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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by Azgauth

  1. goodie! would you mind posting the site? we have the same drivre. what a coincidence. haha! A new spark of hope! pls post it tnx!
  2. i tried CFO speed... so-so. I havent tried net stat live. where could i get it? what does it do?
  3. the statement says: The wizard could not find a better match for your hardware than the software you currently have installed... i think that means i already have the latest software installed but how come i still dont get those 400+ kbps speeds?
  4. thankees... tweakin moment again... hehehe!
  5. well the 20 steps helped me from 45kbps to 140kbps but never really beyond 400kbps... oh well...huhuhu!
  6. Update? how? I tried almost every tweak available but i think none works for me, aside from those speed bugs, i never really got over 400kbps. just my usual 150-250kbps. Im still looking for the perfect tweak for my PC. any suggestions?
  7. real speed shows... did the test again, the results are the ff: (direct connection and auto-detect) 100+ kbps (with proxies) 300+ kbps. oh well, vey inconsistent... When would i get a stable 400+ or even a 350+ speed? I feel that im not getting what im paying for...
  8. @ frostbbound - nope,I just opened my pc and used the cleaner, flushed my dns ipconfig etc etc before i did the test. probably another base station bug, i tried downloading and the speed is only about 20+ kb/s but every second, more than a hundred kbps adds to my downloaded file... kinda weird....
  9. just followed what ms.sira posted and heres my latest speed on firefox. (w/proxies) (without proxies/direct connection to the net.) (auto-detect proxies) hey wait... im on firefox! this figure must be kidding me, lets try it again. (auto-detect proxies part2) looks like I already hit the jackpot... hehe! 'll try downloading something and keep you updated.
  10. thanks sira... im begginin to luv you! haha! kidding! i hope it works for me haha!
  11. latest firefox speed... I think further tweakin wouldnt be necessary for the mean time. I wanna have blazin fast speed but one wrong move might send me blazin fast back to earth. hehe! as long as im stable with this speed, i'll be happy. hehe!. im not really after the browse speed but im after the download speed since i download lots of things for my thesis most of the time. anyway, anyone who knows how to check if speeds are stable?
  12. @sira - just kidding! haha! anyway, would you kindly specify what values did you change on your cablenut settings aside from the scale value of 8 and 4 thingie? as you can see, i have redone the 20 steps already and note my speed. still pathetic... this sucks... @ frostbound _ whats the diff between opera ang firefox?
  13. where cud i get it?
  14. @ frostbound - i did what you told me and i guess this is my real speed while using IE aww... @ siraComputer - your hot! hahaha! and your speeds are blazin too.. i hope someday i achieve that 400+ normal speed.
  15. actually, im getting consistent hyfalutin speed from IE. rangin from 600+kbps to 11000+ kbps while im gettin 150kbps to 250kbps from firefox. I trust my the firefox result better but i'm kinda gettin this funny feeling that im using the wrong browser and that i must use my IE more... @ SiraComputer: what browser did you use while doing those tests? IE or firefox?
  16. another one. From Firefox: from IE: does this mean my tweak works better on IE? or its just a prodcut of my wild imagination...
  17. the only thing consistent with smart bro is its inconsistency.
  18. still inconsistenst speed till now. The latest results of my test are the following. Using Firefox: Using IE (not ver7. I dunno what version it is.) im startin to doubt my speeds...
  19. this picture says my DL speed is 20+kb/s (which is slow) but whenever I download something, my speed goes down to 2kb/s!?!?!?! why oh why!?!?! and its already 2am in the mornin. networks should have been decongested by now.... huhuhu! is it me or my pc or my base station or the site which I download from? oh my! I hope this hells over tomorrow.
  20. my latest with fire fox. this is more stable than the one below using IE, probably due to base station speed burst.
  21. oh my... my connections goin haywire!!!
  22. my speed's still incosistent and im experiencing it negatively.
  23. my sig was due to an effect called big bang boogie base station speed burst.
  24. im still hoping for a 400+ constant kbps... right now, i think the bug is over. im back to 150-250kbps.... oh well.
  25. its fluctuating... im checkin it from time to time... right now, my latest was 101kbps...
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