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xs1 last won the day on January 14

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About xs1

  • Birthday 07/14/1986

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    27.359146 / -82.496626

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Community Answers

  1. Agreed. https://www.surfboard.com/products/cable-modems/s34/
  2. xs1

    Rate limit hit pop-up

    Well maybe you should cool it down, dude! 😄
  3. Id try a traceroute from the affected machine vs one that is working properly.
  4. 461/600 over Wi-Fi is pretty good. Are you always Wi-Fi? Have you tried wired?
  5. What's your advertised speeds?
  6. https://testmy.net/ipb/search/?&type=core_members&joinedDate=any&group[40]=1
  7. All this would do would eat significantly more bandwidth... 5 min. minimum is pretty generous imo;
  8. xs1


    Hey, if it works it works 👌🥸
  9. @cholla 1. what is up with that latency my friend?! 2. Have you run any virus scans? lol cause that image resizing is super trippy..
  10. You can definitely see in the video something is compressing the data on the back end, primarily on the large file sizes; Almost like a download booster, or something of that nature. I use brave right now, and chrome for sites brave is blocking something needed, which i run into from time to time. oh, and btw, both the gif and the mkv worked fine for me, lol.
  11. At least its (currently) consistent. Much better than satellite alternatives!
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