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Everything posted by fr0stbound

  1. not with ours. its like, one ap has one ip address, so if many people are using one ap, they will all get the same ip address.
  2. hope you don't get in trouble.your worst case scenario would be that they will find out you broke the canopy yourself and will charge you for the broken canopy.(Php 15,000)
  3. hmm, wait a sec.we have an ip address for the canopy, but we ourselves don't. i think that was hard to understand. i guess the best explanation is that, our isp assigns us the same ip address. @mapuamj - you are going to let them know that you've been tweaking with it? hope you don't get in trouble.
  4. you mean, the way you accessed it before is not working anymore? that's a problem. looks like you have to resort to the default override plug method. can you retrieve your canopy?(kaya mo ba kuhain?) if you can, the default plug is easiest. after using it,you may be able to access your canopy again and undo your changes. looks like asking for a new canopy is out of the question since they will find out you were tinkering with it. if you can't, and the only possible solution is toreplace your canopy, try searching for "surging the canopy". that's intentionally breaking your canopy. P.S. please use proper spelling. don't use shorthand.
  5. its the other way around. we have no way to access the ap, and we also know how to make those default plugs. the problem with using it is that our canopies are positioned so damn high. we can't get it down without risk of hurting ourselves.
  6. looks like this guy has disabled an option in his canopy sm. i think it's the mac control parameters that has the 802.3 link. looks like he changed the setting in that. mine is set to power up in operational and for the 2X option disabled.
  7. hmm, no need to post your problem in different threads too.
  8. @mapuamj - pls post in english so that our international friends can help you. can't you access your canopy again? if you can, then change back the things that you changed before. also, don't use the restore factory option.
  9. oh,found it out. it features text based or oem installation. thanks
  10. by access point, do you mean the place the canopy communicates with? yes,accessing the canopy is fairly easy, but the problem is that our isp doesn't want us to access it.
  11. we're in the philippines. same time zone as beijing. we already know that method, trouble is, our isp locks up the canopy, so we cannot access it. the only methods we found to go through this is by using an default override plug and by using the esn # or MAC address method. we hope you know of others, since this methods don't apply to everyone.
  12. thanks, now switching to xubuntu. i also read about this alternate installer cd that doesn't have the graphic interface. what does that mean? does it have less features? thanks for putting up with me and my curiosity/noobness.
  13. good morning to you too sir, though it is already 9 pm here on our end. looks like most of the people's question about the canopy is accessing it after it has been locked. and also some other methods if the ones we already know about doesn't work.
  14. if you consider yourself hard headed, that will be a hard copy alright .
  15. also make a hard copy.better be safe.
  16. his teeth look like human. must be false teeth. nice pic btw.
  17. hope you wrote down that ip.
  18. yeah, i really think so. thats why i invited him over to visit our community here.
  19. i think he meant 5 pm east coast time.
  20. congratulations. please tell us how you were able to do it.
  21. i think it is best if both are high, since you also dl from your peers, though not as much from seeders,since seeders upload the whole file while peers are only able to upload what they already have. i have been observing my utorrent and if i get more peers, the ETA decreases significantly(about 1.5 to 2 minutes).
  22. yes, i'm aware of that. but for the common mass here in our country,a 5 digit salary per month is high already. our family used to live on a 4 digit salary, until my sister and mother started working on jobs too.
  23. hey, look at this. in the past i have high upload low download speed. now check this out. i have a high download speed and no upload speed. only have 1 peer connected. now, if having too low upload speed can decrease download, what more if none?
  24. is switching to another browser like ff not an option?
  25. again, can't get enough speed when it comes to internet.
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