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Everything posted by Indestructable

  1. HAHAHA....ha...ha.....ha.......ha...sorry, had to get those out, too funny, omfg, that parent is such a dumbass, and the funniest part about it is that down here in the corner of my screen i'm downloading Knoppix 4.0.2 as i read this bs article...man, there are some st00pid parents out there... oh no, can't upgrade that old Intel Extreme Integrated Gfx...that might lead to the kid actually getting something done!!! :shock: and more MEMORY????!! OH NO!!!
  2. duders, i was usin the vista beta 5231 on a 875 mhz pc for about a week (hdd died, lol) and in that time, I have to admit, it was slow (the mouse lagged horribly), but it ram and about the graphix options, there are the normal amount of "adjust for best performance" settings, in which helped a bit
  3. Man, Vista's gonna be on every bt site available in no time...i mean, It ALREADY IS!!
  4. shoot man, this is worse than the freakin wire taps! i mean, geez, do i want the stupid government to know about my terrorist status? hell no!
  5. i have kaspersky personal pro...umm...but i'm using bitdefender 9, should i be using kaspersky? and is it only a firewall or not? because if not, what should i get also? i have personal security suite 5, also.
  6. :haha: That's a good one, who would really ever buy that many speakers?
  7. yep, all the older pc's i've had had one, and one old HP vectra i had actually used it as sound...though it really didn't sound that bad
  8. there's something tht comes with nero called "Nero Burn Rights", and that made me think of it...i think it's a defauly process. try looking through that startup tab of msconfig (start>run type msconfig)
  9. lol, and then if you...umm...like nero, you could always *cough* actually buy a serial *cough*, or just get one off of www.i'mnottelling.com...lol haha, had the mods scared there for a second
  10. but it came fromt the factory like that...and I'm not even overclocking it!!!
  11. Yea, but atm i have no money for a different fan, heatsink, etc...lol
  12. haha, i just got one about a week ago, and when it doesn't restart randomly, it works pretty good
  13. 'tis a pentium d, eh? i just got one of those, they run at tremendously high temperatures!
  14. i have heard of it, never ventured into it though...lol
  15. whoa!!! that baby's strong!!
  16. thanks fallow, that may be it
  17. this is pretty fucking funny: http://livedigital.com/AP4XBQCxXQ/content/1998/u15
  18. guys, guys, it's my mom's email...she's not gonna switch. I use gmail, trust me, I'm not that stupid, anyway, no, the messages are completely blank, nothing at all in them
  19. dude, that's soo f*cked up!
  20. Someone please tell me what outlook express is doing, here's a ss, notice the completely blank messages, and it showing as having two unread ones...what the hell is it doing now? please, someone has got to know.
  21. shinyfeet.com
  22. LMAO!! too funny!! my cat responds to this little tent thing with a mouse (fake) hanging on a string from the top we got him for christmas, little dude goes crazy!
  23. omfg...cat 5, f'ing stoopid! anyway...water, just stop feeding the cat all together..simple
  24. You do have a point...grrr...
  25. HP Pavilion 8575C, still have it, and it's a great computer... Pentium 3 - hell if I know GHz 128 MB Ram 19 GB hd NVIDIA Vanta gfx lol...great pc, I'm gonna put XP on it soon, it's still got 98 on it, and it's never been formatted and reinstalled!!!
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