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The Reverend

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Everything posted by The Reverend

  1. Now, how did I know that I would find your lovely face in my Inbox this morning? Hmm? LOL.. Yes, after HEAVY testing of many frequencies and satellites last night (mine modem went off and on a total of 4 times over a period of three hours, it appears that everyone is running at their usual speeds again (and with any luck we should be able to hold our ground during the "crunch hours"). So far, at 11:24AM, my speed is holding steady at about 1000Kbps (yesterday I was crawling with about 50kbps and ready to kill small animals! You are blowing me away with your speeds so you must be blessed, or perhaps since the air is colder you are getting a better throughput. (Air temp does make a diff believe it or not)! I posted my speed in this forum as of 3:00AM ...then just after that I tried again and it was a bit faster. Over the next three weeks things will be shakey though, until they get the kinks worked out of the new Server that just went online at NOC in Maryland (that doesn't like to talk to the one at the NOC in India). heheh... Language barrier perhaps? I pray your speeds stay steady throughout the day because if they do chances are your headaches have left you! (Until they mess up again). Ha! Yah, I'll be around, and may God Bless You and Yours Miss YooperLady! "The Reverend" *TY for keeping me posted!
  2. I get several e-mails per day from nice folks wishing to know which satellites are providing what transponders (frequencies).
  3. Looks to me like Starband is slowing gaining speed on Direcway. That Starband speed is actually faster than alot of folks are getting with Pro Accounts using DW6000 modems ...so I would be very pleased with your little DW4000! I can't hit speeds like that and doubt I ever will. I am capped at 1.5Mbps, yet I'll never see it. Cheers The Reverend
  4. The Reverend


