and if they don't workout, then simply restore your system the way it is.
  5. see you had your name changed. and "Philippine Ambassador to TMN" sounds cool.
  6. 380-500 is already good enough. otherwise, it won't be guaranteed to be consistent. some people just get lucky, that's all. also, if you do get around 400-500, that's already considered lucky as well, since you are only paying for 384 Kbps. megabytez really just got lucky with that speed.
  7. you're already close to the advertised 384 Kbps
  8. there is a motorola. that's the one.
  9. yeah, it's not there. well, now you have a reason to tell your boss not to use this method. anyway, i don't believe your boss will actually try to scam you. maybe he has been scammed. anyway, just the thought that you have to pay to get your money is ridiculous.
  10. i believe cb has port forwarding enabled. it requires a program called PFConfig. you need to get the registered version though.
  11. hmm, if you do go with moneybookers, maybe you can refer someone else too, and get paid as well. although i don't like the sound of the words "withdrawal fees"
  12. hmm, yep, opera is pretty good. i once considered using it as my main browser, but firefox's add-ons made that difficult. so for me, i like firefox most, then opera. IE falls somewhere near the bottom. edit: oh yeah, one browser feature i love is on my sig. both opera and firefox(through add-ons) have them. IE == lose.
  13. i have both hotmail and yahoo mail.
  14. hmm, sounds like you do a lot of formatting. don't know why you would do that, i think it will wear out your hard drive.
  15. wd-40? maybe it's just a matter of preference. for me, nothing beats good old crisco.
  16. umm, i'm not sure about this, but firewalls and other security programs tend to reduce your speed, since they conduct realtime scanning of data transferred to and from your computer. i
  17. in the cablenut program, click Registry, then Restore Registry. i hope you did a backup, i'm not sure if this will work if you didn't.
  18. 4 explorers? it would be easier to use tabbed browsing. anyway, update us when your connection becomes stable and doesn't disconnect anymore. also, try to send an email to smartbro csr. remember, since we don't have the same computers, some tweaks are bound not to work on other people. yeah, i know what you mean. and about gourame, i'm not sure. he may be busy with work. and also, a happy and prosperous new year to everyone.
  19. good for you. if it was me, i'd just use duct tape. duct tape is the ultimate tool here around my place.
  20. amen to that anyway, check your cat cables and lan card just to make sure the problem is not on your end.
  21. so you regularly have 200. then you went up to 400, but gets disconnected frequently. maybe you're basestation is being upgraded. good luck
  22. and your regular speed is not 400Kbps?
  23. here's some links http://www.testmy.net/t-20597 http://www.testmy.net/t-18617
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