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Everything posted by Azgauth

  1. guys,,, you're makin' momma angry...
  2. same here. Me and my mom went to Globe first to apply for a net connection but the attendant told us that all the lines in our area were already taken. its either we wait for somebody to avail disconnection or return to them after 3 weeks and ask if there is already an available line. That's the reason why we hooked up to SMBRO... about 2 weeks later, Globelines went to our area to advertise their Plan and install new lines... oh well...
  3. If you already have a phone, GLOBE offers an internet only (excluding a phoneline) plan 1.5Mbps at P995.00... Hehe! can't wait to get out of this mud Im stuck in... *disclaimer: There is a myth that whenever a thuderstorm occurs, globes net connection gets cut-off and returns the following day... any globe user who can clarify these?
  4. And I thought the pacqiao barrera bout was over... hehehe!
  5. 6am speeds... still slow...
  6. That's the reason... it was made by man. hehe!
  7. well... for me you are. hehehe! Everything God made was beautiful. Do you guys agree? hehehe! (unfortunately...Smart BRO was not made by God... hehehe!)
  8. kids... we are off topic. Don't imitate us... hehehe!
  9. why you laughin?
  10. at your service... miss beautiful... hehehe!
  11. awkei mom... point taken!
  12. What's the problem with my sig? yah I know its cached or bugged or something but the figures make me feel good a bit so I posted it as my sig. hehe! No big deal...
  13. oh well still using SMBRO... tsss....
  14. if you think you're tweakin too much... TWEAK MORE!!! hehehe!
  15. just kiddin... dont take us too seriuosly. hehe!
  16. question? how do I access my smart portal and where can I see if my base station has already upgraded to WR512?
  17. maybe you've been tweakin too much... you know, tweakin gets addictive at the beginning but as tine goes, it will all boil down to your satisfaction. As i said, I never got over the 400 mark but im pretty happy with my speed right now. Its not all about the number...
  18. good night! See you in my dreams!
  19. i'll to find the thread and pot a link here...
  20. all sites broken except this one? weh?
  21. try lookin for the thread "NEW WAY TO ACCESS YOUR CANOPY" at the Smart bro WI-FI section... There you can find a way on how to know your mac address without going to your roof... hehehe!
  22. awww... too bad ... why naman? hehehe! Youre not even online on my list... hiding somethin? hehe! on topic: have you already accessed your canopy page? I never done some tweakin fo quite a while now coz im still satisfied with my speeds... 250-350 is quite enough as long as I can play, chat, surf and download all at the same time... hehehe! The "playing" part keeps me busy while downloading...
  23. so afr im contented with my base station... although it doesn't give me speeds over 400 as long as its doesn't go below 250...
  24. was this site broken a while ago?
  25. ei the sites back... and your online! Hi pancake!
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