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Everything posted by WebUser

  1. I've been looking at an external antenna for wireless routers/access points. Does anybody have any experience with them? Google searches get mixed reviews on their effectiveness. This is one I'm looking at: http://www.superpass.com/SPDG16O.html I'm also looking at a couple of Hawking and dLink models. I need to effectively double or triple the existing range I'm getting from a LinkSys router. In this case running another Cat5 cable really isn't practical due to construction and a few other factors, but running 20' of cable to an outdoor antenna like the one linked above would be no problem. I'm not concerned about 'wardrivers' here due to the nature and location of the building.
  2. No Prob. A little trick I learned from elsewhere. Hint; You can also 'layer' backgrounds in many cases by putting one in the TABLE Tag, a second in the TR Tag and a third in the TD Tag, then put a fourth [actual] image in the TD cell itself which can be an animated gif. The effect is almost 3D where the anigif moves over the other background(s).
  3. Unfortunately I didn't do anything except load the site, and it wasn't there yesterday [last time I was here] so it wouldn't be a cache issue. I use Opera 8, so it may be something browser related.
  4. OK, the page width is fine now, but I have gained an odd line at the top through the headers. Not sure if it's supposed to be there or not. As to the logo/link, what about putting a blank gif in the TD cell that links to the main page. It would 'overlay' the background logo .
  5. Not too particular about colors, themes, contrast, etc.; I can work with almost anything, but the pages are too wide now. I have to scroll right to see the full page and I have a big blank area on the left of the board, even though the header on the main page goes to the left margin.
  6. "he did not to be here just as installer one that done the original install."
  7. This is not a new spoof. It's been around for a year or so, maybe longer. dlewis, you should never keep more than about $50 [or more than you can afford to lose] in your Paypal account. They can and WILL take it whenever they feel like it.
  8. Opera has a Mail Client that opens with the main program [actually a part of the browser, plus a few other goodies, so that may be what you're seeing. I know there's no built in email client in IE, not sure about FF.
  9. WebUser

    Starband SUCKS

    Perhaps you could try a complete, coherent sentence or two so we could understand what you are babbling about?
  10. phpBB2 and SMF require some sort of webhosting account. If you have a website, they are both free and fairly easy to set up. If you don't have a website, there are places out there where you can sign up as a member and host a free board. boardnation.com is one, EZBoard.com is another. You should be able to find several more via Google or Yahoo. http://www.google.com/search?client=opera&rls=en&q=free+discussion+boards&sourceid=opera&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8
  11. No answer yet?
  12. OK, OK, I give What's a torrent What's a bitorrent What do they do Why would I need one
  13. Yeah, I make 'em too, but you're gettin' ripped on the pricing. A box of Cat5 shouldn't cost more than $75 at the highest. Depending on the quantity of the connectors and boots [ 100? ], they should also be about half that price. Check Monoprice.com They also sell on eBay but their website prices are better. I think you'll find their pre-made cable prices hard to beat too.
  14. You can indeed say and do whatever you believe, as long as it's legal. Hacking or attempting to defeat copyright protections is illegal.
  15. Then don't commit felonies by hacking protected products. And don't try to solicit anyone else to assist you in your crimes.
  16. There's a new Internet
  17. ur You seem to keep dropping these "Y" and "O" The word is YOur.
  18. Also on Secunia, rated as "Extremely Critical" http://secunia.com/advisories/18255/
  19. Maxthon is a skin for IE that adds a few frills, but it is still IE. It used to be known as IE2 until about a year ago.
  20. You need to make some adjustments to the poll. IE and Maxthon are the same thing. Maxthon is a skin for IE. You're missing Mozilla. Netscape, FireFox and Mozilla are all basically the same thing, all built on the Gecko engine. But of course, since Netscape is now owned by AOL, Mozilla won't have anything more to do with it. Netscape is supposed to die soon as AOL has said they won't be updating it again, so I believe Netscape 8 will be the last. As far as I know, there are really only four for WinBlows; IE variants, Gecko variants, Linux variants and Opera [which may also be Gecko] . Not sure what K-Mellon is built on, never heard of it. Never used Mac, so I don't know what their browsers are.
  21. Avant IS IE in another format/skin. Obviously you've never used anything else, or you wouldn't say that.
  22. Opera 8.5 for primary Mozilla and/or Netscape for backup browsers. Never tried FF Avoid IE like the plague it is, except for WinBlows updates.
  23. Try whispering softly to it while you fiddle with it's knobs.
  24. No, this isn't like using an actual cell phone with a small screen. This is a modem very similar to a typical cable or DSL Modem which connects to a LAN wired/wireless router from Belkin, Netgear, dLink, etc. You set it up at home and use conventional PCs. I'm considering doing it and installing a Yagi [15dB gain or so] antenna pointed at the cell tower. And there are more companies providing the service than just Verizon; Sprint and Alltel are involved or soon will be, others will be following.
  25. I doubt you would gain anything with WB over SB. Satellite is satellite, the latency will be there no matter which service you use.
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