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Everything posted by spudler_t

  1. Oh ya , I know it was not Intentional, I believe there was a major or Mass Deletion of accounts to remove those dam annoying Spammers ( Which I totally understand and agree with) I just believe I was caught in Friendly Fire of sorts. AKA my account was K.I.A. I just hope it is possible to get my data reconnected along with my posts etc. It would be sad if I actually had to start from Scratch.
  2. I was spudler_t on here for years, used this site multiple times monthly to keep Comcast/ Xfinity honest with advertised speeds. Now sadly my profile was deleted or something and all my awesome data I have acquired to show them when my speed is not up to average is gone and even though I was informed to re register with same user name for some reason the site no longer allows user names with a _ so I registered as spudlert. Please if you can figure out a way to connect this new profile name with my old one or better yet let me use spudler_t again I would so appreciate it. Not to mention I was a beta tester and would like that ability again. You know I love this site and have tweeted it many times , I am also the one who had so much issues with Norton Safe search and their incorrectly blocking the site and displaying Suspicious web page detected. I think all my complaining has finally caused them to fix this issue was I have not had it lately. Thank you
  3. WOw So "Funny" That you mentioned this, I had a crap load of this happening yesterday and I was using IE 11. I will try using Chrome today later and see if I have this same thing happen. I found ( Or my G-Friend did anyway) that oh ya it is Adobe "Flash" was outdated or not installed and it messed her laptop up. I have had that one quite a few times last month prior to my "Factory Restore/Reinstall Since then I have not had any thing try to or accomplish any un authorized downloads.
  4. Hmm that's interesting, so when camera is in USB 3 and Mic is plugged in to USB 3 also it causes issues? I believe you stated that if you cave cam in USB 3 and Mic in USB 2 with generic drivers it works ok? Don't feel bad, My ASUS G73 SW ROG laptop I just had to do a factory restore/reinstall and not say 10 min after I was up and running my Realtek Drivers and Creative TRU Studio decided to crash never to work again. Which you have no Idea how much that just torks me as I am a audio nut and have a complete (Literally) Pro Pa system I listen to my music through ( Peavey Commercial Series Amps = 2200 watts Bi-Amped, running X-over and Alesis 1/3 Octave EQ 2@ 30 Band) the sound coming out of the system just SUCKS compared to what I am used to. SO let see today would be day # 6 of trying anything I could to get some sort of audio processing working ( seems my fall back modded driver and X-FI MB 2 setup is no longer anywhere to be found on the entire internet and I cannot find the backed up file anywhere. I finally found this cool program called SRS iWOW that works amazingly well and with my Audio driver and setup and go figure I cannot find out how to pay to activate it past the 14 day trial, SO I try the SRS Audio Essentials ( Supposedly quite newer and better then SRS iWOW and go figure when I try to install it cannot (for some reason beyond me) Start the Service SRS something or another. Some days I just hate computers with a passion. And to think I still have to install probably 20 hours worth of Software, Toontrack EZDrummer, Superior Drummer, 2 SDX packs, 3 EZX packs, SONAR X3 and its add ons, oh ya and Dang I cannot remember exactly but I think ..... ya just had to look 370,000 MIDI Drum files so ill be busy for some time before I Can get back to creating music and so on.
  5. I love this site and the fact I can look at my previous speed tests and use them to point out to Comcast or whomever what my upload and download speeds were at what date and times and when the speed decreased from what the average was regardless of what their so called ( recommended speed test site) says my speed is currently. This site has saved me hours of arguing and probably some court time and possibly save a few techs from a beat down when they try to blame anything including the color of my cat as to why my internet speed is not what it should be, I believe the default of the techs is to blame anything but their equipment or connection. Kinda like our government blame anything but their actual incompetence. So just wanted to say Thank you for creating and keeping this site available I know I sure do appreciate it and try to mention it to anyone I know that is interested in keeping track of their speed and actual care about getting what they are paying for.
