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Everything posted by just-

  1. Check it out http://www.testmy.net/articles/article-192 I have a 17" laptop and i love it, it has full keyboard on a laptop and the image is just awesome i was thinking of buying an external 19" monitor but maybe i might as well just sell this one buy a updated laptop with a bigger screen can't believe they going to make a 19" laptop don't you think this is awesome?
  2. boston keep us updated with ur problem we might be able to help you out or give some suggestions at least
  3. i am trying out headsets my day to day one is the wireless one from logitech but after talking for 6hours the batteries die so i need a wiered one, now i bouth the sennheisser because they are top quality in sound but after using them for more then 2h it hurrts my ear lobs, not really happy with them, so i got the logitech usb from a friend of mine and they are better in the ears but still not ultra comfortable does any one know any headset that are extremely comfortable in ur ears and the sound is good accept all suggestions
  4. i win netmasta 8MB package FallowEarth boston617 could you have a look at http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=2097.0 this would be if u are intrested in getting all the KB you pay for and if u want to tweak
  5. on the topic i can't help u directly i am not sure which ISP to recomend to you but i can tell you Level3 has struck a new deal with cogent read more at: http://www.testmy.net/articles/article-191
  6. just-

    task Manager

    you can't right click on the taks bar and go to taskmanager or the obivous CTRL + DELETE scan for spyware or virus would be a start a restart might help also
  7. OK Finlay decided to take some pics of mine as you can see in the 1st picture on the right hand side i have my BOSE woofer it ROCKS !!! big time on the left hand side my external USB2 Hardisk. ho and BTW yes i have 3 headsets on top of my desk one usb (logitech further left) - normal headphone plugs is a Sennheisser PC - 130 (middle) the Little box on top of my laptop is a wireless logitech bluetooth headset for the PC yeah i use a lot of VOIP
  8. Yeah like some one once said "bandwidth is like money its never enough !!!!!!" edit: spelling
  9. You should check out http://www.testmy.net/articles/article-191 they have made a new agreement i give it 1 month or less and it should all be back to normal it will start improving slowly
  10. with a few tweaking i think u can get 1.5 have u tried cablenut ?
  11. netmasta my guess 8MB package are we putting bets?
  12. Have you guys seen this http://www.testmy.net/articles/article-190 yeah 1 Tera per second, OMG i mean this is only in a LAB but even so 1 Tera of information is a lot there is not many people who have 1 Tera of HD space now imagine a transfer of 1 Tera / sec unbelievable
  13. LOL .s1 we all know its not a picture
  14. Pit is a nice guy no argue about that if he becomes a mod or not is not my decision but not every one with over 1000 posts is or will become a mod pit keep up the good job thanks for ur contribution thats all i can say
  15. that is very near your cap nice score
  16. it looks kind of TALL for me 3 or 4 stories i would say
  17. Hi Togo what verizon package have u got?
  18. i use all the top 3 torrentspy thepiratebay and i dont know why no one suggested but i think its an OK site http://www.mininova.org/
  19. ok guys i think this is laser http://www.lightpointe.com/products/default.cfm check it out How far is your tower from the ISP tower?
  20. WOW thats the shit ghostmaster mess with the best die like the rest u nailed the guy hehehe
  21. LOL of install a microwave link and then put ur self infront of it, or whatever you want to burn still laser would be more cool i admit
  22. Laser is really not recomended at all for residential use. i would say the next thing forward would be microwave link, but i dont think that is needed. would you be able to stay with the same antena and upgrade to the 3Mb/ 1MB ?
  23. that is kind of crazy nice antena did you have to put it up ur self or the ISP and what is ur advertised speed ? ur upload is quiet good
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