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Everything posted by php

  1. well, here's the basics... Faster Safer Easier NON-M$ Better
  2. That mirror is down... that's why you're getting false results
  3. Its open PPPoE though, you can type any user/pass in and go... but I'm not sure why they do that...
  4. Weellll... considering the title of this topic is "Some nice FireFox Tweaks"... I think they want to see the FF tweaks... they look at the rest if they want... it took me a little bit to find the link I was looking for...
  5. Why not just click http://windowssecrets.com/comp/041202/#top1?
  6. FiOS ping most likely will be lower, but that depends on the route... also, it seems like everyone complains about lag... that also depends on the route...
  7. I'm afraid it's not gonna work... absolute MINIMUM POSSIBLE ping, under best conditions, is around 500ms or so... normal conditions its 800-1000, up to 3000+
  8. :haha: have fun with that... hope its not over 100 its easiest to take a stick that you know fits out and compare the 2... much faster
  9. Welcome to the forum scottfromtampa nice FiOS speeds
  10. Welcome to the great forum and horrible internet service stblues
  11. If you go into Cablenut, clear all fields, and click save to registry and reboot you will go back to the windows default settings.
  12. I still don't see why that is a problem
  13. You should be able to find a program that will join the partitions without reformatting... Google it, because I'm sure I've done it before...
  14. there is no Cablenut version 7... that's just version 7 of VanBuren's tweaks
  15. Eh... I swapped memory sticks among all my old computers... never fried anything... and my motto was if it fits, use it
  16. your router/modem isn't responding to pings... what's the problem with that? also, it could be the first node doesn't accept pings...
  17. Well, I found a workaround for my problem... maybe it'll help you too... http://forums.pcworld.co.nz/archive/index.php/t-37978.html Log in as the Administrator and then it works.... it did for me anyway...
  18. Did all that... now I get 0x80072F76 no info on it on the M$ site either...
  19. quote wasn't working... pitbull... I'd just leave it and see if anyone chooses it
  20. I just thought of something... if anyone votes advertisement (you spelled that wrong too pitbull ) they're lying, because CA3LE doesn't advertise...
  21. <a href="https://testmy.net/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=561;sa=showPosts">Maybe both</a>
  22. You mean Google, right? I found this site through Google
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