  6. Just a bit of help to you, under the comcast provider info where you have the speed tiers and the speeds with power boost listed I wanted to let you know a few have changed. For instance Extreme 50 is gone and Blast moved into that catagory also I have been hearing and was told today by the Internet chat service tech person that soon Blast will be moving up to the extreme 105 Spot, I believe the exat same upload and download speeds you have listed will be correct but I do not know about power burst, I think they may have dropped that as i never seen the download go about 105 Mbps even when I was using the extreme 105 tier. I thought someone was trying to hose me out of my speed I was supposed to get until I finally squeezed it out of someone that the 105 Mbps they advertise is available and included with my current plan is actually not in place locally yet. Sad that they can advertise speeds like that before they are available to deliver them. I will see if I can get the plans and the actual speeds for all current ones if you would like, Or at least do the best I can to get them lol
  7. I am curious as to why on the TraceMy.net page under User que it show me using Comcast cable which is correct but in a city that is quite a bit away from where I actually live? As a matter of fact the city listed Saint Helens Oregon is a small town about id say 45 miles away from where I actually live. I would of expected possibly Portland Oregon to come up way before Saint Helens. Any Idea why this is? Could it possibly be that back in the day when the Trojan Nuclear plant was up and running a main internet backbone could of possibly been mainlined to saint Helens and branched off from there? I figured maybe Nuclear plants would of needed Internet mainlines back before internet was a household item?? I am not sure when the plant was built but I know it was there prior to 85 long before I remember even hearing of the internet.
  8. Seriously? SO a 300/300 Wifi could at most get 150/150? well supposedly the router is connected directly to the modem ie all in one unit so I would , Hang on I actually have the exact specs from Cisco I will look at my pdf and get back to you with better info
  9. Ok something is funky here, I finally get the Cisco DPC 3939 Modem and it is installed but I am told by the installer that even though I see (Plain as day) that my XF Premier Bundle states internet speeds of 105 I am going to be charged for the speed increase???? WHAT?? Then I find out that even though I can see with the 5 Ghz connection I am getting 300 Mbps connection on my computer that Somehow I cannot get the 105 Mbps connection speeds using my 300 Mbps wireless N conection The way I see if I get 100 Mbps that still leaves 200 Mbps headroom on my connection yet I have found with testing I am lucky to get 65 Mbps download speed via wireless, Maybe what the tech should of said was that Comcast's Wireless is not able to produce the 105 Mbps via Wireless rather then say my system will not be able to use that as I can clearly see where my wireless card is connected at 300Mbps This has became quite a pain in my butt compared to what I was expecting it to be. I cannot see where (as I was told by the tech) I needed to have a 1Gbps connection in order to get the 105 Mbps speeds It cannot possibly be that one needs a connection rated 9.5 X faster then the speed expecting to get? if that was the case then people using a 100Mbps Nic card could only possibly hope for 10.5 Mbps connection and those using a 54Mbps Wireless could only hope for 5.6Mbps I should connect at 54Mbps and see what the fastest I can get using Testmy.net to see if my Idea holds water here. I think personally the actual Cisco router is a good router it is the Software Comcast uses that is inferior, Not to mention it has the ability to run IPV6 but it is not enabled (enableable) (Greyed out at the moment)
  10. wow, here I think my old TG862 had the feature greyed out until 6 months ago then as shown in pic it was working great, I do know as I did a test that used both a few times. The DPC 3939 is supposed to support IPV6 and I see it is greyed out like the other modem was so I am thinking since the DPC3939 is new to area that they will have to fix that feature in a software update in the future. I actually found one of the DPC 3939 Modems for sale, Legit sale, for under $80, It is tempting as in 8 months it would pay for itself, and I could possibly aquire it for under $50 if bidding works my way.
  11. when you say turned of your firewall, Are you referring to the one on your computer? The one in the router? or both of them? You had said it was the newest modem they have? DO you know if it is the Arris TG862 or the Cisco DPC 3939? I was having some strange issues last 3 days with the TG862, since they replaced that with the DPC3939 I am getting 120ish Mbps down and around 20Mbps upload. I need to run about 20 more tests to see if it stays consistent. Sadly though even with my 300Mbps Wifi my wifi speeds are under 90Mbps down. Though sorry that has nothing to do with helping you.
  12. Hmm, Just curious what are your Firewall settings? Also again are you using just a modem, modem with connected router or a Wireless gateway ( router/modem/phone all in one unit?)