    Dang ....a download of 4gigs is still considered astronomical even on the high-end of broadband. I don't think we'll be seeing speeds like that anytime in the near future from DirecWay until somebody figures out a way to overcome latency. That's the only thing that is messing up SAT Broadband or rather, preventing it from becoming far faster than we would like it to be! And ...I can't imagine FAP being loosened up that much either. It would multiply their costs by over 100x's! But, if ya got the bucks, there are satellite companies out there that can get you some killer speeds ...for about $40,000USD and up. Rich Man's toys! Even Ground Control offers speeds that exceed anything DirecWay has ....yet they are using the DirecWay "platform" for ALL of their Consumer Offers. (They also have superior equipment I've been told ...like all T1's, etc). Cheers! "The Rev"
  5. Thanks Boss! Nice feature and we appreciate it - - so will the Installers! I called DWay to let them know of the new feature. Let's see how long it takes to get to their Installers! The Reverend
  6. Hi Cholla! Thanks for the "kudos' with regard to speed ....just before logging in for the day I check mine again and it is still up at 1011 ....so I have no complaints as long as it stays there for the entire day. Been getting some deadly slow speeds around 2PM each day for over a week now. I am so far from ANY line that I am afraid I will be a DirecWay Lifer ....so since I can't beatem, I joined them! HA! lol.... The way I capture an image is by using a little programme called SnagIt version 7. After it 'snags' the picture it turns it into a .bmp which I then export (or import into) Photoshop 7. Then I touch it up, clean up the edges and generally enhance or even resize the pic ...then export it as a .gif, or jpg, or bmp, or png file and apply as much compression to it as I wish ....in this face it was compressed to half ot it's original (which is the neat thing about jpg and jpeg) ...and voila. One very clean screen capture! There is a FREE programme that does exactly the same thing as SnagIt does, I trialed it and was very impressed. Give me a few to locate that sucker and I'll see if I can shrink it enough to post on here. If not, I will ask that you e-mail me then I'll send it to you as an attachment. (Assuming I can find my way back to whereever it was that I stumbled across it. With SnagIt or the Freeware version of whatever it was, after you do your capture the pic comes up in a box giving you some decent tools for editing the photo with, yet nothing terribly fancy ...just the bare bones you need for a "clean" pic is all. Keep an eye on the General Topics section as I may post it there too along with a short description. I'll need to plug in a USB external HDD in order to find it since my "twins" are running at 80% ...heheh.....I am trying to catalogue the world here! Cheers! The Reverend *I'll post some step by step "tricks" for working with images to get them OFF your monitor and onto a Post, or how to 'snag' a pic that is "protected" off a website and into your HDD. lol... (I think that it's silly to put something in the HTML to prevent the downloading of photos when there are over 20 programmes that can "lift" it with three mouse clicks)! heheh... Silly people and their "rights" these days. How can anyone own a picture of a sunset (for example)? lol.... Even more, how can anyone own a picture of another person just because they took the picture? That isn't even logical is it? Or, at least to me it isn't ....so anything I release (which is alot of pics) are all public domain. Wellt then, I need to shut my face and get finding that file for ya! Thanks for your post Cholla! (you have me thinking about chilli left and right lately .....thanks alot)!
  7. Ut oh ....working on mine just fine. You running an Intel or AMD? 32 or 64 if the latter? It should be working just fine unless the dang file is half-broken ...I'll try a reload of it just in case. Sorry about that! The Reverend
  8. US Military was getting far too much dependent upon machines and didn't have beans left for manpower when it came down to "raw" training. It was getting kinda scarey seeing the new blood coming in TOTALLY unprepared for anything ..and so the mortality rate went through the roof, like with Iraq. 90% of those deaths are needless! Regular serviceman or special warefare ...there is no excuse for the high rate of loss, but nothing is being done nor will ever be done about it as long as there are enough to keep sending over to be warm, moving targets. You'd think they'd wake up and 'dig in' ...but it ain't happening. You have officers with zero years leading E3's that have never fired ONE round at a person. THAT is scarey.... The Reverend
  9. ....well it's about time Troll Guy! LOL "The Rev"
  10. If you are over 45, you most likely have "heard it all." There is NOTHING new under the sun correct? Same ole things come around about every 50 years or so, with more discoveries being forgotton than made! But check out the ROUND ROCKS/Stone/Spheres found all through Latin America. I am also an archaeologist, and have catalogued over 230 of these bizarre stones myself. In fact, on my finca, there are two sets (of four each) of these perfectly round stones set in opposite formation to each other and pointed East ....suggesting a line to nowhere when considering all of the other stones. Each of mine are about 6 tons each and "off limits" of course! Cheers! The Reverend
  11. LOL ..you are too funny there VB!
  12. Oh yes ....I have established FOR SURE that the problems are all on THEIR end.
  13. I took this picture at 3:00AM UTC to show my speeds under a heavy downpour, SS of 91 (my best is 97) ...and with 'zero" traffic on G4R @1202MHz.
  14. Final Entry:
  15. ANYTIME you are using the DW6000 with a router, you will get far better performance by making your Router the DHCP Server!
  16. I'm certainly going to look foolish on this one! lol.. My speeds average around 1150Fbps down and 256k (enhanced) up. This is a Commercial Account with DirecWay (their fastest possible "plan.") The cost was $1,300.00 up front for the DW6000AU modem, a .98m dish and installation. The monthly fee is $134.00 (tax included) and the term of my contract is 2-years. I live in Costa Rica and this is as good as it gets ...believe me! I am the moderator for the DirecWay subForum of this site ....I only recall see ONE of you folks. Hi there! Cheers! The Reverend
  17. Ever wanna go nuts? Try your hand at Japanese Morse. O M G !!!!
  18. Yah .....me 2!
  19. The Miracle of Toilet Paper The Miracle of Toilet Paper Fresh from her shower, she stood in front of the mirror complaining to her husband that her breasts are too small. Instead of characteristically telling her it's not so, he uncharacteristically came up with a suggestion. "If you want them to grow, then every day take a piece of toilet paper and rub it between them for a few seconds." Willing to try anything, she got a piece of toilet paper and started rubbing. "How long will this take?" she asked. "They will grow larger over a period of years," her husband replied. She stopped. " Do you really think rubbing a piece of toilet paper between them every day will make them grow larger over the years?" Without missing a beat he said, "Worked for your butt, didn't it?" He's still alive, and with a great deal of therapy he may even walk again. Stupid, stupid man.
  20. A blonde and a lawyer sit next to each other on a plane. The lawyer asks her to play a game. If he asked her a question that she didn't know the answer to, she would have to pay him five dollars; And every time the blonde asked the lawyer a question that he didn't know the answer to, the lawyer had to pay the blonde 50 dollars. So the lawyer asked the blonde his first question, "What is the distance between the Earth and the nearest star?" Without a word the blonde pays the lawyer five dollars. The blonde then asks him, "What goes up a hill with four legs and down a hill with three?" The lawyer thinks about it, but finally gives up and pays the blonde 50 dollars. Then the lawyer asked her what the answer was and without a word the blonde gave the lawyer five dollars.
  21. An old cowboy went to a bar and ordered a drink. As he sat sipping his whiskey, a young lady sat down next to him. She turned to the cowboy and asked, "Are you a real cowboy?" He replied, "Well, I've spent my whole life on the ranch, herding horses, mending fences, and branding cattle, so I guess I am." She said, "I'm a lesbian. I spend my whole day thinking about women. As soon as I get up in the morning, I think about women. When I shower, I think about women. As I watch TV, or even eat, I think about women. Everything seems to make me think about women." The two sat sipping in silence. A short time later, a man sat down on the other side of the old cowboy and asked, "Are you a real cowboy?" He replied, "I always thought I was, but I just found out I'm a lesbian."
  22. This little program is plain fun to dabble with during your mindless moments. It is also a confusing thing to leave on your screen (at work) when you are away from your desk. Your desktop turns completely to water and the mouse cursor splashes and makes all kinds of bubbles. Very pleasing effects to the eye! Sorry, no audio yet... Cute one! To end the programme, just press your ESC key! Enjoy! The Reverend
  23. Hey! I remember that particular show! That was a cool machine!
  24. Dang ..still beats what DirecWay pulled on me. $1,300.00 USD for the dish and DW6000AU modem +installer, then $129.99 per month. Do the math and that's pretty expensive for the silly ole Internet ....but being an addicted household we are prisoners. ANd that is with an iron-clad two-year contract ....but what can they do to me here in Costa Rica? lol.... take away my birthday if I decide to dump them? lol... The Reverend
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