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Beta Tester
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Everything posted by spudler_t

  1. as a matter of fact I am having an issue right now because my test speed is about 1/2 (download) of what I usually get so I am in the process of figuring out why this is
  2. Thanks I never have used your forum but I have used your internet speed test a bunch of times and have seen you r site change quite a bit and am glad to say I think you are doing a great job on it. and would like to thank you for this awesome service you wouldn't believe how many times this has helped me to fix connection issues or help me to get the most out of my internet connection. and I have told a bunch of people to come here to use it
  3. howdy people. Funny I have been using this site to check my connection speed since I'm guessing 2001 or whenever you started this site if after that and never thought of joining. but here I am.well thats about all for now I guess i can add to this if anyone has any questions
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