  13. See here where it shows IPV4 Internet and IPV6 no internet, this shoudl always of said IPV6 no internet had the info that comcast does not use IPV6 between Modem/router and customer devices correct? Just wanting to be sure I am not incorrect here
  14. Ok got the DPC 3939, Was told they do not support IPV6, My Ass, The Arris TG 862 had both IPV6 and IPV4 and both were listed in my computers network details. Do these companies really keep there techs in the dark this much or do they teach them that if they learn as minimal as possible and someone asks a question or a customer is smarter then they are they are to LIE and deny that whatever service/feature.etc. exists or is available. Basically the tech told me that What I say was wrong, IPV6 is between the Modem and their servers not used between modem/router and customer devices , if so I would of had No internet or connectivity on my IPV6 side of my network info as my computer can care less what is going on between the Modem/Router and whatever it connects to. I get so Tired of being treated like I am freaking a retard or Technically challenged. Maybe what happened is I have been in a alternate reality where shit works like it is supposed to and today I came back to the reality where everything is messed up? Anyone else ever feel like throttling a tech till they are no longer able to attempt to BS there way through a appointment? Oh get this I was also informed that the Info I seen and snipped about my plan including the 105Mbps speed is incorrect so the tech added the 105 Tier as a addon which will cost me more, I even showed him my snippet and then he said Oh Um that must be corperate rates not local, which I almost Punched him in the testicles as I had just told him those specs and prices on the screen were only displayed after entering my Zip code. OMG if I had not shaved my head a week ago I would of pulled every last hair out of it. I need to go pull some weeds or sing some metal songs to get this crazy aggression out of my system before I go Booom.
  15. Oh and to take the cake on Either my Stupidity, Comcast's or Comcast Huge Don't tell and we can charge you all for services not rendered campaign, not only was I paying the X1 prices for non X1 services and internet speeds, I go and get the proper Equipment I am due on 10-10-14, ask about the speed increase ( was lied to about it) Already mentioned, waited through 2 cancelations for the tech to install the MOCA filter ( was told somehow that was needed before I would see speed increase ( Guess what another LIE) Find out that I need what they call a Wireless gateway 2 ( I currently have the Wireless Gateway1) Was told the local Service center has them I can go exchange it today ( WRONG) Told by them it is a Tech install only item. I being quite upset my now wasting my time and making me wait are 2 things that Tork me crazy bad, Tell them quite frankly No I do not need a tech to install 1 Coax, 1 Phone wire , 1 Ethernet and setup my wireless network all I need is the Device and a way to get someone to send a new signal/Software pack to my modem, But since the only people allowed to have these modems in their possession is the techs I have to wait till tomorrow for one to drop it off, That is of course unless that gets canceled and put off for an extra 4 days like last tech appointment. I frankly expect a discount Prorated on my account for services not available, seeing how they are sure to charge you a prorate for any upgrade you get from the second you request it. My current gateway is not even 105Mbps nor MOCA compatible and They sure as he%% should of known that when updating my account a red flag should of popped out and said , hey this customer needs a new gateway as the current one will not work on the new tier, would it be that hard to have something like that in the account software they use? I think not.
  16. It sounds like you changed your modem already? I only ask as a while back my modem lost its upload ability down to like 50Kbps and it killed my download and according to Comcast everything on my end looked great, I finally after hours of arguing with them demanded a new modem and bang it fixed my problem. I am now having problems as I am supposed to be getting the 105Mbps download supplied with the X1 Tier I am paying for and they tech came out wed ( I was sick so had no energy or brain power to test anything let alone answer door and sign the no damage to property slip) but I have yet to get above 50 Mbps consistently. I was also informed that most of the local techs are not Comcast but a Subcontracted company. I hope you can get some help as I am not sure I can help you much at the moment though if I think of anything I will be sure to add my 2 cents worth
  17. ya I thought it was really strange too. not to mention the local Comcast associate at the store LIED to me and said I was not supposed to be getting the 105Mbps as stated online yet when I was chatting with the online chat person they informed me I am to get the 105Mbps but the upgraded info has not been entered into the main system yet and I guess whatever filter the Tech is supposed to install in the cable line is needed before I can get the 105Mbps speed. To me that makes no sense speed should be dependent on the gateways software specified speed caps not on a filter. Anyway so hopefully on wed I will have all the features working that I am supposed to be getting with the X1 Platform. I will be sure to update this thread if he cancels again etc. I did get a $20 discount since the tech did not keep his appointment but heck that is peanuts compared to waiting an extra 5 days and what I have been paying them monthly for the last 16 months
