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Everything posted by php

  1. if the hard drive failed, software probably isn't gonna do it
  2. php

    Computer Restarting

    The keyboard lights flashing is normal...
  3. it's a bit tall... as far as image links, it depends what the link is for.
  4. The end speed is the overall average...
  5. It's always that time of year like christmas in july sales
  6. Your IP block is registered to Belwave... I think VRfuturenet is part of Belwave but I don't know that for sure...
  7. For speeding I don't think there's much they can do since there's no official recorded speed from the radar. Reckless driving, running stop signs (bus included) is another story... I have gotten a guy a ticket for reckless driving and passing on a double yellow (he basically ran me off the road...)
  8. My ISP: HughesNET Best package now: 1.5/200? My current speed/package: 800/50ish Best package a year from now? probably the same or worse
  9. You shouldn't need any paperwork to get it RMAed... just go to the western digital website
  10. yeah... that's on the list of stuff to be fixed
  11. That's alright... I don't think the forum search searches urls http://www.google.com/search?q=speedtest.net+site%3Atestmy.net&start=0&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official
  12. Actually it's been posted several times...
  13. your time logged in is updating. as for your stats, that's because of the server issues...
  14. Not necessarily... in my case at least the OS is rather small compared to everything else...
  15. There's been quite a few issues with the testmy servers in the past few days...
  16. (reposting lost info) I want one too...
  17. Line power runs at 60Hz in the US... there's really no reason to set your monitor refresh rate at 60Hz unless it can't support anything higher...
  18. Well, a ground loop shouldn't affect a PC... As far as my surge protector, I have a single plug-in one (unknown) followed by my APC UPS. (For my computer and monitors anyway.. I have 4 surge protectors in here I think...)
  19. umm.... I don't even know how to respond to that watersucks... lol...
  20. Yeah... to think what people can be talked into doing...
  21. Unless the modem and router are one and the same...
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