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Everything posted by REV0LUTI0NIZED

  1. This is only for the WRT54GS v5, heres this http://www.wrtrouters.com/guides/upgradeto16mb/
  2. You can also improve your ram from 8mb to 16mb when you install DD-WRT, making it perform better.
  3. Heres a website that helps you step by step, http://www.wrtrouters.com/guides/upgradetolinux/
  4. It doesn't matter, I think the upload tests are having issues.
  5. I think the upload tests are coming out incorrect because im hitting 800Kbps on upload when im advertised at only 512.
  6. It looks like they came out with a newer firmware (v23 SP2 Final).
  7. The issue was that i didn't know the username so I checked on dd-wrt.com and when you upgrade to this firmware the username changes to "root".
  8. I have just upgrade my Linksys WRT54G v5 to the DD-WRT firmware which was succesful but after finishing the upgrade my router won't connect I am able to enter the sever but it wont let me surf on the web also it keeps asking me for my username and password which I enter but it wont accept the password i gave it, any clue how I can fix this?
  9. Port forward 3074 UDP & TCP, 88 UDP only.
  10. I love the upgrade, hopefully they upgrade the upload early 2007. That would be nice!
  11. Looks nice. The pricing isn't to steep and the specs seem OK.
  12. I downloaded RC2 the 32 bit. I never got the time to download the 64 bit.
  13. How can I get the clear type skin running on vista.
  14. This is as fast that I have gotten it to go, remember it's on my wireless laptop not weird (ethernet).
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