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Everything posted by just-

  1. hi there and welcome to the forum 6Mb from australia it kind of good what is you isp advertised speed?
  2. yeah that is crazy imagine that running folding it would rock
  3. This topic has been moved to Off Topic Discussion. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=14058.0[/iurl]
  4. since when did they break the 500G barrier in one HD and didnt tell me i didnt see any news about it is there many companies doing 750G or only segate ?
  5. so is this recorded in tape or digital if digital how many Tera of data are we talking about and where is the Data center also heeheh
  6. yeah it doesnt change a thing to mine doesnt hurt or add anything boring tweaking mine
  7. what is ur advertised speed u tried with a small 5MB file if u have a 9MB connection try with a bigger file size
  8. even if all the pcs were turned off u would only see a tiny bit of that T-3 that make it in such a way that one user can't hog the all bandwidth its a shame
  9. hi Hid have u had a look just an an enclosure and buying the Harddisk seperate? how much kowledge about pcs fo you have?
  10. swimmer does this means your exams are over now? i thought u were suposed to be working hard for university hehehe
  11. Very very nice every APLAUD please !!!! awsome work Swimmer
  12. http://www.wholinks2me.com/links/www.testmy.net just so you guys can have an idea of who links to testmy.net an intresting website
  13. Team Ranking (incl. aggregate) 392 of 43958 we doing good
  14. ur upload is all of my download i keep on saying this guys u are so luckyyyyy
  15. let us knwo if u are still alive after eating all that
  16. i use dual monitor at work laptop + a normal monitor at home i dont have enough space nor money
  17. as far as i have heard FIOS is unlimited download correct 30MB down and 2mb up boy would i use that connetion maybe i wouldnt do all legal stuff but well i would use it a lot lucky u
  18. Seriously this is funny as hell i had not see some of them some i had also but well worth it POWNAGE !!!
  19. This topic has been moved to HELP!. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=13828.0[/iurl]
  20. just-

    Winamp Problem

    hi x_6985381 will move this to the help forum see if some one pick it up in there and help u out
  21. would be a bit like www.digg.com ratting each thread i think that is what u mean
  22. Live in the UK at the moment Born in Portugal Im Portuguese
  23. you could use Itunes if you got a powerfull enought PC
  24. if you want to access the servers from home without a VPN the only way is to give them a public ip address that anyone outside ur school can access this defeats some of the purposes of the proxy server and it also makes the information/server vunerable to any internet attack
  25. get your paintshop pro license guys or dreamweaver whatever you use i dont recomend paint i can't wait for this contest to happen some of you guys out there have some AWSOME skill
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