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Everything posted by knightshade43
I firmly believe the best form of protection against hackers is knowledge if one knows the basics of hacking then you are better suited to protect your self from it.Sorfware firewalls are enough for the average Joe but a good hacker that wants in will slide right through just like threading a needle. Hardware firewalls like the
- :haha:
LMAO sound like the punk bit@h slaped him self
or you could use a program like SnagIt [http://www.techsmith.com//url]
No I dought it would make any differnce unless your internet connection is faster than the through put of the router
I have never used a modem router like yours but most routers are basicly alike what is your signal quilty and strength? also are you using wep? although wep wouldnt account for that much loss in speed there should be a Basic Rate setting and a TX Rate setting in the router check those if you havent already it really sounds like a signal problem though and a access point would fix that here are a couple of suppliers I use www.streakwave.com www.otcwireless.com Good Luck
I wish I could get gmail but from what I can see it is beta and they dont need any more testers if I am wrong let me know where to sign up
ruffly the size of a football field Length: 245 feet Width: 145 feet
You bet check out this pic from Keyhole Pro2
That looks like some cool stuff, another good site for wireless equipment is www.streakwave.com
sorry thats a 5.8Ghz we havent put the 5.3 into service yet that will make the next jump to another tower Alvarion says
yes it is basic 2 way communication via a 2.4GHz raido (microwave)
I have been a little slow lately but I made a couple of adjustments to my radio (what I use to get internet to my house with out this I would have dialup) speed is back :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 1177 Kbps about 1.2 Mbps (tested with 579 kB) Download Speed is:: 144 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (main) Test Time:: Sat Apr 23 04:24:42 CDT 2005 Bottom Line:: 21X faster than 56K 1MB download in 7.11 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 48.8 % faster than the average for host (46.40) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-INDRV3SMT
Think I might have got to the .root of it
might want to ask someone from Humboldt County California LMFAO
Ya I did the editing the blower is from a old chevy cartoon car I had to take a few pics of the ranger to get the angle right so the blower fit but I am no pro thats for sure but Adobe Photoshop 7.0 sure does help out the car at the bottom right is where the blower came from
here is one for ya
Ford Ranger
you never did say if your system restore was on if it is just a thought
for gaming I think a good desk top is the way to go but as a system admin for a wireless ISP I would be screwed without a laptop but I would like to know what you think of your new gateway after about 6 months I have a older gateway well it use to be now it doesnt know what it is the only thing factory in the box is the motherboard I had nothing but trouble with it like I said it is a older one but I got it new it came with 98se so that gives you a idea how old it is but not 2 weeks after I got it I was playing a old dos game and tring to exit back to windows URRR lets just say it stayed in dos I called tech support they gave me the comand line to get it to return to windows and that happened more than once.At one point after the warrenty ran out I stopped at the gateway store to by memory to do a upgrade they treated me like I didnt know what I was doing and wouldnt sell a stick of memory so across the road to comp usa bought my memory. The other thing was when I ordered it they talked me into a upgrade from a 300 mhz pentium to a 366 celeron (like I said older lol) my old 100 mhz P1 was as fast as the 366 celeron.Never buy CELERON was the leason learned there but now with a 500 Pentium a bios that has been reburned and a few other upgrades it makes a great in house ftp server but that was a long time ago I bought it so I would hope the new ones are better. I built my last from scratch about a year and a half ago. It is only a AMD Athlon 2400+ over clocked to a 2800+ it runs 24/7 and no problems I hope your new gateway treats ya good