  18. Go get this, I have had this Premier XF triple play bundle since 4-2013 ( it is the second to highest bundle and dang expensive) Well we all have heard Xfinity implemented this X1 Platform what most do not realize is that the pricing is the same for the X1 Platform and the Tier XF bundle you have without the X1 features and get this the internet speed for the X1 Platform internet is 105Mbps compared to the 50 Mbps of the Pre X1 Platform. So to make a short story long I have been paying the same $$ as those with the X1 Platform, but have not had the all room DVR ability to record 4 channels and watch 1 at same time, watch Dvr in any room or on mobile devices nro have I had the 105 Mbps internet speed. What kills me is Xfinity made no attempts to let me know I was eligible for all this good stuff at no extra cost to me for at least 8 months now, but were quite happy to accept my payments as if I had these features and been using them. Then to make matters worse When I figure this out and request the X1 devices and features and ask about the 105 Mbps internet speed the associate at the local store Lies to me and says no the speed is 50 Mbps not 105 even though I said I swear I seen it online my tier was 105 Mbps. I finally find the info I seen contact Xfinity chat and get told yes I am supposed to be getting the 105 Mbps speed I am quite upset at getting lied to on top of not being informed of these features I have been paying for and not receiving. Even the name and info of my plan on my bill an online is exactly the same prior to getting the X1 platform and prior to getting the new hardware and speed. I am just shocked to find I paid for services and features and no one told me I needed to get new hardware to access it. I had a appointment for today between 11 and 1 to have a tech install a filter of some sorts to optimize my X1 platform and speed but found the tech cancelled and rescheduled it for tonight between 6- 730 pm only to find out again later that they canceled and rescheduled it for get this wed the 15th So I wont have the 105 Mbps speed increase until then and I ensure you I will be testing the hell out of it to make sure I am getting all the speed I am paying for.
  19. Now that is strange either Comcast is capping uploads to deter from people leaving File sharing programs running at night allowing large uploads or somebody on your Node is running some. And to be every night is kinda suspect for sure
  20. spudler_t

    pls. pldt

    Looks like you are actually getting 77% of your advertised speed, 1299 is 1.3mbps not 3mbps. where do you get your DSL and from what ISP??
  21. Whatever that was called was awesome i loved It but I have not seen it for some time did it have issues as it was a beta last I remember. Will it becoming back anytime soon?
  22. I found your info you replied to OP really good so much so I tweeted it for others to see. I also found something interesting I get great speedtest results using the single server tests where it seems when I multi thread I am much slower. Could that be due to me checking every single multithread server box? Also quite happy to say that Norton has mellowed out and has stopped spazzing blocked site pages like every time I ran a test so I am much happier now.
  23. Seriously No one using Comcast AKA Xfinity has anything to say about new tier speeds, the new Xfinity Wifi using the modem you pay rent on to deliver free service for other Xfinity customers yet we still have to pay the rental fees. Come on someone has something new to add it's been 2 years for petes sake.
  24. That's cool, I guess they are advertising the 1Gbps speed in your areas also?? Its amazing I was just figuring and that is 20X faster then what I have. I cannot even imagine that. Not to mention I just realized that 1Gbps would be much faster then any WIFI setup I have heard of. I have heard something like Dual Band 300Mbps but no 1000Mbps. I do have a Gbps NIC so I may have to run wired to get anything above 130Mbps I think is my WIFI or maybe that is the limit of the Comcast Router not sure.
  25. has anyone heard anything new about the Google Fiber Internet project where they are supposedly installing 1Gbps Internet speed and TV for like $120 a Month? I also heard you can get the 1Gbps Internet separately for something like $70. If this is true it just plain destroys Comcast's claims at having the fastest internet. I remember awhile back Comcast was charging $70 or more for the 50Mbps connection which is now called blast I believe and I think the 105Mbps Extreme was the fastest they advertised. I know the 50Mbps connection is rarely running at 50Mbps more like 40Mbps. If the Google Fiber is true that would be almost 10X faster then Comcast's Fastest speed and as a basic connection for TV subscribers and such a low Price independently seems Comcast finally has some competition and no longer has the Monopoly over Internet and TV locally.
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