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The Reverend

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Everything posted by The Reverend

  1. That's exactly right Troll Guy (RTB), It is actually a glitch that has been exploited. There's another caused Crazy Mouse that uses the very same code, but with a different outcome. As soon as things slack off here I'll dig it up and post it. Makes me dizzy but the kiddos like to play with it or just leave it running to drive me nuts sometimes. lol.... Cheers! The Reverend
  2. Yuk ..that sounds like mom's home cooking! lol....
  3. In that case we all kindly thank you for spreading the word, because we depend upon "word-of-mouth" advertising exclusively!
  4. Well Cobra, things usually have a habit of working out for the better. I pray this comes to pass on these issues as well. Last I heard from my friends in that area who went in the relief effort, things are not as bad as the media is trying to make things out to be ....I HATE THE MEDIA ...they cause needless troubles and confusions. Cheers! 'The Reverend"
  5. http://www.datastormusers.com/reset6000.cfm I have tried the procedures/utils on this website 10 times over the past four days, and it has worked like a charm each time ...even under "heavy traffic" conditions at NOC. It's all about how to go about resetting your own DW series modem in the event that it starts slowing down for no reason other that needing a reboot, which is different than "power-cycling" in case you are wondering. It beats having to call DirecWay to have them reset your DW right? lol... More power to the people! No reason to wait on Tech Support now that it can be done "at home." (Wish I'd thought of it)! You would want to use this trick as a last resort in getting your speeds back because it is impossible to know that if you reset that NOC is "going to answer" your modem during the reset. The chance of an error is very slim, but should it fail, just unplug it for five minutes, see if it works then, if not, do another reset and you should be back online. If not, then you are stuck on hold with Tech Support again. OMG!!! Cheers! "The Rev"
  6. Well okay ....I will admit that I DID like it, but for the average 'joe'?
  7. Thanks for letting me off the hook!
  8. Hmm.....I remember playing at the XIT Rodeo in Dalhart and I could have SWORN that the Chili Cookoff took place in the "metal building" (huge)! near the Rodeo grounds ...where I got my first taste of bull riding!
  9. resopalrabotnick Simply put, I have chosen such an out of the way place, that has two borders to The Rainforests (protected), that I have two diesel-fired generators that alternate supplying power to our finca (farm) of nearly 200 acres.
  10. You are most welcome Gregorama. (Thank you very much)! There does seem to be an odd sense of 'dissonance' in the air today. Very many emails are arriving with "low" emotional states so I question why everyone is rather 'down' ...or so it seems. I pray it gets better as the day wears on. Seems to have been a long week, but tomorrow ends another one! Huurah! The Reverend *No rest for the wicked though ..my weekends are triple as busy as any given weekday!
  11. The ancient Egyptians believed that cats were the guardians to the Underworld, and developed an entire "belief" upon it without foundations. Such as the "cat-headed" people in the cuneform writings of that period. !!!!!!!!!!!! Strange things! "The Rev"
  12. Well, if you have TOO much reflectivity in your dish (like "glossy" paint), you will burn out your "radio" (LNB anyway) in a matter of minutes.
  13. The new priest is nervous about hearing confessions, so he asks the older priest to sit in on his sessions. The new priest hears a couple of confessions, then the old priest asks him to step out of the confessional for a few suggestions. The old priest suggests, "Cross your arms over your chest, and rub your chin with one hand and try saying things like 'yes, I see,' and 'yes, go on,' and 'I understand.'" The new priest crosses his arms, rubs his chin with one hand and repeats all the suggested remarks to the old priest. The old priest says, "Now, don't you think that's a little better than slapping your knee and saying, "No shit...what happened next? O M G !!!!!
  14. AH! No problem lance49726 ......when I have about 20 'irons in the fire' (helping several ppl at once), I sometimes give worthless info to everyone because I get who wants what all turned around in my little brain ...but at least they cut me slack for it ....and a couple of those times it actually worked out for the better because they got a file they never heard of and fixed problems they didn't know they had)! LOL! Ai-yi-yi ....too bad our brains can't keep up with these monsters we've created! "The Rev" *But you had me wondering like crazy and rechecking all of my last 100 posts! lol....Did alot of editing so TY!!! Everything always works out for the better. And when it comes to this Forum, I ain't had this much fun since the pigs ate my kid sister!
  15. The Messenger Service is a #1 source of headaches, but in the Post I put up that describes the various System Services, (written by Black Viper), it makes no bones about the messenger service and so I believe that everyone will find that and render it useless if they haven't already.
  16. Say cholla, You wouldn't happen to be talking about the Dalhart Texas Chili Cookoff would you? I went there with my rattlesnake chili for 10 years in a row before it became impossible to get there! I love chili ...and some of the stuff there that the Cajuns were making was HOT! O M G!!! IT WAS HOT!! LOL The Reverend
  17. Hey there rlh24! TY for the info, and I am well-pleased you had a headache free transition. Hats off to your installer for that one! You are on the least used Transponder available, so you shouldn't see too much variation in your speeds throughout any day. I'm still amazed that you have been moved to H1 considering your location. (Horizon 1 was originally placed to service Hawaii, Alaska, and part of the west coast. But, after they commissioned the 'bird', they discovered it had an 'awesome' footprint ...so perhaps alot more people will find themselves being moved to H1 over the next few months)? Time will tell. Thanks again and Cheers! "The Rev"
  18. God must love crazy people. He made so many! LOL... (and we like to keep it interesting and diversified too)! Seems that most all Posts will eventually veer off in one direction or another, but instead of moving them into a new topic ...I find it more fun to leave them "as is" ...for unexpected surprises to the reader and to preserve the "human aspect" ...but of course! lol.... (I am the worst offender)!!! "The Rev"
  19. That is correct! TY Lance! Galaxy 3c (G3C) 95
  20. Hi Lance49726! How do you mean? I did not make any corrections/modifications to the post nor change the posted document? (Maybe I need another cup of coffee)? lol... "The Rev"
  21. Hello there chrisgable and welcome to Testmy.Net! That is a "new" problem that I have just started receiving questions about since around 5AM today.
  22. In response to the many questions I have received pertaining to Satellite Dishes, and "pointing them up" ....here is an in-depth PDF Manual that leaves no stone unturned about the principals behind satellite dishes, and just may provide the reader with the precise information they are seeking in order to realise maximum performance from their dishes. (There is no additional data such as I have posted before on how to align a satellite dish though, this manual is quite the opposite of that article, and was last updated in 1998. Granted, it gets a bit technical in a few areas, yet the majority of it is very well worded and much of the information can be applied to narrow down "impossible" problems! Therefore, if you are a dish owner the information contained herein is (or potentially could be) quite valuable throughout, and will assist you in ways that you may not (presently) be aware of. *No part of this manual remotely talks about DirecWay Satellite dishes, yet that is of no consequence as the mathematical principles behind dishes have not changed for well over a decade or more, and quite likely it will be another decade before any radical improvements are discovered. (Hey ....find a way to redesign a dish and you'll have the world knocking down your door to buy it)! **At this point in time, the greatest improvement that you can make to your dish is to apply several layers of Rain-X to the concaved area of your dish so that water will not have a fighting chance of sticking to it. Therewith, in a pouring down rain you will maintain a slightly higher signal due to a lesser amount of water causing reflection problems from the dish into your Feedhorn (collector). Please remember to make sure your dish is NOT transmitting if you are going to be standing in such close proximity to the Emitter! For DW4000 and 4020 users, just kill the power. For DW6000 users, you only need to make sure that nobody is using the Internet and you'll be perfectly safe (excluding the dish being atop an 80 foot tower such as mine is)! Enjoy, and feel free to post questions or e-mail me if you wish concerning the matter. Cheers! "The Reverend"
  24. Now now VB! lol... Can't you "handle" it? rofl....
  25. Hey everyone! I've received quite a few e-mails asking if I had a manual on the DW6000. Yes, I do, but there really isn't enough information in it for the majority of questions that have been set before me, yet at least it does give some 'bare bones" information so I am posting this for those that cannot access it. A bit later, I will have completed my own manual on some of the information related on what to do when you access the 'heart' of the modem for various types of testing ...like when you type in your browser then hit your Enter key. Please feel free to poke around in here but PLEASE don't make any changes as you could easily "destroy" the settings/configuration on your modem ...and then you'll end up waiting for NOC (Maryland) to reconfigure your modem. lol.... (God forbid)! Anyway, for what little it is worth, this is DWay's Official Manual. "The Reverend" *If you don't have Adobe Acrobat, which you'll need to open this type of file (a .pdf file), please visit www.adobe.com and download their latest Acrobat Reader! (Lots of other nice programmes there too)! Hint: Don't allow the setup software to install anything other than their "free reader."
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